
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · テレビ
19 Chs

Icon Relic Hunt Part II: A New Player enters the game

Date: June 7, 2012, 12:56 P.M., Location: Roughly 45 minutes to the southwest of the city Austin in Texas, U.S.A. near the Guadalupe River Basin.

Arcee, Bumblebee along with Nova-strike prime Team members: Nova-strike Prime* and Ultra Aid* have been for the last 12 minutes have been searching around a mile(1.60934 Kms.) search pattern area to locate the precise burial location of the Icon Relic Optimus Prime and Hardwire were able to decode from their copy of the Icon database. Nova-Strike Prime in irritated and calm tone to Arcee, Nova-Strike Prime "Arcee have we gotten any closer are finding the precise burial location coordinates, I started to get a little impatient with all this walking and searching If we don't find the Icon Relic protect soon the Decepitcons will find the burial coordinates and retrieve it giving Megatron another advantage over us."

Acree in a calm and Irritated tone, Arcee "Nova-Strike It takes time to find these Icon Relics especial if it has been crash landed of this planet millennium ago and were buried; Plus there are other factors like have over the Millennium has the Planet were the Relic crash landed been through dramatic environmental changes over the Millennium or has the indigenous life forms of the planet dug up the Relic and manger open the Icon Relic container and take the Icon Relic or move it."

Meanwhile the Decepitcon Excavation team lead by Knockout have found the precise Icon coordinates location and found that the Icon Relic is buried inside a hill side roughly 10 meters of Rock and soil. Knockout turned his attention to the head miner of the mining detail team and in a commanding, agitated and impatient tone of Voice, Knockout "Get to work digging up that Icon Relic Quickly I don't want to be here longer than necessary this environment is begin to cause moisture to enter my undercarriage.(he turned his attention to the Con trooper squadron leader of his Elite squadron of Decepitcon troopers that Megatron give him to protect him and to escort both Him and the Icon Relic back to him within any necessary interference or battle from other Factions that wanted the Icon Relic.) Have your squadron spread out away from the mining detail to give them work to begin drilling into the hill to retrieve the Icon Relic but stay close enough to provide us with protection from possible Autobot Interference." All of the Mining detail and the squadron of Elite Con troopers followed Knockout's orders.

1:07 P.M...

As the Deception Mining detail team drill through 9.90 meters of rock and soil they decided to continue with hand mining tools to dig the rest of the way to the Icon Relic to not cause to much damage to it. after a few minutes of dig by hand around the Icon Relic's Location they got their 1st look on what type of Icon Relic crash landed here on Earth over the millennium. A Decepitcon Miner got a look at the Icon Relic and then turned his attention to Knockout and in a somewhat excitedly calm tone, Miner "Commander Knockout You need to see this?"

Knockout began to approach the mining drill area were their mining drill dig out all the rock and soil in the way to get to the Icon Relic and in a calm and little Irritated tone, Knockout "I hope you guys dig out something wreath for me to contact Lord Megatron for what we have dug up." Knockout looked at the area the miner dug out by hand and got a look at the Icon Relic. Knockout facial express was for a few seconds in shock than later in awe on what his mining detail team dug up: It was a Data Cylinder. Knockout reach out with his right arm and geared the Data Cylinder and slower and gently pull out the Data Cylinder of the area they dug up.

After a few seconds Knockout took the Data Cylinder from the area they dug out and walking a few feet away from the digging sight out in the open he put his index and ring fingers to his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to a Decepitcon communications channel frequency to the Decepitcon warship's command bridge and in an excited and somewhat calm tone, Knockout "Lord Megatron you'll never believe what I found at the Icon Relic coordinates Soundwave decoded."

Megatron in a calm and somewhat sarcastic tone, Megatron "And what might the Icon Relic be that you found at the Icon Relic coordinates soundwave decoded?"

Knockout "Why my Liege it's another Data Cylinder similar to the 1 we found on earth a few months ago."

Just as Knockout finished his sentence with Megatron the Elite squadron con trooper leader said in a commanding and shocked tone, Squadron Con trooper leader "It's an ambush(he turned his attention his elite con troop squadron.) take cover and secure the Icon Relic Data Cylinder from enemy hands." Both the Unknown Enemy's and the Elite Con trooper Squadron began a fire fight with each other.

A few seconds into the Fire fight between the Elite con squadron troops and the unknown attackers, an enemy sharpshooter aimed her energon Blast right at Knockout lower arm area just below his right hand hold the Data Cylinder and fired. A split-second later Knockout saw his right hand being shoot off and dropped the Data Cylinder. Knockout at first felt nothing and was in shock by some enemy combatant shooting off his right hand and then a huge amount of pain from his Injury. Knockout said in a loud painful anguishing tone to everyone present, Knockout "By the Love of the Allspark My hand, My Beautiful right hand it gone."

Over his Radio he heard Megatron in a commanding and curious tone, Megatron "Knockout Report what's happen, Knockout Report!"

Knockout "Lord Megatron We're under attack by unknown combatants.(As Knockout said that he dodged a few Energon blasts coming towards him) I have loss my Right Hand."

Megatron changed his tone of Voice to in a somewhat agitated tone, Megatron "Knockout a hand can be replaced and have you secured the Data Cylinder?"

Knockout looked around and saw that the Data Cylinder was out in the open over 10 meters away from him and with Energon Blasts zip crossing across the battlefield. Knockout "Negative my Liege it's on the battlefield with energon blasts zip across the battlefield."

Megatron let out a scream both inside the Decepitcon warship and over the Radio and shifted his tone of voice into an angrily commanding menacing tone, Megatron "Knockout You better not Return to the Warship empty handed or I will punish harshly for your inability to retrieve the Data Cylinder."

Knockout in a little subdue but still painful anguishing tone, Knockout "I Understand my Liege I shall not Fail you."

When both Team Prime and Nova Strike Prime teams heard roughly a few 100 feet away a battle going on nearly the Icon Relic coordinates the quickly took cover and make their way through the cover to the battle to see what was going on. After a minute of travel through the cover that came within 50 feet of the battle in the middle of the battlefield. They saw the Decepticons in a fire fight with unknown enemy combatants. they Heard an unknown enemy combatant say in a commanding tone of Voice "charge." The Unknown Enemy combatants came out of their covering and reveal themselves and charge at the Decepitcon squadron of troopers. Both Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime teams now got a good look at the unknown enemy combatants and saw that they were huge robots ranging from the size to as tall as 7.625 meters to as short as 5.875 meters with a color scheme of light green and black basic color patterns on their upper and lower Torso similar to a Bulletproof vest design as well as a basic light green color scheme. They saw a moderately large symbol on their chest plate area. The symbol was similar to a Decepitcon face shield but this symbol added a pair of cross bones behind it.

On their back side and as between a single massive black strip to 3 black and light green strips running parallel along their back has a face plate area somewhere between a Cybertonian basic facial features and a human's Facial features but on a larger scale. Their head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: Black and Light green around most of head area at their facial plate area and around their full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of their head as well as a silvery grey color scheme for their upper head area where their head style hair area is. Their shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of Black and Light green color pattern scheme. Their mid and lower half of their bodies has the same as their upper half: Black and light green color schemes along their legs; Their feet areas were either the color schemes of Black or Light green from the ankle joint area of their feet were either the black or light green paint meets the light green color scheme.

They saw both factions engaged each Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime teams collide with each other and had a large battle. Arcee was able to get a closer look at the battlefield to see what the Decepitcons and Unknown combatants are fighting over. After a few seconds of searching the battlefield Arcee saw 25 meters away from where Knockout is hide she saw a Data Cylinder in the middle of the battlefield. Arcee transformed her lower right arm into a blaster and both on her Radio and to all present with her in calm whispering tone, Arcee "Arcee to base we have Location and found out what the Icon Relic is it's a Data Cylinder; however the Decepitcons were able to dig it up but they are engaged in combatant with another unknown faction to which I could only Assume that as they were able to ground-bridge back to the Decepitcon Warship to deliver their Prize to Megatron. We'll Retrieve it as soon as the battle between the Cons and the Unknown Faction Attackers has concluded Arcee out.(Arcee turned her attention to Nova-strike Prime and Ultra-Aid) Nova-Strike you're with me, You will cover my left flank and take out any enemies that try to attack us on the left flank but stay close to me. Nova-Strike we'll attack as soon as the battle between the cons and this Unknown faction is concluded. Ultra-Aid you will provide covering firing from this cover area as best you can."

1:12 P.M...

The battle lasted for 2 minutes and end with the Decepitcon Elite con trooper squadron was eliminated; however they were able kill 15 members of the Unknown faction team and injuring another member causing them to limp from an Elite con troop got a good strike on their left leg from the con arm blades. The Unknown Faction members team leader approached the Decepitcon Mining detail team and turning his attention to Knockout and in a commanding, calm, cold and calculating tone, Leader "Where is the Icon Relic?"

Knockout didn't answer him and to counter Knockout's salient by transforming his lower left arm into and Energon Blaster and pointed it and knockout and in a cold, calculating and menacing tone, Leader "I'm not going to ask again tell me where the Icon Relic is or I'll begin to kill your Mining detail one by one until you tell me where it is."

Knockout in a still painful anguishing tone, Knockout "Alright I'll tell you.(Knockout turn his head on and raise his left arm and hand and pointed to the open battlefield.) The Icon Relic Data Cylinder is 25 meters away from us." As the Unknown faction Leader approached the Data Cylinder and just as he was able to pick it he heard and saw energon blast fire coming out of the right flank of his Team's Position.

The Unknown faction leader act quickly and turned his attention to all his remain troops and in a calm and somewhat anxious tone, Unknown Leader "You 3(He pointed to the 3 nearest(1 who was the injured 1.) to him.) deal with the Autobots,(He turned his attention to the last trooper under his command.) Here(Tossing the Data Cylinder) retreat with the Icon Relic Data Cylinder I'll cover you." Both the Unknown faction Leader and his trooper transformed into their vehicle modes and began they retreat back to their Base in Austin, Texas while his remaining troops engaged the Autobots.

Both Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime collide. Arcee took on 2 of the Unknown faction troopers(Including the Injured Unknown faction trooper.) single handily while Nova-strike Prime engaged the 1st Unknown faction trooper on Arcee left Flank while Ultra aid Provides covering fire. The engage between the Autobots and the Unknown Faction troopers lasted for 45 seconds and ended with the Autobots victorious but with the Remaining Unknown Faction Troopers retreating between their reach. During their Fight Nova-strike Prime was thanks to his intense combat training with Optimus Prime was able to hold his own in his fight with the Unknown faction Trooper he engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight but the Unknown Faction Trooper was able to get in a few good hits at him causing him to receive a few injuries from his opponent. He received a point blank moderate Energon Blast Injury on his left shoulder area from his Opponent get a luck shot off but thankfully his protective armor was able to mostly absorb the energon blast but the blast was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare arm underneath drawing a moderate amount energon and causing him and Minimal amount of Pain(Do to his training with Optimus to ignore most forms of pain in live combat.) from his wound and 2 cuts at a light depth into his arms armor.

As for Arcee was thanks her Millennium of intense training and combat experience was able with Minimal afford hold her own in fighting with the Unknown faction Troopers she engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight. In 1 of her Fights Ultra aid who was providing covering fire shot one of the Unknown faction troops in the arm just as Arcee didn't see the hit coming causing him to be knocked back a few feet from the shot. 1 of unknown faction trooper was able to get in a good luck hit at her causing her to receive an injury from her opponent. she received a moderate cut at a moderate depth into her right arm's armor and was able to penetrate her armor all the way through her armor down to her bare underneath. During the Fighting Knockout called for a ground bridge to the Decepitcon Warship to retreat but he had 4 members on his mining detail to being with them the bodies of 2 members of the unknown faction that attack then. Knockout didn't return empty handed because if he didn't Megatron would punish him harshly for failing to retrieve another Icon Relic.

1:13 P.M...

After the fight Arcee heard on her radio in an anxious tone "Ratchet to Icon Relic retrieve team 1 where you able to secure the Icon Relic."

Arcee in a sad defeated subdue tone, Arcee "Negative Ratchet we failed to secure the Icon Relic."

Ratchet changed his tone of Voice to an anxious and somewhat agitated tone, Ratchet "Did you at lease figure out how the Unknown Faction of Cybertronian's are that attacked both your team and the Decepitcon's?"

Before Arcee should answer Ratchet's Question Nova-strike Prime jump into the conversation and the same radio frequency and in a Calm and firm tone, Nova-strike Prime "Affirmative Ratchet I was able to Identify how attacked us and of what faction they belong to."

Arcee had a shocked look on her face and both her and ratchet in a curious tone, Arcee "And to what organization do they beside to?"

Nova-strike Prime in a calm and smug tone, Nova-strike Prime "Well it seems that you guys and a little slow in that you haven't figure it out. Think about it how else here on this Planet Knows of our existence, wants to discover our races secrets by any means necessary and has just recently(Nova-strike Prime pointed to both himself and Ultra Aid) shown by figuring out how to turn me and the rest of my team from our former human forms into Cybertronians. Oh by the way they happen to have a murderess psychopath and opportunist Cybertronian working with them."

Both Arcee and Ratchet connect the dots of what organization he was talking of and both said in a calm and slightly menacing tone "MECH.*"

Nova-strike Prime continued "It appears that MECH has grown far more ambitious and thanks to Airachind information onto what an Icon Relic is it seems that a new player has entered the game.(Nova-strike Prime switched his Radio Frequency.) Ultra aid can you please come out from cover I have a moderate depth injury to my left shoulder area for you to treat please."

Ultra Aid came out of cover and in a calm tone, Ultra Aid "Very Well Nova-strike Prime."

Nova-strike Prime continue to bicker on "It's causing me a great deal of pain to where I can barely operation at full capacity."

Ultra Aid finished approaching Nova-strike Prime and in a teasing tone, Ultra Aid "Alright I get it hurts now shut up and let me have a look at your wound.(she got and good look at Nova-strike Prime's wound and saw a moderate Energon Blast Injury on his left shoulder area from his opponent get a luck shot off but thankfully his protective armor was able to mostly absorb the energon blast but the blast was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare arm underneath drawing energon that and a second her tone of voice changed to concerned tone.) It's not a major Injury it's not puncture's the main energon artery from your arm.(she transformed her left lower arm revealing her medical kid and got to work as she did she heard Nova-strike Prime hiss a little from her medical treatment and her tone went back to teasing.) Big Baby."

1:15 P.M...

After a few minutes Ultra-Aid finished repairing Nova-strike Prime's injury on his left shoulder area; Arcee turned her attention to Autobot Retrieval team 1 and in an calm and a little agitated tone, Arcee "I hate when this happens were we lose an Icon Relic to the enemy I only hope that what MECH finds in the Data Cylinder is only a cultural artifact and not any information useful forgotten scientific knowledge or Decepitcon weapons of mass destruction.(Arcee got into her Radio com-link and shifted her tone to a calm tone.) Arcee to base this is Autobot Retrieval team 1 requesting a ground-bridge back to base." Ratchet responded to Arcee's request for a ground-bridge by activating the Ground-bridge controls and Ground-bridge appeared before the Autobot Retrieval Team 1 and all of them entered the Ground-bridge portal to the Autobot base.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*MECH Stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.

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