
Transmigrated as an Instant Dinner with a Bonus!

Welcome to the enigmatic tale of Reinhart Glast, a warrior wrapped in a hard hat, hit by a storm of misfortune in his prime years. Threatened by Parkinson's Disease, his world crumbles into a heap of depression, pushing him to the edge of despair. As he contemplates death, life serves him a bittersweet twist - instead of oblivion, Reinhart's existence is whisked away to another realm, where he is plated as... an instant dinner? Fork your way through the unfathomable world of Fallenia, a simmering cauldron across dimensions, where the air stirs with magical energy known as Mana, and humanoid dragons, the Dralkons, color the sky. At the heart of this world lies the Roost of Grammel, where Queen Maze sits on the overheated throne, ensnared in a whirlwind of conspiracy and strife. With her kingdom on the razor's edge of chaos, the heat of politics blisters relentlessly. In the spice-ridden milieu of Maze's royal tribulations, our unlikely hero Reinhart appears, struggling to digest his peculiar fate. Their paths merge in an unusual mélange of destiny and dire need, as they bite into the thick crust of Fallenia's challenges. The epic adventure of this duo cooks up the central plot of our story, as they navigate the cauldron of deception, whip up alliances, and serve their enemies with defeat. "Transmigrated as a Magic Dinner with a Bonus!" invites you to a banquet of emotions steeped in serendipity, marinated in unpredictability, and peppered with danger. Side servings of robust courage and simmering hope accompany magical entrées, all garnished with a dose of humor that refreshes the narrative platter. It’s more than just a saga — it’s a lavish buffet for your imagination. Hold your spoon of anticipation and dive in, but be forewarned: this is a sizzling tale, likely to set your excitement aflame and tantalize your literary palate. Enjoy your meal!

Magic_ · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Searing Scales and Spicy Strategies

He was correct. The aroma wafting from the kitchen was tempting, a medley of fragrances that Reinhart found unexpectedly familiar. It seemed to be a potent fusion of Earth cuisine and some alien, yet tantalizing ingredients. A tangy-sweet scent suggestive of barbecued meat was intertwined with a strong herbal note, which was underlined by a subtle smell of something buttery and warm. It was comfortably earthy, yet subtly exotic.

Aldren guided Reinhart through the bustling kitchen, waving at the busy cooks. They made their way into a side chamber filled with shelves of books and scrolls. Spotting Maze, sitting at a large round table engrossed in a large scroll.

"Maze!" Reinhart involuntarily exclaimed, catching her attention.

Maze looked up, surprise lighting her eyes upon seeing Reinhart in the Dralkon dwelling. "Reinhart! You're in human form!" she noted, rising to meet them, her lips curving into a joyful smile.

Reinhart allowed his happiness to bubble forth. He held up Sprout exuberantly, "And look who else is here!"

Aldren watched their reunion fondly, a sense of satisfaction perceptible in his gaze. Despite the challenges and the coming storm, this moment was a testament to the pure bonds they were forming.

"Awe! Where did you get such a cute little creature?!" Maze exclaimed as she ran over to Reinhart who winced.

"The process isn't really important," Reinhart started, but Aldren cut in.

"I wanted to see how diverse his dishes were so I tested his creation abilities, but it had an ill effect on his stomach. Needless to say, when he transformed back, Reinhart vomited out a myriad of colors unmatched by the brightest of rainbows! Then, because it was so rich in Mana, a massive 100-foot-tall Yolk Tree sprouted up! That caught these men's attentions," Aldren explained and pointed at the men floating in Mana Chains as Reinhart groaned. "Then Reinhart took care of them! This one is very promising!"

"I will be the judge of that," Saava said as she strode over, her predatory icy-blue eyes locking with Reinhart's. "You have had enough time with the Wanderer, and I pulled the longest root."

"Are you that eager to train my student, Saava?" Aldren asked, crossing his arms across his chest, but Saava never took her eyes off Reinhart's.

"I have my student, but she has told me of this creature's powers when he is in the other form. I shall be the first to try this special power increase, Fate has spoken!" Saava declared, so close that he could smell her breath that was actually sweet smelling.

Reinhart couldn't help a sharp intake of breath, her close proximity and firm declaration leaving him a little on edge. He internally sighed in relief at Aldren's intervention.

"All in due time, Saava. First, let us make sure we're all on the same page. Maze, Reinhart, there's a lot we need to discuss and plan." Aldren advised, bringing a sense of order back into the room.

"Yes, let's discuss it over a meal. I am famished," Reinhart piped in, hoping that dinner was the kind he could enjoy. A chuckle resonates in the room as everyone takes a seat at a large wooden table, the warmth of unity seeping into the atmosphere.

The food turned out to be an assortment of dishes. There were beautifully cooked meats marinated in exotic spices. Platters of vibrant, forest-fresh vegetables, not unlike produce one would see on Earth, were artistically presented. The highlight, however, was the warm, spongy bread baked with golden crusts and soft insides. Paired with butter churned from what seemed to be the local version of cow's milk, the smell alone was heavenly.

Conversation flowed and ebbed around the table as they indulged in the feast. Before long, the topic turned to Mana and its various intricacies. Saava gave them insights into the practice of combining Mana with food composition, showcasing her intriguing point of view. Being a foodie, Reinhart was particularly interested in her concepts.

"Now that we are done here," Saava said, turning to the other three Sylphs. "Continue the training with Maze, and I shall take over for Aldren while he is away."

"Away?" Reinhart asked, turning to Aldren, who nodded.

"Truth is that I was distracted by you from the job I was tasked to do. I was worried at first, but now I am glad that I did. I will be back in a few days, but you are in the best hands with Saava," Aldren explained but then smirked. "Just try to make sure that you can keep up, or she will only make things worse for you!"

With that, Aldren left the room, leaving Reinhart despite feeling slightly anxious, found himself chuckling at the friendly banter. Determination surged within him. He turned to Saava, considering her with a newfound respect. Aldren's faith in her had an influence, but so did her peculiar aura of strength and calmness.

"Alright, we better start Magical Cooking 101 then!" Reinhart declared, hoping to lighten the mood. Saava's stern face lifted a hairless eyebrow.

"Cooking? No," She said, poking a clawed finger into his robed chest. "You, my new little pet are going to start training your body, and gaining better control of your Mana if you wish to protect Queen Maze."

Reinhart knew this was going to be the case, but what training meant to this strange woman almost worried him. As he stood up, Maze walked around the table and hugged him.

"Thank you for saving me, and for helping me. I promise that I will work hard so we can fight side by side to get my kingdom back... if that is what you want?"

Reinhart hugged her back gently, his arms circling around her smaller body. He was pretty sure that she was the one that had saved him, even if Bocchi had given him this new life. Maze gave him something to live and fight for again. A feeling that had been all but lost to him in his past life.

"I promise to do my best, and stand by you in this fight, Maze," Reinhart assured her, smiling down at the queen who was looking up at him with a hopeful look.

With that, they broke apart, and as Maze moved off to her own training, Saava walked over and grabbed Reinhart by the arm before dragging him from the room as he waved to Sprout. The little creature was happily munching on some sort of fruit.