
Chapter 1 : Sunflower

Confused, Chris looked around the room and asked, "Where am I?"

He was sitting on the bed while his face filled with disbelief.

Suddenly, a sharp pain surged through his head, causing his face to turn red and sweat to bead on his forehead. He writhed in pain while clutching his head and rolling in the bed.

After twenty minutes, the pain slowly subsided, and Chris realized the cause of this hellish pain.

It was the result of foreign memories integrating into his mind.

These memories belonged to the original owner of the body, Chris Eldy, an 18-year-old student at Wolf Academy.

To his surprise, he discovered that he was still on Earth, but it was 10,000 years in the future from his own time.

It seemed that he had experienced transmigration, a phenomenon popular in novels and martial arts worlds where strange powers exist.

Initially, he thought this world was different from his own, but by thoroughly understanding the memories of the original owner, he learned that these strange powers and martial arts had emerged 5,000 years ago.

Earth had undergone a catastrophic apocalypse. Suddenly, spirit energy revitalized the planet, causing it to expand along with its inhabitants.

At first, humans were on the brink of extinction due to the planet's expansion and the evolution of beasts, which placed humans at the bottom of the food chain. However, experts from the human race began to emerge one after another.

The ancient families and the government discovered the cultivation of spirit energy, which was then developed to enhance the strength of humanity. This led to the creation of incredible phenomena, such as elite individuals moving mountains and being able to spit different attribute powers for the talented.

After 3,000 years of martial arts development and fighting against the evolved beast, humans were able to regain dominance over Earth and entered able to enter the stellar era, where they began colonizing the solar system.

Starting with the original eight planets (excluding Pluto), humans expanded their territory by colonizing each planet they also discovered spirit energy abundance in these planets and different creatures inhabiting this planet.

However, thousands of years ago, foreign races, commonly known as aliens, began to appear within the solar system.

Some of these races were friendly, while others had malicious intent towards the solar system. Currently, the solar system is under the jurisdiction of the Seraphim race.

The Seraphim were human-like creatures with wings, often referred to as angels by humans. According to the memories of the body's original owner, the awakening of spirit energy in the solar system was accomplished by these so-called angels, although the reasons behind it remained private.

Meanwhile, Chris was currently living with his girlfriend, Shely. He also had parents and a younger sister who lived in their neighborhood.

Polygamy is widely practiced on the planet current era, but luckily, Chris's parents did not adopt this practice. His current girlfriend was the daughter of his mother's best friend and had become an orphan after her parents died on a mission as a martial artists.

After their deaths, Shely was raised in their house, but recently, his parents recommended that the two of them live on their own since both she and the original owner were in a relationship and their adult stage.

Unfortunately, after two years together, the original owner of the body had not been able to advance their relationship with Shely.

It wasn't because Shely was against it, but rather because the original owner felt inadequate as a martial artist, only reaching level 2 in body awakening.

Shely, on the other hand, was already a spirit awakening with great talent, while the original owner remained stuck in the basic realm. Unfortunately, the original owner had exhausted himself in his cultivation due to desperation, leading to his death while sleeping.

'Hayss, luckily I have these memories, or else tomorrow I might be accused of being an imposter or having amnesia' Chris muttered to himself.

After organizing the memories, Chris lay back down on his bed, preparing to sleep again. However, just as he is about to close his eyes, a voice suddenlylechoesed in his head, causing him to open his eyes in shock.

"Who's there?" Chris asked, his voice trembling. He knew the voice didn't come from the room but was inside his head.

"Hello, master. I'm Sunflower," the voice replied.

"Who are you?" Chris asked, his voice still trembling.

"Master, just say the words 'Enter space,' and you will find out," the voice suggested, with a hint of mystery.

Chris was hesitant, unsure whether to follow the voice's suggestion or not.

'That line sounds like a kidnapper asking a child if they want candy, and if they say yes, they get taken away,' Chris thought to himself, a smile forming on his lips as he gained an understanding.

'Hehe, you can't scam me. I already know your tricks. It won't work, even if your voice sounds like that of a little girl. What do you take me for? A perverted lolicon? Only kids will believe you

"Master, I am not a scam, and don't think that you are a perverted lolicon," the voice argued, with a hint of resentment.

Chris's mouth fell open in shock. 'Fuck, she can read my thoughts. This is dangerous.'

But it didn't take long for Chris to decide to try it. His curiosity and the "what if" questions in his mind were the main driving forces throwing his promise before.

"Damn, I'm already dead, so there's no problem trying to die again, right?" he muttered to himself.

With a low voice, he chanted the magic word, "Enter Space."

Instantly, his vision blurred, and a new surrounding appeared before him.

He found himself in a vast plain with a planting bed in the center. The area resembled an endless plain with a dark sky, but for some unknown reason, it was brightly lit.

Chris looked around, and to his surprise, the voice he had heard earlier suddenly spoke again, but this time it wasn't inside his head. The voice came from behind him.

Alerted, he quickly assumed a fighting position and shouted childishly, "Freeze! I know karate, so don't try anything or you'll taste my magical punch!"

"Master, please don't," the voice replied sadly.

Chris scanned the surroundings, trying to locate the source of the voice, and his gaze fell upon a little green creature on the ground.

"Is that you? Are you Sunflower?" he asked in disbelief.

The little green creature nodded.

"Yes, Master. Currently, I am the manager of your Farming Space," Sunflower happily explained while flying onto his shoulder.

Chris observed Sunflower closely and confirmed that she resembled the pixies or little fairies in games. But what caught his attention was her mention of Farming Space.

"What is Farming Space?" he asked, intrigued.

Sunflower smiled. "Master, Farming Space is this world. This space allows you to grow plants and different crops for your cultivation."

'Wow, that's awesome! If I own this space and plant things, it's like having my private land for farming,' Chris exclaimed in his mind.

"How can I transport seeds from the outside?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Sunflower shook her head, knowing what Chris was thinking. "Master, you can't bring seeds or anything from the outside that is not bound to this space."

Chris felt disappointed and confused. "Then how will I get seeds for farming?" he asked, puzzled.

Sunflower flew off his shoulder and gestured for him to follow. "Follow me, Master."

After a few minutes, Chris saw a black and white door. It stood alone, without a house or gate.

"What do I do here, Sunflower? Is the source of seeds behind that door?" Chris asked, pointing at the door.

Sunflower shook her head.

"Then why the hell did you bring me here?" Chris's irritation was evident as a vein popped on his forehead.

"Master, the seeds can be bought from me, but you just need to say 'Market'," Sunflower explained.

Without hesitation, Chris followed Sunflower's suggestion, and a holographic screen appeared in front of him, displaying a list of products. It resembled an RPG store, with gold coins as the currency. Among the various seeds, only potatoes and eggplants were highlighted, with the required amount of gold coins indicated beside them.

"Um, Sunflower, why are only potatoes and eggplants available, and where the hell do I get these gold coins?" Chris asked, puzzled.

Sunflower smiled and responded promptly. "Master, based on your cultivation level, those are the only items you can buy from the shop. As for the source of gold coins, you need to explore that door," she pointed to the black door beside them.

Chris nodded, understanding her explanation. He looked at the items again and checked the required amount of gold coins.

Potato (10 gold coins), Eggplant (15 gold coins)...

'My situation is like those online games, but I'm curious about what's behind that door. However, Sunflower probably won't tell me. Whatever,' Chris thought to himself and didn't bother to ask Sunflower.

Impulsively, he opened the door and entered, leaving Sunflower behind.

"Wait, Master! I'll tell you what you need to do and how to come out!" Sunflower desperately tried to call out, but Chris had already closed the door.

"I hope Master doesn't resent me when he comes out," she prayed, hanging in front of the closed door.