
Transmigrated as an Instant Dinner with a Bonus!

Welcome to the enigmatic tale of Reinhart Glast, a warrior wrapped in a hard hat, hit by a storm of misfortune in his prime years. Threatened by Parkinson's Disease, his world crumbles into a heap of depression, pushing him to the edge of despair. As he contemplates death, life serves him a bittersweet twist - instead of oblivion, Reinhart's existence is whisked away to another realm, where he is plated as... an instant dinner? Fork your way through the unfathomable world of Fallenia, a simmering cauldron across dimensions, where the air stirs with magical energy known as Mana, and humanoid dragons, the Dralkons, color the sky. At the heart of this world lies the Roost of Grammel, where Queen Maze sits on the overheated throne, ensnared in a whirlwind of conspiracy and strife. With her kingdom on the razor's edge of chaos, the heat of politics blisters relentlessly. In the spice-ridden milieu of Maze's royal tribulations, our unlikely hero Reinhart appears, struggling to digest his peculiar fate. Their paths merge in an unusual mélange of destiny and dire need, as they bite into the thick crust of Fallenia's challenges. The epic adventure of this duo cooks up the central plot of our story, as they navigate the cauldron of deception, whip up alliances, and serve their enemies with defeat. "Transmigrated as a Magic Dinner with a Bonus!" invites you to a banquet of emotions steeped in serendipity, marinated in unpredictability, and peppered with danger. Side servings of robust courage and simmering hope accompany magical entrées, all garnished with a dose of humor that refreshes the narrative platter. It’s more than just a saga — it’s a lavish buffet for your imagination. Hold your spoon of anticipation and dive in, but be forewarned: this is a sizzling tale, likely to set your excitement aflame and tantalize your literary palate. Enjoy your meal!

Magic_ · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Prologue To Dinner

Two worlds; one brimming with magic and danger, the other entrenched in the brutal reality of everyday struggles. Unbeknownst to them, their fates are on the verge of a spectacular twist.

In the fantastical world of Fallenia, a young queen ascends the throne, fraught with conspiracies and secrets. Queen Maze of Grammel, staring at her reflection in her coronation crown, swallows a bolt of fear that threatens to consume her. 'The kingdom will not be led into darkness, not on my watch,' she whispers to herself, her voice a lighthouse in the storm of chaos brewing outside her castle window.

Meanwhile, in the realm of reality, a million miles away in the bustling city of Seattle, Reinhart Glast broods over his misfortunes. A cruel diagnosis of Parkinson's at the prime age of 35, followed by the loss of everything he held dear - his job as a construction worker, his home, his family. His existence has been reduced to the confines of his decaying apartment and the pile of neglected instant dinner packets stashed in the corner.

What does their fate have in store for them? What threads are about to unravel, weaving their lives into an extraordinary tapestry of events? As Reinhart contemplates his ultimate end and Queen Maze prepares for a battle unlike any other, a peculiar yet powerful being named Bocchi watches meticulously over the course of their lives, planning to intervene only when the time is ripe.

Two different souls, one about to leap into oblivion while the other braces for war. Little do they know, their stories are set to converge on a plane none of them could ever envisage - transmigration. Reinhart's journey from instant dinner packet to the embodiment of magic and Maze's fight for survival in a kingdom teetering on the brink of ruin has only just begun.

All it takes is a little nudge from the master of fate, Bocchi. Just a play in the strings of fate of one tortured soul about to take a fatal plunge and a brave, young queen at the beginning of the fight of her life. Let the quirky saga, full of unexpected turns, magic, dinner, and deception, unfold. Their narrative will challenge what we all know about destiny, life, and the very idea of existence. For Reinhart and Maze, it's about to become reel...interesting.

These are our characters, these are our worlds; welcome to the beginning of an extraordinary new journey. So, take a seat, and brace yourself; it's time for a magic dinner with a bonus...