
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Chapter 22 False Hope

"And we are where the battlefield will start."

As Alvis's words resonated through the confines of the room, beings of various alignments—villains, heroes, leaders, gods, and abstract entities—sat together, their eyes brimming with energy. Alvis cast a glance around the room, a subtle hint of madness in his eyes as pure darkness and whiteness bloomed from within.

He spoke, "We are where the battlefield will start at," pausing for a moment, his gaze lingering on each occupant of the room. "...so now, I will initiate an alliance. I comprehend the trajectory of this world's timeline, where it was heading, and where it will end—pure chaos, death, and lossless."

Another pause followed, during which Alvis exchanged meaningful glances, at Thanos then to God-King Odin of Asgard. Odin, acknowledging the weight of Alvis's words, momentarily closed his eyes, reopening them with newfound clarity.

Loki, standing behind his father, sensed the profound meaning in Alvis's words, while Thor, oblivious to the subtleties, was eager to express his frustrations.

Alvis resumed, "I hope everyone here will join, so we don't have to fight each other from now on. As much as I want to say I truly desire to eliminate many of you sitting with us in this moment," pausing for emphasis,

He shifted his gaze first to Kang the Conqueror. He Who Remains smiled in response. Alvis then turned his attention to the Supreme Intelligence, observing her playing with her hands.

Sighing, Alvis continued his words, "But I possess knowledge about choices and wills. Some of you may seem villainous to others but still harbor heroism within. Some of you are simply insane, desiring to destroy and control all, but I doubt you can pursue that path any longer. So now, who is going to stay, and who is going to leave...?" Alvis's eyes glowed with omni-essence, his gaze sweeping across the room, the very essence of his being radiating with authority.

Waiting for them to comprehend his words, a tense atmosphere enveloped the room. Alvis felt a faint breath of uncertainty as he glanced to his left, his eyes briefly flashing with red colors before returning to normal.

Sensing a subtle disturbance outside, the Ancient One, The Watcher, and Odin directed their gaze to the same spot Alvis was looking at, finding nothing of note. Their attention returned to Alvis, who emitted a subtle aura of authority.

As moments passed after Alvis's declaration, a slight tension lingered, and red colors briefly flickered in his eyes once more. The Ancient One, The Watcher, and Odin exchanged glances, contemplating the significance of Alvis's focus. Then, with a faint breath, the atmosphere seemed to shift.

The first to break the silence was an unexpected figure—Thanos. In a rough voice, he declared, "I join," accompanied by a smile directed at Alvis. However, the eyes of Thanos revealed a different narrative, sparking varied expressions from those who knew him. Alvis, in particular, gazed at Thanos with a hint of curiosity, an intention to scan and understand Thanos's status lingering.

Before Alvis could delve further into his curiosity, multiple agreements resonated in the room, indicating a willingness from others to join the alliance.

Behind Alvis, the Ancient One took her necklace, the Eye of Agamotto, containing the Time Gem, and threw it in front of Alvis's position. She proclaimed, "Kamar-Taj Joins the Alliance. Vishanti bless the Alliance."

Hearing this, Alvis looked at the Ancient One and smiled truthfully. Casting a glance at Alice, there was a hint of loss in his eyes. Returning his gaze to the table, another agreement was heard.

"Asgardians Agree to the Alliance," declared God-King Odin, firmly planting his weapon, Gungnir, into the ground. "Asgardians will never betray their allies," he proclaimed, casting a meaningful gaze around the room.

Odin's conviction stemmed from the palpable tension in the air, coupled with the Ancient One standing by Alvis's side, adding weight to the decision.

"Xandarians Join," announced Irani Rael, the commander and leader of the Nova Corps. She glared at The Supreme Intelligent, playfully picking up her hands and sighing, mirroring Alvis's earlier gesture. "A lunatic acting childish," Irani Rael muttered under her breath, a sentiment heard by many superhumans in the room. A chuckle resonated, drawing everyone's attention.

Kang the Conqueror, observing the unfolding events, smiled and addressed Alvis, "It's not like it's permissible to leave, am I wrong, Alvis Bright, the Anomaly, or better be called a contributor to this madness." The statement caught everyone's attention, and all eyes shifted to Alvis, awaiting his response.

Meeting Kang's gaze, Alvis scanned him. "I see why you're acting tough. Your gifted powers won't save you, trust me. Specifically, you won't be able to live against me, Kang the Conqueror. Indeed, I have a little contribution to what's happening now. I won't deny it, but even so, I couldn't limit it even..." Alvis paused for a moment, his eyes shifting to The Watcher.

"Even that couldn't limit it." Hearing Alvis's words, The Watcher took a deep look at Alvis and stated, "Cosmic Beings join the Alliance. We won't interfere against the alliance."

Hearing that, those who were knowledgeable about Cosmic and Abstract beings couldn't believe what they had just heard.

Laughter rang through the room, and glancing to its source, Kang remarked, "Hahahaha, interesting. The TVA will stop interfering." He glared at the Watcher a little more and continued, "Even you, acting all high, won't interfere. What about me, a little mortal? What can I do? Hahahaha." Seeing this, Alvis glared at Kang and said, "Calculative as ever." Kang just smiled in silence and then shifted his focus to Tony Stark.

Seeing that Tony Stark was visibly uneasy, although he didn't know why, Kang continued to stare at him. Tony, feeling uncomfortable, blurted out, "Hey man, I'm straight! I like women. Get your eyes off me!" He quickly controlled the surrounding metals, forming his Iron Man helmet to mask himself. Observing this, Alvis raised an eyebrow and remarked, "It's really written." Tony, protected by the mask, looked at Alvis with a confused expression.

"Alvis, don't think your alliance needs the approval of the United Nations?" questioned Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., from the holographic screen. A chuckle escaped Loki's mouth upon hearing Fury's words, and some, if not all, in the room wanted to laugh.

Despite this, Alvis remained stoic, looking at the holographic screen, and calmly replied, "If I don't protect this planet... in just half an hour, it will be destroyed. Never mind those who are here, but those who are coming soon." As Alvis spoke, others in the room began contemplating what would come soon .

Fury, maintaining his stern gaze, commented, "Earth won't be under you. I don't even know if you're human at all… Humanity will have its own alliance, but it will join yours."

"Hope you can control these greedy bastards," a chuckle escaped Alvis's mouth before he shifted his head to the left and said, "and what about you?" "Wakanda Joins," and then came another announcement, "Inhumans Joins."

Two agreements rang through the room. Those familiar with the arrangements acknowledged them, while those in the dark sought clarification. Tony, confused, looked around, turning his head left and right but didn't see anything.

As Tony linked his consciousness to the building again, consuming energy, and founding an invisible drone inside the building, along with three people sitting ,channeling his energy as bluish color bloomed from Tony Stark position as ripples of energy moved through the building, removing their invisibility effect.

Before Tony could inquire about anything, the Supreme Intelligent, for the first time since the beginning of the meeting, spoken. It looked at the Inhumans sitting and remarked, "Failed Experiments." Hearing that, the leader of the Inhumans, Black Bolt, alongside Medusa and her dog, looked at the Supreme Intelligent in contempt.

Seeing this, Alvis spoke, "Supreme Intelligent, are you going to contempt people in my presence?" As he fueled some Omni-essence, he pressed a pressure onto the Supreme Intelligent, warping her and confining it in dimensional pressure similar to hydraulic pressure . "STOP! STOP! STOP! I WON'T DESPISE NO MORE DON'T DESTROY MY BODY! IT'S MY FIRST! CREATION" Yelling at Alvis to stop, the Supreme Intelligent begged for mercy. Stopping his pressure on the Supreme Intelligent, Alvis looked at the Eternals, who hadn't spoken since the start.

In contempt, the Supreme Intelligent began to calculate her wining chances as data-like existence appeared in its eyes without anyone noticing. It began scanning Alvis, finding him glaring with deadpan face at the same moment she scanned him. She stopped, '0% interesting,' said the Supreme Intelligent in her mind.

As Alvis Returned his sight to Ajak Feeling Alvis' gaze, Ajak didn't know what to say. Sensing that she might have betrayed her people with not telling them about earth destruction when their god born, as she felt multiple hands on both shoulders.

Glancing behind her, she found everyone smiling at her, though not all of them. Taking a deep breath, she looked back to Alvis and said, "The Eternals were forever and shall forever be the protectors of humanity and the shield of Earth. We join the alliance."

Nodding to the Eternals in confirmation, everyone turned their heads toward the Supreme Intelligent, feeling the collective gaze upon it. "The Kree Empire can join if you provide a proper reason. We don't even know what's happening, and it seems you're enforcing everyone to join. Don't you think an alliance should have a little trust?" voiced Alvis, his words penetrating the charged atmosphere.

Hearing that, some nodded in agreement, but not everyone was convinced. Alvis smiled faintly, yet his smile sent chills through everyone sitting around the table. Even Fury, far away inside a helicopter traveling to New York, felt a shiver down his spine as he sensed the intensity of the moment.

"What better reason than survival? I think it's a good reason to begin with. I may or may not know the end of what's happening, but let me give you a proper explanation of what we will be up against. It seems you all don't have a proper picture of what will happen next, and I don't blame you for that because I just noticed that…" Alvis's words hung in the air, and the attention of everyone in the room shifted entirely to him.

The holographic representation of the universe above the round table transformed, projecting vivid scenes of destruction, chaos, and unknown cosmic entities and monstrous beings. Alvis commenced his narration, his voice bearing the weight of impending doom.

"This is what we're facing. Entities beyond our comprehension, some of which could be contained and defeated before the undefined being bestowed power upon all of existence. Chaos will and shall descend upon all realities, and a force that transcends our understanding. The fabric of existence itself is threatened—never mind existence, everything is going to be destroyed. Trust me; I have seen it, and it seems the start of annihilation is going to begin from here."

Zooming out from pictures into cosmic void till the Omniversal hierarchy the holograph gradually reached to where marvel multiverse is located at , zooming into the blue ball. "This is our multiverse. Some of you may know and have seen it, some of you may have heard of it, and some may disbelieve it. But what many of you don't know is that there is a wall that protects it," Alvis explained.

As the ball expanded, reaching half of the table, he continued, "And this wall became like this." Alvis raised his hand, poking the ball. As he poking the ball began to rotate, and holes ripped through it. "From these holes, an energy that defies comprehension and understanding is seeping inside. Even the being who protects it couldn't limit it" Alvis said, glancing at the Watcher for a moment.

Materializing the Living Tribunal, Alvis showcased a battle against the Void God. After a series of clashes, the Living Tribunal successfully defeated and killed the Void God. As the Living Tribunal fixed the hole, it appeared mended. However, from Alvis's perspective, something else unfolded.

The hole that the Living Tribunal fixed indeed seemed repaired, but from another spectrum, multiple holes emerged, one after another, until the once-contained ball became a ragged, torn entity.

"These holes, if I'm correct, each one is a portal and a rift that connects to another reality and fuel the energies of that undefined being's gifts. Counting the entire multiverse, we will soon have infinite portals opening up and as we speak it may defined infinites. Survival is not a guarantee for any of us, regardless of our powers or dominions. Our only chance is unity, transcending our differences and forming an alliance that can defy the very essence of this impending catastrophe," Alvis emphasized, his gaze fixed on the holographic representation as though he could perceive the imminent danger approaching.

"Interesting. The being who gave these powers and created this madness and chaos truly understands his job. But why all that?" Thanos, the Mad Titan, interjected. Raising his hand, it began to change colors from purple to dark black. Alvis shifted his attention from Thanos to everyone present.

"If I'm correct… it's to break the levels… to be specific, it's a test and the battlefield is just an extend of it, and only the strongest will emerge victorious from it," Alvis proclaimed.

Hearing these words, those who had lived through wars and experienced conflicts had their expressions change. Odin, in particular, gazed at Alvis, his eyes glowing in golden hues. "How sure are you, Alvis Bright... and what has made you so certain about it?"

"I'm quite sure." As Alvis spoke, he raised his hand sideways, channeling his omni-essence. His fingers glowed as all the colors across the spectrum existed his fingers painting it with rainbow colors. Alvis began moving his fingers around the air tearing the essence of reality itself.

Those in close proximity distanced themselves from Alvis. The Ancient One, pulled Tony Stark away and thrown him behind her, looking at Alvis in awe as he ripped through the fabric of reality itself. With this action, a palpable sense of throbbing emanated, and everyone in the room instinctively opened up their newly acquired supernatural power's instinctually.

"Huff Huff Pure Power, Huf Huff Holy Order, Insanity ,Pure Madness and Pleasure—what is that? Why? How?" The Watcher questioned Alvis. He lost his ability to fly and fell to the floor, catching his breath. Yet, he wasn't alone; everyone in the room experienced the same. None stood; only Alvis remained on his feet. From the ruptures in reality, a wave spread, reaching not only everyone present but extending throughout the entire universe and multiverse. A pervasive feeling of oblivion and death enveloped all.

"This is the realm where the strongest of all are fighting at, the gods who creates everything and annihilate everything their word's before was the order but, Now they are fighting each other's!. Can you feel it? This level of power and the level of their authorities and now These god's are in that realm are locked in a battle to oblivion and annihilation,orchestrated by the one who set all these events into motion. SO, FOR ME TO SAY THAT WE ARE IN A BATTLEFIELD AND TEST, TO CREATE AND BRING FORTH THE STRONGEST—THEN IT'S TRUE," Alvis declared, his voice resonating with authority and madness.

As Alvis relaxed his emotions down bellowing his words, his fingers began to heal from the bleeding effect from the broken rift of reality as they healed quite fast in same motion. As a voice holding a chuckle rang through the room, saying, "pretty strong you can beat that wolf idiot , and beautiful speech ten out of ten." Hearing this, Alvis deactivated his energy to letting reality heal back, turning his head towards the source. "What brought you here never mind what brought you how did you come here, Deadpool? This is not you're reality at all" he asked, a hint of confusion appearing on his face.

Hearing Alvis's words, The Watcher risen from the ground faster than everyone else, looking at Deadpool in disbelief. "Wade How did you come here?" The Watcher questioned. Alvis, glancing at Deadpool, scanning him. "Interesting, really. That being really knows how to provide everyone with what they need or want?. Interesting..."


Name: Wade Wilson/Deadpool

Life: ∞

Energy :400/500

Race: Human-Mutant - Data Entity via

Undefined Power

Level of Power: 8-C: Building level

Divinity: Interaction Pathway {Locked}

Supernatural power :Interaction {Semi-Locked }

Passive Skills {PS}: Regeneration & Immortality {LU+} Weapon Mastery{H+} Martial Arts{H+}

Active Skills {AS}: Breaking the Fourth Wall{Undefined &l Locked} Interaction Manipulation{L+}

Observing Deadpool's status, Alvis's thoughts began to brew. 'Fourth wall…' he pondered, looking upwards. Deadpool's status had shaken him, momentarily transporting him back to his past memories.

"Oh Uatu hadn't seen you in eternity Hmmm How did I come here? Easy. I was swallowed by a worm quite ugly one, it came from these glowing portals I don't know how it appeared."

"When I was cutting my way out, I exited and found myself somewhere in dark place. There were many glowing portal, I picked the red one why because it's my favorite after exiting it, I arrived somewhere with many pictures and line connected to it. Of course can this stop me Deadpool impossible so I cut some lines—there were weak ones," Deadpool explained, pulling his katana and slicing through the air, dissecting reality into pieces.

Witnessing Deadpool's actions, both Alvis and The Watcher locked their hands onto Deadpool. "Stop! Stop! You're going to kill us. Not everyone can survive between the voids like you," Alvis screamed at Deadpool, urging him to cease cutting reality into pieces and linking them to the void between realities.

Removing his hand's from Wade Wilson looking at Deadpool hugging Uatu The Watcher and crying Sighing "Sigh, what a headache. One can go forward, meaning others can come too, and who gives a lunatic these powers? Wait."

Alvis's eyes glowed in a grey color, illuminating the room. "I understand now how these powers work. Hahaha, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." losing his leader-like presence as he comprehended how these gifts worked, looking at everyone and realizing they were focusing on him in embarrassment. Coughing, he prepared to share his discovery.

"Okay, okay, stop staring at me. I'll tell you all." Alvis saw their eyes where going to eat him alive, knowing he needed to share his discovery.

Opening his mouth, "The Pa… Interesting." No word's coming out as he fused omni-essence into his vocals, but still, no words came out again. Everyone looked at Alvis with confusion.

Ajak from the Eternals looked at Alvis a little deeper and said, "you can't say it, right?" Looking at Ajak with acknowledgment, Alvis closed his eyes, connecting his Omni-Pyramid with the Process, opening the status and focusing on Ancient One's memories and his own memories, combining the dots trying to find loophole.

"Gift-Talents, which are supernatural powers bestowed upon all realities, serve as a unique manifestation to aid users in comprehending and utilizing the ____. These supernatural powers, evolving in tandem with the user's journey, play a mysterious yet pivotal role, providing insights and capabilities that align with the chosen concept." Stopping his word's for a second for others to comprehend

Continuing the narrative "Upon theoretical comprehension, a user ascends into ____ assuming control over the _____ concept. This evolution unlocks a profound connection, allowing manipulation of fundamental ______. Aghhhh, damn it!" Cursing aloud, Alvis looked around the room. He felt as if he was slapped by something. Looking in front of himself, he saw something he never wanted to see again: the thing that severed his connection with the process.

"Okay, okay, I won't continue. You said you want creativity and imagination with a hint of creation and destruction, right? Then I'm doing my part. Wait, wait, wait!" Jumping to the side, reality behind Alvis was erased from existence Seeing this, everyone distanced themselves from Alvis. Only Deadpool looked at Alvis, then to the air. Raising his hand to say something, Alvis moved, manipulated space leveraging an equal amount of energy switching his position with matter and atoms next to deadpool, teleporting to him, covering his mouth.

"Not a single word, or we'll all be erased. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!? Forget that! IT SEEMS THE THEATER MASTER IS ANGRY!" Yelling at space infront of him, Alvis felt something had gone very wrong.

Looking at the disappearing reality behind then to the rubber eraser, remembering Emperor Of Oblivion Bright and Jester of Knowledge Bright, Alvis now is sure about who the trickster is. "Bastard, it's fun for you, ain't it? You want to have war? Then let's have it. The knowledge that you're trying to protect, I will remove it. Let's see if you can erase me, you bastard." Alvis channeled his omni-essence to the limit.

He was going to sacrifice it. Before, he used to channel it inside without losing it, but now he is going to lose it.


As the sound waves emanated from Alvis's mouth, their influence expanded, reaching every corner of Earth. It was as if enlightenment had fallen upon the planet's inhabitants. But the impact didn't cease there; the waves tore through the end of the universe, echoing back to Alvis's location with a resounding crack.

As it returned it Broke free from the confines of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the sound wave transcended the three-dimensional space, ascending to the fourth dimension, where parallel universes, timelines, and the vast multiverse sea converged.

Sacrificing his limits, Alvis's sound wave defied the rules of sound, becoming an unstoppable force.

The bouncing effect initiated a cosmic resonance, jumping in and out of universes, echoing through infinity. Cosmic and abstract beings were the first to comprehend its profound meaning. It rang through the entire Marvel hierarchy, triggering an unprecedented shift.

In the Chaos Dimension, Chthon, seated on his throne, played with a reddish ball tinged with a hint of purplish color. Receiving the sound waves, Chthon comprehended their meaning, a deep and meaningful smile appearing on his face. He threw the ball forward, and as it exploded, reality warped with red colors.

Observing the petals produced from the explosion, Chthon remarked, "Interesting. He didn't lie; it truly became the counterpart of chaos. Even chaos can create. Hahahahaha, what an interesting character, Alvis Bright. Meeting you is going to be fun"

Not only Chthon who noticed that everyone in marvel hierarchy begun using their supernatural power in illogical but logical way finally achieving one of the impossible feats of the pathways but what everyone didn't know that the tricker wasn't happy about that at all.

Looking at the rubber eraser in front of himself, Alvis smiled. The seemingly mundane object carried an inexplicable sense of emotion, and as Alvis smiled, the eraser seemed to respond, writing words in the air that only Alvis and Deadpool could see. Even Deadpool, known for his humor, found no reason to laugh as he read the words.

"I will let you understand the depressed life this muiltiverse will have. You've grasped some truths, but the greater picture eludes you. Let's see if you can handle enemies knocking on your door every day," echoed a collective voice, Alvis and Deadpool reading the words from the rubber.

Hearing Alvis and Deadpool's words, everyone in the office remained silent. However, Tony Stark broke the silence, expressing his concerns, "Is it worth fighting someone who can bestow power to everyone? Aren't you scared IT will take it back or, worse, kill you? We can see what happened when you spoke too much." Stark looked at Alvis with newfound insight, the enlightenment effect of Alvis's words appearing stronger than it initially seemed.

"It cannot take the powers because it was never his. You wouldn't understand, but feel free to think about it. Every power couldn't be taken back, so don't worry about that. If it could kill me, it would have done that before. I wish it could; it would remove my previous assumptions. I don't think it could kill specifically; he's a trickster who will use tricks to kill."

Stopping his words for a moment, Alvis looked at Loki standing behind Odin and said, "Loki, I think you know better about tricksters than me. You will have your own department dedicated to understanding that being's influence."

Without waiting for Loki's approval, Alvis turned his attention to Thanos and Kang, "You both are war lunatics and commanders, so you will have the Department of Extra-Dimensional War. Find a way to either close the portals or go inside them. We can't only be defending; we need to attack."

Looking at Odin and Thor, then to The Supreme Intelligent and Irani Rael, he continued, "Asgardians, Kree, and Xandarians are all cosmic empires. Space will be your zone. You all will work together as the Cosmic Department, aiming to protect and eliminate the threats existing the portals."

"Does everyone agree or not?" Alvis said, his expression devoid of emotion.

"If we don't agree, who will dictator?" Kang asked, looking at Alvis with a sly smile and fox-like eyes.

Receiving unanimous nods, Alvis asserted with a chilling tone, "Betray this alliance before we control the situation, and I assure you, another day in any reality won't be yours."

As all eyes focused on the spot erased from existence, a palpable tension filled the room. Thoughts swirled among the gathered entities. Thanos observed Alvis, darkness cloaking him with subtle glimmers, akin to stars in the void. 'What a lunatic, even more than me,' echoed in Thanos's mind.

Kang the Conqueror, wearing a gaze as if he encountered his arch-nemesis in his thoughts, contemplated Alvis. 'Me, a respectable monrarch. Looking at you, engaging with someone of god-knows-what level of power it's in.'

Inhaling deeply, Alvis directed his gaze first at the Ancient One, then to Tony Stark and Fury, shifting his attention to the Inhumans and the Wakanda drone.

"Kamar-Taj will establish a school for magic and create portals, linking the entire planet," he declared, earning a nod from the Ancient One. Turning to the Wakanda drone and Tony Stark, he continued, "Wakanda and Stark Industries will collaborate to advance Earth's technology."

"For the safety of the planet, and the moon—never mind Earth and the moon, the entire solar system needs protection. Hence, the Inhumans and Eternals will act as guardians, focusing on the defense of our solar system. Inhumans, I haven't overlooked your desires; I understand. You can choose to have pieceon Earth to live in or extend it to a planet within the solar system," he paused, fixing a stern gaze on Fury's holograph.

With a voice deprived of emotions, red light emanating from his eyes, Alvis asserted, "Any government opposing the collective Earth alliance, refusing to remove borders and unify the planet, will face erasure or imprisonment. Should further issues arise, I will personally handle them. Fury, call your safeguard and let's see if she aligns with our agreement." With that, Alvis turned away from the table.

"This alliance will bear the name of Marvelous Alliance," Alvis declared, pausing briefly before striding toward the spot where the eraser had erased a piece of reality.

As he stood before the erased scene that began healing by itself, contemplating it, Irani Rael's words halted him. "And what are you going to do, leader?" she challenged.

Turning his head to Irani and then casting a glance at everyone, Alvis halted at Deadpool and The Watcher. "Together with the tight red guy and the blue-headed god, we will confront something I hope to never witness in my life, especially if you think the trickster is a lunatic."

He raised his hand, conjuring his higher consciousness into an invisible sword. With a swift movement, Alvis severed the head of Stark Tower, opening a visible rift for everyone to witness outside its confines.

Pointing to the massive red portal in the distance, Alvis declared, "That is a place no one wants to go in or out. I will remain here to defend it and hope the multiverse will be protected from destruction. Watcher, if you don't have anything to do, stay with Deadpool and check for me what rules have been tampered with and changed." Saying this, white colors began to shape on Alvis's face, forming an emotionless mask with an open forehead.

As He leaped from the Stark Tower, leaving everyone behind, and landed with superhero-like precision.

In his thoughts, Alvis mused, 'It's more complicated than you all are thinking it is.'

Sitting cross-legged at a little distance from the portal, Alvis looked at the red portal in the distance, sensing that something ominous would emerge soon.


Process Status:

Name: {Dictator} Alvis Bright

Life: 500,000/500,000

Omni-Energy {OE}: 233,000+/1,200,000+

Omni-essences {OE^2} : {2/10}

Race: Singularity - Data Entity via Undefined Power

Level of Power: Tier-5 Planetary / Virtual 3-A Universe Level via Singularity Collapse

{Pathway} Divinity: Process {LU+} / Limit {Locked}

Concept: Physical {L+} / Mystical {H+} / Dimensions {M+}

Knowledge: Materialistic Science {H+} / Language {∞} / Mystical Arts {H+} / Magic Runes {H+} / White Magic {LU+}

Talent: Process (LU+) / Limit {Locked} / Absorption {2}

Superpower: Energy Manipulation (Linked to Process) {ENM} / Mind's Eye / Divine Mind (Incomplete) / Higher Consciousness {Planetary}

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM/2} - Acquiring undefined and increasing amount of omni-energy

Active Skills {AS}: Energy Blast, Energy Ray, Omni-Energy Armor, Singularity Punch, Dimensional Reversal

Magic/Spells {SP}: Eldritch Magic = {Line/Shield/White Magic/Enchantment}, Mirror Dimension Magic, Portal Creation

"A dictator, huh? Interesting..." inside the white mask different from it's colors a little dark smile appeared