
Transmigrated as Fat young missy

Mo Ran, an extremely talented and gorgeous Army doctor, found herself transmigrated into the body of a 130 kilos unfavoured young daughter of Qin family, Qin Yan. Originally with powerful medical and martial arts skills, Mo Ran faced great difficulty dealing with heavy body of Qin Yan. She vowed to loose weight and restore her original appearance. No matter how difficult it was, she was determined. Her vicious mother and white lotus sister stood shocked seeing the changes in Qin Yan but the faceslapping had just begun. Her plans were perfect but a little bun suddenly intervened.. "I like Sister Yan. Dad, I want to live with Sister Yan." The CEO of Xi Corporation, the richest business magnate in the country said, "We both Father and son like you. Come home with us." FL : Strong and determined. ML : Crafty and shrewd.

_Shining_Soul_001 · 都市
628 Chs


Qin Muran had lost her composure previously but after calming down she thought carefully. The only time she interacted with that gang was when she wanted to deal with Qin Yan.

She realized that Qin Yan could not be that important person who could not be offended.

With that, she calmed down completely. She touched up her makeup and got out of the washroom calmly.

Chen Xiang looked over and saw that Qin Muran was fine now. He took a sigh of relief.


After the school, as usual Qin Muran was picked up by her family's driver. She got into the car and left.

On the way to her residence, the car braked suddenly. Qin Muran was frightened out of her wits. The news of the gang sounded in her ears again and again and her forehead got covered in cold sweat.

The driver looked back and reported, "Miss, some ladies have surrounded our car."

Before Qin Muran could contemplate the situation, loud knocking on the windows was heard.