

Welcome to a place where a young lady was condemned because she chose to follow her beliefs and not what she was being taught..... ....but on a faithful day an earth shattering experience happened that affected the live of many people What could that be....let’s find out

Ly_123 · ホラー
1 Chs

Chapter one

silence was everywhere. windows were shut. doors were shut firm. There was silence in the whole neighbourhood up to the next three ones. infact there was silence in the whole city.

you can hear a pin drop. Thats how quiet everywhere was.

nope the city was not vacant. The houses were not empty. disaster did not wash over the area. No terrorists or war attacks happened. Nothing that could make the whole city vacant happened.

Infact all the houses were filled to the brim. Despite that, the whole city was in silence. No houses dares to make a sound.

wait....sorry...my bad....not everywhere was in silence.

wait....sorry...my bad....not everywhere was in silence.

Not everywhere was silent. don't get me wrong. There was silence everywhere but a place. A social gathering place. a place opened for all to enter. Opened to all race and species, all humans, individuals no matter the skin colour or body built or disabilities or status in the society.

A place that does not shun both the poor and the rich out. A place thatdoes not belong only to the rich but also to the poor. a place that draws all men to its god and doesn't chooses who enters but all to enter. A place that does not discriminate whether you are a killer, thief, drug addict, prostitute, or whether you are the holiest of all.

That place.....everyone should already have one or two ideas of what i'm talking about. its one of the religious buildings in the world.

That place.....everyone should already have one or two ideas of what i'm talking about. its one of the religious buildings in the world.

we all know that there are lots and lots of religious practices in the world.

They are so many that people have lost counts of them and these religious practices have their own beliefs and doctrines. They also have different names they call the God they worship.

But there is one or two things i can say that is common between all these religious practices. And these two things i know personally is that.....

ONE, they all have a God or close to a God entity or stuffs like that, that they worship and believe in.....if i'm not wrong.... i might be wrong..... but thats just what i think....

TWO, all these practices don't discriminate between people. no matter who they are as long as they fully believe in the God they serve... or so i know.....i mightbe wrong on that also.

Anyways those are the two things i know these religious practices have in common.

there might be more similarities between them all.....but you know....i can't say.

Anyways back to what we were left. we all now know i'm talking about a religious building. we all know what a religious building is right.....or... should ni go into what a religious building is for you guys.... ok ...ok ...i won't ....my readers are brilliant.

sooo.... back to the story.....

Everywhere was silent except this particular place. In the building , there were noises everywhere. Loud noise as if a great calamity has befallen them.....or so it sounds.