
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · ファンタジー
1121 Chs

Chapter 969 Return to the Expedition Squad

A stream of intense flames erupted from Marcus' tier five fire magic spell and engulfed the wendigo.

Bound, beaten, and basically out of energy, the terrifying monster found it impossible to resist its natural weakness.

In contrast to its earlier resilience, the wendigo easily caught fire this time and burned better than any wood Marcus had ever used.

It took only a few seconds before all that remained were a pair of ghastly horns and a gleaming magic core.

'Those must be our spoils for the fight.' Marcus thought, looking at what remained of the wendigo.

With one look he could tell that its horns and magic core were high quality materials.

Nevertheless, he hesitated to collect them gleefully as he normally would have done after vanquishing a powerful foe.

Wendigos were malevolent entities, and he did not know what sort of effect using its materials might have in the creation of magic items.