


An infinite multiverse consists of many universes and is centered on the planet Cybertron. The Unicron and Transtech universes and their respective universes are as follows:

1. The First Inner Multiverse

The inner multiverse consists of the following universes.

Primordial Universe: The earliest universe was a war between the Herald of Primus and the Herald of Unicorn.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Convoy/Galvatron.

Transtech Universe: The universe formed after the primordial universe is a peaceful and war-free universe and home to the MTB organization, the balancing act of the universe.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Alpha Trion/Megatronus

G1 Universe: The main universe is based on the 1984 animated cartoon and the US Continuity.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

G1.JP Universe: Universe based on Transformers: Masterforce and the Japanese Continuity

Convoy/Megatron representative: Ginrai/Megatron

G2 Universe: A universe based on the G2 series of toys and a universe where the Autobots and Destrons are hardly conceptually different.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Laser Convoy/Panzer Megatron

Bravemaster Universe: A universe based on the Transformers Bravemaster and a universe based on the Brave series.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Brave Convoy/Master Hell

2. The Second Inner Multiverse

The inner multiverse in the second set consists of the following universes.

Beast Wars Universe: A universe based on the animated Transformers Beast War. A world at war between the Maximals and the Predacons.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Beast Convoy/Beast Megatron

Beast Wars II Universe: A universe based on Transformers Beast War II is a world that takes place after the Beast War ends.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Lio Convoy Convoy/Galvatron

Beast Wars Neo Universe: A universe based on the Transformers Beast Wars Neo and a war between the Maximals and the Predacons Pirates.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Big Convoy/Magmatron

Beast Machines Universe: A universe based on Transformers Beast Machines is a war between the Maximals and Vehicons.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Car Robots Universe: The universe based on Transformers RID 2002 is a war between Autobots and Predacons.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Fire Convoy/Gigatron

Micron Legend Universe : The universe based on Transformers Armada is a Minicon war between Autobots and Destrons.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

3. The First Outer Multiverse

The first set of outer multiple worlds consisted of the following universes.

Superlink Universe: The universe based on Transformers Energon is a peaceful era for both the inhabitants of Earth and Cybertron.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Grand Convoy (Grand Convoy/Galvatron

Galaxy Force Universe: A universe based on the Transformers Cybertron and the great threat of the Grand Black Hole that is ready to devour the universe.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Galaxy Convoy/Master Megatron

Movie Universe 01: The universe based on Michael Bay's Transformers Movie is the All-Spark tussle between Destron and Autobots, and humans play a key role.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Convoy/Megatron

Movie Universe 02: A universe based on Travis Knight's Transformers Movie, this universe is similar in tone and concept to the G1 universe.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Shattered Glass Universe (Shattered Glass Universe): A universe based on Transformers Shattered Glass, a polarizing world where Autobots are the villain and Detron is the bad guy.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Emperor Convoy/Megatron

Heart of Steel Universe: Universe based on Transformers: Heart of Steel is a diesel-punk/steampunk universe where Transformers come to Earth from the beginning of the Victorian era to the end of World War II.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Comic Universe: A universe based on Transformers IDW, both versions 2005 and 2019, where the war between Autobots and Destrons ended with the collapse of most of the stars in the galaxy.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

4. The Second Outer Multiverse

The second outer multiverse has the following universes:

Animated Universe: A universe based on Transformers Animated, a universe where the planet Cybertron is peaceful and the world is a cyberpunk genre where physical enhancement is normal.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Prime Universe Prime: A universe based on Transformers Prime, a world in which the Dark Spark spreads across various stars and is similar to most of the old universes.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Prime Wars Universe: The universe based on the Transformers Prime Wars Trilogy is one of the G1-like universes.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Go!!! Universe: Universe based on Transformers GO!!! This universe resembles the Sengoku period of Japan and is filled with many daimyo families and many ninjas and samurai. The Transformers in the universe are like samurai or ninjas.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Musha Convoy/Dragotron

War for Cybertron Universe: The universe based on the Transformers War for Cybertron Trilogy is a universe that is similar to the G1 & Beast Wars universe.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Cyberverse Universe: A universe based on the Transformers Cyberverse and one of the Transformers G1-like universes.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Earthspark Universe: A universe based on Transformers Earthspark is a world where Transformers and humans coexist until an event causes them to hide.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Real World Universe: The universe where Transformers are only fiction and toys, and this universe in which most humans live.

Convoy/Megatron representative:-

Collaborative Universe: A universe composed of Transformers based on other fiction on and off Hasbro and Takara Tomy.

Convoy/Megatron representative: G.I. Convoy /COBRA Megatron

Third Outer Multiverse

The edge of the outer multiverse is as follows

Wings Universe: A universe based on the Transformers Wings Universe of

Fun Publication Comic. This universe is similar to the G1 universe.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Movie Universe 03: The universe based on Michael Bayne's Transformers includes other media such as comics and video games. The contents of this universe are arranged from Transformers(2007) until the end of Transformers: Dark of The Moon, but not including Transformers: Age of Extinction, and Transformers: The Last Knight.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Movie Universe 04: A universe based on Titan Magazine's live-action Transformers comics, this universe is similar to Movie Universe 01.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

Beast Wars 02 Universe: A universe based on 3H Comic's Transformers Beast Wars comics.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Beast Convoy/Beast Megatron

Beast Wars 03 Universe: A universe based on IDW Comic's Transformers Beast Wars.

Convoy/Megatron representative: Beast Convoy/Beast Megatron

G1.M Universe G1.M): A universe based on Marvel Comics Transformers G1.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron

G1.D Universe G1.D): A universe based on Dreamwave Comics Transformers G1.

Convoy/Megatron Representative: Convoy/Megatron