
The Royal Couple

Now, this was a new concept to Lin Huiying who was not used to saluting and bowing all the damm time in front of people except her elders.

The feeling was kinda uncomfortable and awkward. But she knew she had to get used to this.

Soon everyone settled in their seats and looked at the royal couple who was giving a thank you speech for attending.

Lin Huiying looked at the faces of the members of the villain squad.

'Single advice - never judge a book by its cover!'

In looks, both were better than the common crowd, but as parents, they were a huge failure. One needs to see the reality of their children's first prince, Zhou Jianren, and the second prince – favored child – Zhou Qi.

Lin Huiying had a tiny frown when she looked at the Empress. She really wanted to give her three tight slaps for being such a huge-selfish-failure of a human she was. She could mentally imagine her doing that. And that helped to crease out her brows.

Coming to the Emperor, this power-hungry fool can just be kicked in the ass for looking at his children as pawns who would glorify him and succeed him.

Soon the dinner was served and people started to dig in.

Lin Huiying was not very good with chopsticks in her past life. From childhood, she had used spoons and forks. Only on special occasions, she used chopsticks. Not because she was too sophisticated or something. But because her mother was an amazing chef who fed them different cuisines from time to time. And the food required spoons, forks, or knives.

But after coming here, she could use chopsticks perfectly. Thanks to the previous owner of this body. She had learned all the things which the previous owner had. Initially, when she started using chopsticks, she couldn't stop looking at her hands while eating food from time to time.

So, she had an advantage over others in having knowledge from two different worlds.

The royal couple had noticed the beautiful her and had looked meaningfully.

This completely scared the shit out of Lin Huiying. She was suddenly reminded of the fact that the couple would engage her to Zhou Zuoren. She never wanted that to happen.

'I need to think about something. This can't be happening. No. No. No!' Lin Huiying's mind had turned chaotic. But it didn't much show on her face.

Regarding the control on the emotions and face, Lin Huiying was a pro compared to the previous owner. From childhood. She had grown up in the house of wolves, so had a deep understanding of social politics. And she knew how to play and win the stage.

Thankfully, her parents and brother had nourished her with love and attention so she didn't turn out to be a white lotus or a twisted person. But all four were a team and could hold the fort against her father's family.

The dinner went on with Empress praising her son Zhou Qi while Emperor agreeing and nodding. Even the royal children looked like they were not interested in the circus going on. Even the youngsters were bored to death.

Lin Hiuying wanted to stapler the Empress's mouth, 'You should stop blowing your own trumpet. With so many people present, only an idiot like you would keep blindly barking.'

Only if she could take out her phone, plug in earphones and listen to some music.

'Rock? Country? EDM? Alternative/Indie rock?' Lin Huiying started to think about the music – one of her most favorite things.

'How about Kill of the Night?' She couldn't help, the corners of her mouth raised a tiny bit thinking about the lyrics of the song. She started to sing the song internally.

'This is a bad town for such a pretty face. This is a bad town for such a pretty face.'

Finally, the time passed. The dinner ended with the formalities.

"What were you doing? At one point, you looked like you were enjoying the dinner so much." Lin Jiang asked her while they were all returning to their carriages.

"Well, who told you that I was paying attention to the theatrics? I was just singing a song in my mind." Lin Huiying casually answered.

"Theatrics, huh? Bold one little sister." Lian Dan next to her commented.

Lin Huiying: "Humph! Little, my foot. I am older than you if you have forgotten. And truth needs to be said. Can't I do that at least in front of my family?"

Lin Dan rolled his eyes: "OLDER? Oh! You mean how you were born a month ago?" he continued, "But, yes the truth is truth. I can't keep coming to the palace and hear Her Majesty singing her son's praises."

Lin Jiang: "Exactly! Why ruin our night?"