
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · テレビ
19 Chs

Calm before the Storm Part I

Please Note all characters and rights of the Transformers Prime Franchise belong to Hasbro, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.

Date: May 30, 2012, 1:30 P.M., Location: Autobot base omega 1

It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Great Cybertronian civil war. Team Prime's Human's Allies have been for the last 5 weeks been going through intense combat training with members of Team Prime to have them ready to fight the Decepticons. During that training Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Nova-strike Prime* and Ultra Aid* agreed the All members of Nova-Strike team should know the Basics of Cybertronian/Transformer military combat Medicine and Medical Procedures to treat non-life-threatening Injuries in combat to not have a Cybertronian combat medic contain moving back a forward of patients that have serious injuries to patients that have are only suffering from simile non-life-threatening injuries. Along with their training in the Basics of Cybertronian/Transformer military combat Medicine to treat non-life-threatening Injuries; Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Nova-strike Prime and Hardwire agreed to teach Nova-strike team the Basics of Cybertronian Computer systems and how to hack into them to retrieve information to gain advantages over they enemies to defeat them.

Inside training room area 2 Nova-Strike Prime and Optimus Prime were having a few training sparring sections(During Practice sparring sections each opponent would switch to their sword-arm they would wear a thin practice armor covering over their normal armor that has sensors that were extra sensitive sensors that is an opponent that is wearing the thin practice armor if their touched by an opposite sword-arm or hit by the opponent's fists or arms during practice the area of the where the Extra sensitive sensors would cause numbness or them becoming extra sensitive to the area that their opponent hit them to simulate them being injured.) with Nova-Strike Prime to him develop more combat skills he'll need to survive encounters with the Decepticons. Nova-Strike Prime was calmly breathing and a little nervous as he prepared for his afternoon combat training sections with Optimus Prime. He focused in his mind for a second on have a sword in his right hand and after a second his right lower arm area transformed into a large 1.2296 meters long close quarter sword his lower right arm.

Optimus Prime in a calm tone, Optimus Prime "Nova-Strike today I will be your 1st sparring partner." Optimus Prime focused in his mind for a second and after a second his left lower arm area transformed into a large 1.2296 meters long close quarter sword his lower left arm.

The 2 began to circle each other a few seconds and then Nova-Strike Jumped in with his sword arm over his head to start his engage with Optimus Prime. Optimus out of instinct brought up his sword just above his head just time to block Nova-Strike's sword strike at his head. Optimus Easily parred the bow with his own by pushing Nova-Strike's sword strikes bow aside with some effort. He then slashed his sword fast downward towards Nova-Strike's right side(near his Rib cage area.). Nova-Strike saw Optimus Prime's counter strike headed towards him at the last second and block Optimus Counter strike by bring his sword downward along with his left hand reinforcing his sword arm just in time to block Optimus's Counter strike just in time, but Optimus sword was just a cybertronians index finger width away from his right side.

Optimus Prime in a calm satisfying tone, Optimus "Very good Nova-Strike your react time is improving."

Nova-Strike in an Equal satisfying tone, Nova-Strike "Thanks."

Optimus Nodded in improvement and in a calm cautiously tone, Optimus "But don't get overconfident as you sometimes think you have an advantage and then(Optimus Suck punched Nova-Strike right on his left side) your opposite does the unexpected." Just before Optimus Prime's Suck punch hit Nova-Strike he had anticipated that move and his Optimus's punch was coming in on his left side he moved out of way the way to the left causing Optimus's suck punch to miss and he countered with his own suck punch to Optimus's right side(left side from Nova-Strike's view point) causing Optimus to studded for a multi-second and feel a some pain letting out a painful grown and back pushing back.

Nova-Strike in a calm and a little smug tone, Nova-Strike "Actually Optimus I have learned from my mistakes and your lessons."

Optimus Prime in a little painful, calm and satisfying tone, Optimus "Very good Jack I'm again very satisfied with your progress you're a fast learner." Nova-Strike nodded in satisfactory at Optimus appraisal.

Both Optimus and Nova-Strike Prime continued their sparring section for another minute and 7 seconds and ended with Optimus Prime Knocking down Nova-Strike Prime to the ground with his Sword-arm pointed a few inches from his throat area and with both breathing Moderately Exhausted from their Sparring Section. Nova-Strike looked at the Optimus with his sword near his throat and in calm accepted defeated tone to Optimus, Nova-Strike "I yield(Optimus removed his sword near Nova-strike's throat and Nova-strike got up.), good sparring match Optimus." During their sparring Section Optimus Prime received a few good hits from Nova-strike in their sparring section causing Optimus to Groan in Pain from his bruises and from a luck sword strike from Nova-strike's sword-arm that he was able to strike his sword-arm.

Optimus Prime in a calm Satisfy tone, Optimus "Glad to see that your combat training is coming along nicely I'm pleased with your rapid progress. Let hope Vince's has developed his combat skilled just as well as you have Jack.(Optimus Prime when to the training room area 2 door's controls and opened the door and saw Shadow-Hunter* waiting for his sparring training section with him.) Come in Vince your sparring match will begin in 10 minutes during that time I advise you to prepare for sparring section with me. I need a brief rest period to recover from my sparring section with Jack. 10 minutes Vince for you to prepare for our sparring section to help you hone your combat skills and survive an engage with the Decepiticons." Vince did as Optimus Prime asked of him and came into training room area 2 were he saw Jack getting up from his recently sparring training section with Optimus Prime.

1:43 P.M.

Shadow-Hunter was calmly breathing and a little nervous as he prepared for his afternoon combat training sections with Optimus Prime. He focused in his mind for a second on have a sword in his right hand and after a second his left lower arm area transformed into a large a 1.3583 meters long close quarter sword. Optimus Prime in a calm tone of voice, Optimus Prime "Shadow-Hunter today I will be your sparring partner." Optimus Prime focused in his mind for a second and after a second his left lower arm area transformed into a large 1.2296 meters long close quarter sword his lower left arm.

The 2 began to circle each other a few seconds and then Optimus Prime Jumped in with his sword arm over his head to start his engage with Shadow-Hunter. Vince out of instinct brought up his sword just above his head just time to block Optimus's sword strike at his head. It took Vince a moderate amount of Effort parred the bow with his own by pushing Optimus Prime's sword strikes bow aside with some effort. He then slashed his sword fast downward towards Optimus Prime's Left side(near his Rib cage area.). Optimus Prime saw Vince's counter strike headed towards him at the last second and block Vince's counter strike by bring his sword downward along with his left hand reinforcing his sword arm just in time to block Vince's counter strike just in time, but Vince's sword was just an Cybertronians index finger width away from his right side.

Optimus Prime in a calm satisfying tone, Optimus "Very good Shadow-Hunter your react time is improving."

Shadow-Hunter in an equal satisfying tone, Shadow-Hunter "Thanks."

Optimus Nodded in improvement and in a calm cautiously tone, Optimus "But don't get overconfident as you sometimes think you have an advantage and then(Optimus suck punched Vince Jones's left on his right side) your opponent does the unexpected." Just before Optimus Prime's suck punch hit Shadow-Hunter he had moderate anticipated that move and his Optimus's punch was coming in on his right side he was able Partially able to move out of way the way to the right causing Optimus's suck punch to Partially make contact with the Shadow-Hunter's right side causing him to stumble back a few ft. from Optimus's suck punch and for a few multi-seconds and feel a some pain letting out a painful grown and back pushing back.

Shadow-Hunter in a surprised tone, Shadow-Hunter "Not fair Optimus you cheated by using a dirty handed trick; Luckily I was able to Partially dodge your surprise attack."

Optimus Prime in somewhat satisfying and disappointing tone, Optimus "Vince your Enemy will do whatever it takes to win a battle and that includes under handed dirty tricks to accomplish victory and you must quickly adapt to react in changing conditions of battle and war to counter your enemies under hand dirty tricks with you know or to quickly change your Strategy to counter your enemy's unforeseen Tactics and Strategies. Vince, I have come to see that your slightly slower at adapting to change than Jack is; However, you're coming along nicely in your combat training sections with me." Shadow-Hunter nodded in satisfactory at Optimus appraisal.

Both Optimus and Shadow-Hunter continued their sparring section for another 57 seconds and ended with Optimus Prime Knocking down Shadow-Hunter to the ground with his Sword-arm pointed a few inches from his throat area and with Optimus breathing Moderately heavy from exhausted and with Vince breathing Moderately heavy from exhausted from their Sparring Section. Vince looked at the Optimus with the sword near his throat and in calm accepted defeated tone to Optimus, Shadow-Hunter "I yield(Optimus removed his sword near Shadow-Hunter's throat and Shadow-Hunter got up.), good sparring match Optimus." During their sparring Section Shadow-Hunter received a few good hits from Optimus Prime in their sparring section causing Shadow-Hunter to Groan in pain from his bruises and from a luck sword strike from Shadow-Hunter's sword-arm that he was able to strike his sword-arm.

Optimus Prime looking both at Shadow-Hunter and Nova-strike Prime and in a moderate exhausted tone, Optimus "Jack, Vince I have a brief strategic and Tactical test scenario both of you to practice if your team were to engage the Decepitcons." They both reached the computer terminal in Training room 2 and the computer screen with a Virtual map for a brief strategic and tactical test scenario for both of them to develop strategies and tactics went facing superior numbers of Decepitcons and to develop short term Tactical victories and long-term Strategic victories. They both saw on the computer terminal computer screen a battlefield scenario map with 6 Rock formations of Various sizes ranging from a height and diameter of at least 5 meters to 55 meters in height and diameter in Various positions on the Battlefield. 3 of the Rock formations were on each size of the battlefield ranging from 5 meters to 55 meters in height and diameter. On the strategy and tactical test scenario map both Jack and Vince saw on one side of the map 6 Autobots Figures with Vitals of his Team vs 20 Con troopers(15 Regular Ground con troopers and 5 Con Fliers.) and Decepiticon Commanding officer(in this case the Command Decepiticon Commanding officer is the Decepiticon: Dreadwing.) Optimus Prime in a Seriously calm and somewhat calculating tone of voice, Optimus Prime "Jack and Vince today in these strategy and tactical test scenario you well be facing overwhelming Decepiticon forces, and You need to develop a Strategy and tactics to survive and defeat the overwhelming Decepiticons forces.(Optimus pressed the start button) Begin and good luck."

As Jack ad Vince begin their Strategy and tactical test scenario Jack formed a Strategy to combat the Decepiticons in this combat scenario. 1st Jack would order Ryu Senshi* to head to the nearest Rock Formation(on the left side of the map.) left Flank with a height of 5 meters to take cover, cover his groups left flank along with providing fire and to possible harass the enemy center line to possible take out a few Enemy troops as well as to try to take out the enemy troops on their left flank facing them(Facing Nova strike's group the enemy left flank was actually their right flank from Nova Strike's viewpoint). He ordered Shadow-Hunter and Serenity* to head to the nearest Rock formation on the right flank(on the right side of the map.) with a height of 12.5 meters to take cover, cover his groups right flank along with providing fire and to possible harass the enemy center line to possible take out a few Enemy troops as well as to try to take out the enemy troops on their right flank facing them(Facing Jack's group the enemy right flank was actually their left flank from Jack's viewpoint). 2nd He would have Ultra Aid and Hardwire* with him at the one of Rock Formation on the center (the center of the map) with a height of 31.25 meters to take cover. Jack would be providing fire and to possible harass the enemy center line to possibly take out a few Enemy troops along with Ryu Senshi, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity. He would have Ultra Aid Ready for Medical Aid as well as a Rear Guard to be ready went the Con Flyer Troops would try to land at the rear of Jack's Group to catch them off guard and unprepared. He ordered and Hardwire to provide Anti-air support with his blasters to try to shoot as many Con flyers as possible while they were in the Air flying firing on them and trying to get behind his forces.

1:50 P.M.

Within a matter of Minutes Nova-strike Prime see the his group forces due as they were ordered and during that time he saw that Ryu Senshi was able to take out all 3 Con troops(2 while they were running for cover and the last one Ryu Senshi was able to snipe the last troop went the troop for a spilt second stuck up his head to much give Ryu Senshi the chance to shot him.) of their left flank as well as being able to take out 1 of 4 Con troops on the center of the enemy lines before the cons were able to get to cover on that their Rock Formations on their side. He saw that Shadow-Hunter and Serenity were able to take out all of the Con troopers of their right flank as well as being able to take out 1 of 4 Con troopers on the center of the enemy lines before the cons were able to get to cover on that their Rock Formations on their side. As Jack Predicted as the Con flyers were in the Air flying firing on them and trying to get behind his forces, he saw Hardware's Brilliant Shooting and with Hardwire's ability to predicted after seeing the con flyers flying in a pattern on were to shoot down 2 of the con flyers before they were able to slip past his covering fire and land behind Jack's Group. He saw as the con flyers landed that they were meet by June's blaster fire as soon as they landed, and she was able to kill 2 with her blaster fire before the con troopers were able to open fire. As soon as the last Con Flyer landed and transformed and began to open fire on Nova-Strike Prime teams rear Ultra-Aid ran from cover toward the Con flyer as he open fire to take him out was able to dodge a few blaster blasts from the Con flyer and clashed with the Con flyer and they briefly fought and ended with the Con flyer dead but with Ultra-Aid receiving and few minor injuries during their Hand-to-hand combat. With the Decepiticon Air support eliminated Nova-strike ordered his team to wait in their defense positions for the Decepiticons to attack from their defensive positions at the center of their lines.

1:52 P.M.

After a few minutes Dreadwing ordered 5 Decepiticon troops to do a Full all-out assault on Jack's team left Flank(Facing Dreadwing's group the enemy right flank was actually their left flank from Dreadwing's viewpoint) while he and the rest of the Decepiticon troops do a Full all-out assault on Jack's team right Flank(Facing Dreadwing's group the enemy left flank was actually their right flank from Dreadwing's viewpoint). Jack saw these two attacks and quickly formed a plan: Both he and June would leave their Defensive positions and reinforce his teams left Flank were Miko is to help her in eliminate the Decepticon troopers headed for her. He orders Rafael to stay put and in cover and to do Sniping to provide fire and to possible try to take out the enemy troops moving towards Vince and Sierra on their right flank. The 2 groups clashed and the fight between Jack, June and Miko ending in 30 seconds with all the Decepiticon troops dead; however, during the fight Miko Suffered a Moderate Injury from the 2 decepiticon troopers getting in a few good hits in her upper left shoulder area causing a moderate into her Robotic arm socket and joint along with her leaking a minimal amount energon leakage. After their Fight Jack saw Rafael, Vince and Sierra were able to take out the Decepitcon troopers that came with him but saw Vince and Sierra struggling against Dreadwing. Jack ordered June to Stay with Miko for Now and treat Miko's injury and well told Rafael to hold his fire because he was coming over to help him, Vince and Sierra in their Fight with Dreadwing.

1:55 P.M.

The Fight between Dreadwing and Jack's team ended with Dreadwing being decapitated by Jack in a Sword Duel between himself(with his 1 ½ sword) and dreadwing's sword. Jack was able thanks with a good hit from Vince to Dreadwing in his lower right side temporarily causing Dreadwing to loss Balance for a Split-Second give Jack a chance to cut his head clean off ending the fight with the Decepitcons. After the Dual Jack cold see that Sierra was severely wounded by Dreadwing and Immeditely medical treatment because she is losing Energon fast from 2 stabbing wounds(one in her right upper chest and the other close to her Spark/Heart chamber) and from a huge slash on her left leg that nearly cut off her left leg. June Quickly came to Sierra and got work and Treating Sierra Life Threatening Injuries from Dreadwing. June was able to stop the leaking of Energon from Sierra main stabbing wounds and seal them up, but she told Jack that Sierra needs an energon transfusion or she will die. Vince was the one that Volunteered for the Energon transfusion and June got to work Setting over a Transfusion between Sierra and Vince. The Transfusion was able to further stabilized Sierra and June got to work treating Sierra's injuries leg and the strategic and tactical test scenario ended.

2:00 P.M.

After the strategic and tactical test scenario ended Jack and Vince step away from the computer console to let Optimus Prime Grade them in their overall strategic and tactical skills. After a few minutes Optimus Prime in a calm tone to both of them, Optimus Prime "Overall Jack and Vince, I give you a 70%."

Jack in a curious tone, Jack "Why such a low score Optimus?"

Optimus in a calm tone, Optimus "Because Jack during the last part of the Scenario you did a critical mistake? Your Mistake was that you didn't take the threat of Dreadwing seriously and allowed him to cause life threatening injuries to Sierra. You should have told Instead told June to reinforce Miko and to have Rafael to provide snipe cover for both of them; As well told Sierra to fall back and have yourself and Vince engage Dreadwing and his troops since both you and Vince are 2 of the best fighters in dealing with one of Megatron's best officer's and fighters."

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Shadow-Hunter is formerly Jack Darby's childhood friend and High school rival High school: Vince Jones.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.

*Serenity is formerly Jack Darby's High school crush: Sierra Michaelson.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.