
Transmigrated As Yuu Otosaka In DXD: A Harem Tale

Dying by Meteors, Gabriel Seraphine a Britishman Daredevil with a few screws loose is given a second chance at life as Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte In DXD. So let's see what he does with a second chance In a world he knows about only through the Anime~! [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] Disclaimer: I own nothing here, except the stuff I made myself. Also, this is Harem, it says It is the Title, so, please for the love of the great Gods, no rubbish here. Second Disclaimer: Don't expect amazing Grammar... Because look where we are? So don't come Into this Fanfic, expecting God-Tier writing and plot. Hell, there are going to be plot holes. But don't worry, that's why I have you my Sla(*Cough!-Cough!*) Readers...Yes, Readers here, to help this lazy and too relaxed Author out. Yes, Grammar-Naizs I fucking looking at you! I need your kind here! SO JOIN ME!!! - - - - - - (???)"...Wow, a Britishman asking a Naiz for help, you don't see that happening often..." (Author):" Oi, shut the fuck up, don't make me come over there and stick my tea and biscuits so far up your ass, you start cumming them out of your throat, then make you drink It again!" [*Beep!* (???) Has left the Group Chat.] (Author):" Hmph! Mongrel, the lot of them." [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] -- Main-Bitch TAGS: WishFulfillment Fanfic | Highschool DXD | Harem | Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte | Power-Hungry MC | Warhammer 40k. Side-Bitch TAGS: Chaotic Neutral MC | Swords & Magic | CYOA Meta Essence. Updates: Whenever I feel like It... -- [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]

PlaneswalkerGodZen · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter - 3: First Plunder & Fuck Kuoh Academy!

/̴͙̲̏̊̓*̸̱͎̩̖͂"̸̝̈́̈́ ̸̡͈̱͋̆̀̒͜͝P̵̨̩͆̑l̴̨̫͍͍̀͝u̶̾ͅn̵̡̥̯̱̟̐͠d̷̊̃̀͜ę̸̳̩̆̏̂͒͝r̸͚̩͋̑̍͂̀.̸̘̗̩̈́͜͝.̶̳̥̲͙̍̀̏̌͝.̴̞̼̪͚̓́̕ ̵͍́͝͠D̸̟̟̯̂ë̶̙̃̚̚͠v̷̱̪̘̊ơ̴̡̭̺̯̬ụ̶͌r̸̛̲̫͍̽.̶̟̔́̑͋̅.̶̫̮͎̤͗̿̐.̶̜͛̈͠Ṕ̴̔̓̿̑͜ļ̵̛̇̈́̓͠u̷̻̐̚ṋ̶̯̤̞͋̇͌͛d̸̢̉́ͅe̸̠͂̅̈́́r̶̼͙̹̽͛̽̇̅.̴̺͚͑̏.̵̗̓̇̾̀͠.̵͕̮̝̗́͋͗͘D̷̊̓̑͗͜e̴̺͐͒̓̈́̎v̷͉̌ö̷̮͕̩́͂̐ǔ̴̙̽r̵̙͆̔̋̇͝.̴̬͖͋̐̊̉̚.̷̺̖͈̓.̸͍̩̥̞̹̈́.̷̢̩͗̈͊"̵̭̻̌̔̕*̸̼̇͛̈̽/̶̲̥̲̃̚

Waking me up was unhurried whispering. The voice had no sense of emotions or self. It possesses nothing. No gender, no emotions, and no senses. It is the true essences of Nothingness.

' Who?' I asked out In my mind.

/̴͙̲̏̊̓*̸̱͎̩̖͂"̸̝̈́̈́ ̸̡͈̱͋̆̀̒͜͝P̵̨̩͆̑l̴̨̫͍͍̀͝u̶̾ͅn̵̡̥̯̱̟̐͠d̷̊̃̀͜ę̸̳̩̆̏̂͒͝r̸͚̩͋̑̍͂̀.̸̘̗̩̈́͜͝.̶̳̥̲͙̍̀̏̌͝.̴̞̼̪͚̓́̕ ̵͍́͝͠D̸̟̟̯̂ë̶̙̃̚̚͠v̷̱̪̘̊ơ̴̡̭̺̯̬ụ̶͌r̸̛̲̫͍̽.̶̟̔́̑͋̅.̶̫̮͎̤͗̿̐.̶̜͛̈͠Ṕ̴̔̓̿̑͜ļ̵̛̇̈́̓͠u̷̻̐̚ṋ̶̯̤̞͋̇͌͛d̸̢̉́ͅe̸̠͂̅̈́́r̶̼͙̹̽͛̽̇̅.̴̺͚͑̏.̵̗̓̇̾̀͠.̵͕̮̝̗́͋͗͘D̷̊̓̑͗͜e̴̺͐͒̓̈́̎v̷͉̌ö̷̮͕̩́͂̐ǔ̴̙̽r̵̙͆̔̋̇͝.̴̬͖͋̐̊̉̚.̷̺̖͈̓.̸͍̩̥̞̹̈́.̷̢̩͗̈͊"̵̭̻̌̔̕*̸̼̇͛̈̽/̶̲̥̲̃̚

" Who?" This time, out loud.

/̴͙̲̏̊̓*̸̱͎̩̖͂"̸̝̈́̈́ ̸̡͈̱͋̆̀̒͜͝P̵̨̩͆̑l̴̨̫͍͍̀͝u̶̾ͅn̵̡̥̯̱̟̐͠d̷̊̃̀͜ę̸̳̩̆̏̂͒͝r̸͚̩͋̑̍͂̀.̸̘̗̩̈́͜͝.̶̳̥̲͙̍̀̏̌͝.̴̞̼̪͚̓́̕ ̵͍́͝͠D̸̟̟̯̂ë̶̙̃̚̚͠v̷̱̪̘̊ơ̴̡̭̺̯̬ụ̶͌r̸̛̲̫͍̽.̶̟̔́̑͋̅.̶̫̮͎̤͗̿̐.̶̜͛̈͠Ṕ̴̔̓̿̑͜ļ̵̛̇̈́̓͠u̷̻̐̚ṋ̶̯̤̞͋̇͌͛d̸̢̉́ͅe̸̠͂̅̈́́r̶̼͙̹̽͛̽̇̅.̴̺͚͑̏.̵̗̓̇̾̀͠.̵͕̮̝̗́͋͗͘D̷̊̓̑͗͜e̴̺͐͒̓̈́̎v̷͉̌ö̷̮͕̩́͂̐ǔ̴̙̽r̵̙͆̔̋̇͝.̴̬͖͋̐̊̉̚.̷̺̖͈̓.̸͍̩̥̞̹̈́.̷̢̩͗̈͊"̵̭̻̌̔̕*̸̼̇͛̈̽/̶̲̥̲̃̚

Still not getting an answer, I sighed. Why? Because I can make out what the voice wants.

It's hungry. And a prime meal Is In my house sleeping on my couch, right now.

' Sorry, not sorry, Ise. Be angry at the world for letting Me In.' I don't care. Power is Power. If I have to pull an Itachi, I will. And when you accepted and embrace what you are, then: You Are Your True Self. And when we achieve that, there's no turning back.

Strolling downstairs, I looked at the mirror. And greeting me is my lime green irises and pupils that became light teal.

Sitting on the love-seat by the couch, I looked at Issei and declared. One word that would soon drain and drown the World dry of everything It can offer me.

' P̶l̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶.'

As this simple word was muttered, I blinked my eyes and woke up In Issei's body. Feeling something Inside leave him, I blinked again and woke back up In my body.

Luckily, he managed to stay asleep.


Appearing on my right arm is a red gauntlet with a green jewel and 2 golden spikes that manifests. Yet, unfinished, the gauntlet moved up all around my arm In dark red armor, that screams "Dragon!", with golden spikes and claw-like hands and fingers. In total, the gauntlet amasses ten golden spikes, covering my whole right arm.

[" Hm? So my Host finally awakened me! Let me introduce myself! My name is: Ddraig! The Welsh Dragon! One of the Heavenly Dragons! Holder of the Title: The Red Dragon Emperor!"]

Coming from the gauntlet Into my head is a beautiful yet prideful female voice.

' Nice to meet you Ddraig.' I said, my voice calm and respectful. What? It's a fucking Dragon that can kill Gods! Of course, I'm going to be respectful! I ain't no Young Master.

[" Haha! How respectful! I like you already Host!"] The Welsh Dragon boomed out with joyous yet playful laughter.

' Knowing who and what you are, of course, I'm going to be respectful.'

[" Don't worry about that my Host. It's just us here, so let's call each by our names."]

' I see...Then, please call me: Yuu.'

[" I will If you call me: Ddraig."]

Curling up my lips at Ddraig's personality, I nodded.

[" So Yuu who is this In front of you?"]

Knowing who she is talking about, I glanced at Issei one more time blankly, then walked back to my room.

' Just a friend.'

[" Then, do you already know...?"]

Laying down and seeing I have two more hours to sleep, I signed.

' That he's a Devil? Then: Yes I know.'

[" You must be intelligent In the supernatural World."]

Closing my eyes, I smirked slightly.

' You can say that.'


' Well, Ddraig we'll talk later, school's In an hour. Is that good for you?'

[" It is. Then sweet dreams my Host... And Yuu?"]

' Yeah?'

[" Count Dragons If you can't sleep~"]

'... Thanks for the advice.'

With this, I fell asleep...


"... I bloody hate insomnia." Yes, you heard right, this handsome and charming Daredevil has bloody fucking insomnia! And you know what that means? I couldn't get any fucking sleep! At most I got 30 minutes and that was all.

[" You didn't count Dragons did you?"] Sensing I'm awake, Ddraig asked me with a bell-like giggle of amusement at my zombie-like look.

' Morning to you too, Ddraig.' I groaned, hating the sun and the sky at the moment.

[" Hehe~ Not a morning person, I take It?"]

' Bloody no. They bloody fucking suck and can die for all I care.'

[" Hahaha! I hope this is your battle spirit Yuu!"] I guess liking my personality, the Dragon boomed out happily.

' You best bet It is.' Knowing the Earth is against me, I rolled off my bed making people believe my Ancestors were part snake, and got dressed In casual black clothing with a red hoodie. Yes, that red hoodie.

[" 10 out 10! What a skillful performance!"] The Dragon...clapped? Yeah, let's go with clapped. And giggled.

' What do I win?'

[" Absolutely nothing~!"]

' Wow... What a great prize.'

Walking downstairs, I find Issei on the couch looking half-dead, with slowly closing eyes In sleepiness.

" Mornings?" I said, stepping Into my kitchen, getting ready to cook some breakfast.

"...You too?" Noticing my dark bags under my eyes, he smiled, knowing he isn't the only one.

" Fuck'em."

" Yeah, fuck'em."


After making and eating a no-so-balanced breakfast, I and Issei were out of the house.

Locking the door, I glanced at a few black crows watching us," Oi, make sure no one breaks In. If you can do this much, I got corn with your names on It."


American and Nazi saluting me, the crows nodded and began looking around with widened eyes.

"... Really?" Deadpan, Issei looked at me.

" What? Who says no to free security guards? Hell, I'm paying them In corn, so I win!"

" And I thought you were normal."

" Heh, whoever told you that was lying their ass off."


After some more talking, we both can see Kuoh Academy In the distance.

" This is where we part ways oh-wise-one." Patting Issei's back I started walking another fucking way In bloody great threads.

" Hey! Where are you going!?"

" Somewhere."

" That didn't answer my question!"

" Hahaha! Remember dear Issei!" Looking at him, dead In the eyes, I smiled greatly.

" FUCK KUOH ACADEMY!!!" And I was off, not In the distance to hear Issei and people looking at him.

[" Bahahahah! That was amazing Yuu!"] Liking my show, Ddraig's laughter roared out.

' And scene.' Bowling at nothing, I keep to walking after doing so.

[" What are we going to do now Yuu, now that we left that Devils playhouse?"]

' We're going to play some Bloodborne, dear Ddraig~'

[" Bloodborne?"]

' Hunting. We are going to hunt.'

[" Oh! What are we hunting?"]

' Anything that catches our fancy~'

[" Bahah! Are you sure you aren't part Dragon?"]

' No bloody idea. But we're going to find out.' With this, my fingers twisted and turned, Itching to kill something or someone.

Don't worry, We are~
