
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · ファンタジー
1123 Chs

Chapter 61 Details of the Request

Floating into the church behind the mass of blue light that had intercepted him, Marcus watch as when it reached the ground its form shifted into that of a woman with dark blue hair.

The woman then brought out two chairs from her item box and sat down in one of them. Following her lead Marcus activated his solid soul and sat down on the other chair facing her.

With his curiosity piqued, Marcus let off the first question on his mind, "Are you the spirit Aigean."

With a look of surprise, the woman responded saying, "No, no, no, I am not master Aigean, my name is Voda, and I am the spirt he left in charge of running and protecting this church."

With his first question satisfied Marcus let loose another one.

"You said that I was not the first transfer you met, could you tell me about the others."

"Sure, though there really is not that much to tell. Around thirty years ago a man named Makoto Yamada caused a huge storm here by taking his party and clearing through all three bosses of the Ocean Bluff Temple in one day. I was very impressed with his skill and at that time, I hired him and his party to obtain a certain item for me. He completed the job and went on his way, and I have not seen him since."

'I kind of had my hopes up that I could find this guy but if thirty years have passed, he could be long gone. But at least now I have a name and judging by it he was probably Japanese. Maybe, one day I can meet him but for now I have other things to worry about like my silver rank request.'

While Marcus had been racking his brains over the new information he had just acquired, Voda had pulled out some tea and was patiently sipping on it. When she noticed that Marcus had looked back up at her expectantly, she put down her tea and said, "It certainly is reassuring to have you on this request since it is a bit dangerous, but for a being such as yourself it should not be as threatening. The first thing you need to know is that someone is polluting this city with undeath, and unlike you who has a calm neutral aura these creatures are bathed in negativity. What I would like you to do is find them and get rid of them. I know that they are led by a necromancer in who's level is in mid-twenties so they should be no problem for you. Though he has caught the interest of a low-level demon that is helping him, but that demon is cowardly and is unlikely to appear. However, take this and if he does appear smash it on the ground and I will come to your aid. If the demon does not appear though, please do not summon me, the last time I went out to confront this menace the demon came and attacked this church defiling part of it, which is why I need you to deal with this."

"Okay kill the necromancer and his undead while beware of demon, got it. There is one other thing I would like to know; do you know their general location this is a big city and searching blindly could take months."

"Ah, yes while I do not know where their base is currently, I do know that the necromancer has a number of people that work for him and collect bodies off of the streets. They typically frequent areas with a large population of homeless and pick up anyone who dies or would not be missed. This is how they have stayed off the radar of the kingdom since they are being very careful about who they use as materials."

Marcus then remembered back to the time when two guys had tried to take Irene's body away while he was floating outside her body.

'So, that is why they were dragging her away at that time, and it is probably where I picked up the taint of that necromancer. Now just one more thing I need to confirm."

"Thanks, just one more question the request said that the reward was a magic item could I perhaps see it just to make sure."

"Of course, though it hurts a little that you do not seem to trust me, here you can pick one from any of these."

Voda then took out a dozen different magic items from her item box from weapons to armor and accessories.

Looking them over Marcus could tell that they were all of exceptional quality and he eventually keyed in on a pair of boots that he felt gave off the most powerful aura.

'Its too bad there is not a scythe since I could use a more powerful weapon, but I will have to stick with what I have for now. Those boots however, seem to be really powerful, I wonder what type of enchantments they have.'

After ogling the magic items for a few minutes Marcus recomposed himself and said, "Everything looks good I will make sure to deal with your problem and be back quickly."

"Good luck I believe you can do it but if it is beyond you do not be afraid to run away, I will not hold it against you."

Nodding his head Marcus headed out of the church and back onto the streets of the city. Thinking long and hard Marcus decided to search around and see if he could find someone who had died.

Unfortunately, after searching around for hours he was unable to find a corpse before the sun began to set and opted for plan B.

Finding a dark alley with no one in it Marcus, plopped down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

'Hopefully this works, last time they thought I was a corpse and tried to take me away so it might work again.'

Marcus then waited and waited but know one came. After three hours of laying on the ground Marcus gave up and got off the ground.

'I never was any good at fishing since I hate waiting hours for something to happen. How am I supposed to find these guys, I suppose I could start asking around to see if anyone has seen suspicious people skulking around?'

Trying this plan out yield even worse results as most people would either run away, try to mug him, or say things like the lizard people were popping out of the sewers and brainwashing the city.

'Well, that was a huge waste of time, it is going to be morning soon and I am no closer to finding these guys. Oh, well I can try again tomorrow, might as well go back to my inn and think up some new strategies.'

Making the long way back to his inn since he was on the other side of the city, and on his way, he spotted two thugs he recognized carrying a brown leather sack. Marcus could see the sack moving slightly as if whatever was inside was trying to get out.

Approaching the two men Marcus used his stealth skill and discreetly followed behind hoping that they would lead him to their boss and the target of his mission.