
A chase through Republic City (part 2)

Back at the old abandoned warehouse, Loui, was restless all day. The boy told him that he would be back soon, but he never did. He was pacing back and forth and looked at his watch with worry.

"Argh, where's that boy? He should've been back already. I hope he didn't put himself in trouble".

Not wanting to wait any longer, he went back inside to grab his coat, which had a few holes in it, and go into the city to search for Kai.

Before he left, suddenly his radio which was missing its outer layer sounded off.

{We interrupt this broadcast with an important news bulletin. A chase is taking place between 8 members of the metalbending police force of Republic City and a young man, wearing a sleeveless dark green shirt, and brown pants. Stay tuned for more information}.

The old man stood silently, while he was hearing the message on his radio. His face darkened, and a vein popped on his forehead.



Meanwhile, on the streets of Republic City, 8 figures could be seen running and jumping with great haste. 7 of these figures were from the metalbending Police force. The one in front, who had a mix of concern and excitement on his face, while trying to evade the countless metal cables that were aiming at him, was none other than Kai.

(Kai POV)

I know I should be concerned about this whole situation and I also said that I wanted to avoid it, but something inside me was just SCREAMING with joy. I got 7 members of the metalbending police force right behind me, trying to capture me! Call me crazy, but this was just THE best day of my life.

Alright. Now, back to the chase.

I was bopping and weaving the metal cables they constantly shot at me. I used my surroundings to confuse them and slow them down.

I parkoured over various obstacles and used a bit of Earthbending to create space between me and them. I even threw my boots at them, leaving one with two boot prints on his face. I felt a rush of adrenaline over my entire body during the whole chase.

"Aye, yo! Can't we talk this out for a bit?! Whoa!".

"Come on, I'll buy ya'll some Latté!".

Ignoring my ramblings, they continued to chase after me.

Four of them hoisted themselves up in the air and skated on the wires, trying to flank me, while three were still on the ground. I was surrounded. I was still a bit of a novice in my bending, but I still learned a thing or two by watching the Earthbenders in the shows, but that didn't mean I could fight them head-on. So, I had to outsmart them somehow.

"Come on, Kai. Think, think", I muttered.

The three on the ground shot their cables at me, but I waved my hands up and a wall of rock jumped up from the ground and blocked them. I then ran into an alley that was just a few meters in front of me.

The three officers jumped over the rock wall that was blocking their way and made their way into the alley.

"Hey! Where did he go?", asked one of them.

{Did you get him?}, sounded out a radio of one of the officers on the ground.

"Not yet. But hold on".

One went further in to investigate and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a trail of rubble leading to a nearby wall. He signaled the two behind him to follow him. The one in front got closer to the strange wall and then a few stones started to break loose from the wall, which suddenly revealed a pair of blue eyes.

The officer was startled by them and the wall was suddenly starting to collapse, which created a large dust cloud, and blinded them.

" *cough*, *cough*, What just happened?!", shouted one of the officers.

"I don't know, *cough*! Wait, what's that?!".

The two of them looked in the same direction to where the one pointed. All of a sudden, Kai emerged from the dust cloud and immediately palmed his hand into the ground, transforming the area into quicksand.

The three got caught in it, and we're starting to sink rapidly. They tried to use their cables to grab a hold of something, but they were too late. They sank further and further and stopped to their necks and only their heads popped out of the ground.

"That's three", I said softly.

I then went further into the alley. The four that were on the wires saw what was happening and immediately dropped to the ground to help them.

When the dust settled, they were stunned to find three heads popping out of the ground.

"What happened?!", asked the officer to one of the heads.

"He used the rubble to disguise himself into a wall and ambushed us. Can we get some help over here, please. My body is starting to go numb?".

"You two! Go after him. We'll stay here and help them and call for backup", ordered the lead officer.

The two men nodded and shot their cables up and pulled themselves in the air. They used their cables to swing across, to the other side of the alley, where they waited for me.

I stopped a few meters away from the exit and hid behind a dumpster. I saw how they were waiting, to try to get the drop on me. I was starting to get tired from running all day and I wanted to end the chase. Some might say why I just didn't turn myself in, but... where's the fun in that, huh?

I began to think of a way to separate them and an idea instantly popped into my head.



"Where is he? He didn't escape before we came here, right?", asked the officer.

"I don't know, but keep your eyes open".

After I finished thinking it through, I quickly ran out in the open. When they spotted me, they quickly shot their metal cables continuously at me, which I quickly and narrowly evaded. I had to separate them, so I tried to bait one of them into a little trap of mine.

I stood right in the middle of the street and yelled out loud, "Oi, You! Yes, you! Your mother's so ugly, she makes blind kids cry!".


"What did you say?!", shouted one of the officers, who was getting furious.

Then Kai continued, "I got another for you! Your mother is so stupid, she puts lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind!".

The officer was getting angrier to the point his face became red.

"Why you little...", the man growled through his teeth. He had enough of his insults and he recklessly charged straight at me, which I was expecting.

"No wait!", shouted the other to warn him, but failed. I then launched myself toward him, which caught him completely off guard.

He shot one of his cables at me, but I swiftly caught it and tied him up before he could even blink. I created some slab shackles after to detain him well.

"There ya go".

I then slowly turned to look at the last officer with a devilish grin and said softly, "And then there was one".

The officer saw me grinning mischievously at him and he felt somewhat uncomfortable. I then sprinted away, and the last officer followed behind me. He was skating on the wires to catch up with me, but then I felt a rumbling under my bare feet. A saw a train coming in the distance, and I was preparing to launch myself on top of the train. But I still had to get rid of the other one.

So, I went into my pocket and grabbed a smoke pellet that I swiped off of that guy from earlier. I was getting closer to the train tracks. I launched myself in the air and threw the smoke straight at him at the same time. He quickly reacted and struck the smoke pellet with his cable, making it burst. A cloud of smoke circled the man's head and began to lose control of the wires and fell into a small canal.

I landed successfully on the train, and I wanted to head back to Loui to lie low. It was enough sightseeing in Republic City for one day. I saw buildings coming into view and got ready to jump one of them.

"1…2…3!", I ran as fast as I could and jumped. I was home free!

But I spoke too soon.


Before I could make it to the roof of the building, I was suddenly surrounded by metal cables. They gripped me right on my arms and my legs, and I was lifted high into the sky.

A was headed toward a huge airship that was flying over my head. When I was inside the airship completely wrapped in metal cables, I was greeted by dozens of officers of the metalbending police force.

"Well, hello everyone. Beautiful day, ain't it?", I said, trying to ease the tension, but just got glares in return. Seeing no way out of this situation, I just lowered my head and surrendered.

Minutes went past, what felt like days in the airship.

"Hey, are we there yet?".

"Kid! If you say that one more time! I'm gonna seal your mouth shut, do you understand?!".

"Yeesh, Amigo, I was just asking", I chuckled

After a while, We finally made it to the police headquartered, located in the center of Republic City, where I overheard that a certain police Chief was waiting for my arrival. I was more nervous than happy about that and also curious.

"Why does she want to see me?", I said in my mind.

I felt the airship coming to a complete stop and a huge metal door slid open, where I saw another group of Police officers waiting on the rooftop of the headquarters. One of them had large cuffs ready in hand.

"Oh, boy, I screwed up big time. And Loui is totally gonna kill me for this", I thought.

"Alright, move!", pushed the officer behind me.

"Alright! Damn, man, I'm moving".

I got off the airship and stepped in front of the officer with the cuffs in hand, who placed them on my hands and feet harshly. I was then escorted, alongside a couple of metalbending police officers, into the building.

The interior of the headquarters was really large. Dozens of the Republic city police and clerks were seen going about their work. Some civilians were going in and out, and some were sitting on benches waiting for various services from the police.

We continued walking on the second floor of the building and went to the back where two officers were standing by a metal door. One of the officers next to me signaled them to open up the door. They brought me inside one of the interrogation rooms, which was constructed entirely out of metal.

They brought me inside, which looked like your standard interrogation room. There was a large metal table in the middle, with handcuffs on the surface and a giant rectangular-shaped mirror on the wall. They sat me down on a chair and the officer took out some key that was hanging on his waist and connected the cuffs to the table.

"Wait here", said one of the officers, and left me in the room.

When they went outside, they turned to another room right next to the interrogation room, where a stern-looking woman was looking through the other side of the mirror.

"Hello, Chief Beifong", greeted the officer.

"Is that who defeated 7 members of the metalbending police force?", asked the woman directly, while holding a file in her hand.

"Yes, Chief. That's him", answered the officer.

He looked at the Chief, who had her hand on her chin, clearly thinking about something.

"But he's so young. Are you sure that's him?"

"Yes, he is. A-are you thinking about recruiting him, Chief?", asked the officer curiously.

She gave him no answer and walked out and into the interrogation room, where Kai was waiting.