
Transcending Paragon

WARNING before reading: the story has a massive harem like Pokemon! if you don't like it then this fix is not for you. this is wish fulfilment and don't expect character development. I write this for fun. A young man whose life met a cruel fate. his father died, his mother diagnosed with a unknown disease and face financial problem. when he ask why fate was cruel. it answered him "I need you to be my husband" "....." Wish fulfillment story, I write this for fun. world travel, anime world and manhua world first world: Black clover Second world: Nanatsu no taizai Third world: Highschool DXD and Testament of Sister new devil. Fourth world: Wu dong Qian kun, Battle through the Heavens and Tales of Demons and Gods.

ChesterCure · アニメ·コミックス
375 Chs

chapter 78 - The final grasp of eternity.

[E/N: - Yahallo~ Your handsome Editor-kun is back OwO.

Anyways, sorry for the delay guys, my mobile broke and I had an internet problem and now that that they are fixed here are the chaps. Enjoy.]


The following content will contain, torture and gore to the extreme if you're not a fan of this place skip to the last part of tge chapter.


Above the sky far in the city of Akihabara, above a private property owned by a rich tycoon. Floating in the sky was woman with snow white hair that was glistening under the moonlight.

She wore a black shirt, a leather jacket with red inner blouse, black stockings and her shoes were high laces.

(A/N: I don't know how to describe it but here. Also I don't know if Akihabara have close forest or private property but give me some benefit of the doubt and say it has, Okay?)

"These people are truly vile."

Sapphire(Baolan) looked below in disgust as the horrible people were being slaughtered and tortured by the shadow soldiers. These were the summon of the person inside, he was radiating an amount of killing intent that could destroy this lower plain of Earth if not for her fortifying it.

Earth was weaker compared to Black Clover world, as it is a world that adapted to the change. Earth cannot do it, that made the inhabitants incapable of using the energy around them.

Sapphire decided to descend, she saw the fresh blood of the people who were being eaten alive by shadow insects, while others were decapitated by the knights but none was dying.

'"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."…. Truly a fitting quote for him.'

Sapphire wasn't disturbed by their screams for nor the lies about their families in the slightest, she can see the souls of the ones speaking and their said families. She turned to the said man, giving him a false hope for redemption.

"Poor soul that has been drowning in despair, please rest."

She then used her dream manipulation to bypass the laws then sending the soul to Caelum's Wheel of Samsara, boosting him even more. By doing so, it could slowly integrate with the Earth's Wheel of Samsara.

If Caelum is able to fully master the Earth's Wheel of Samsara, it will enable him to be closer to creating a real world or a main world rather than an internal world.

Finishing the soul clean up, Sapphire(Baolan) went inside where Caelum was and she saw him hugging a blonde woman who was about to be assaulted, while a fat pig was being tortured by a clone.

She could see the manifestation of dread radiating from Caelum's body. Sapphire did not utter single word as he slowly turned revealing the countless eyes and teeth all over his face.

Sapphire couldn't help but shudder as she remembered the past, a dark and terrifying event that made him have the same appearance right now.

"Sapphire can you transport everyone to a safe place? And here, please get her to my sister."

She could feel the care her lover had for the blonde woman, knowing that this person was someone precious to him. Even if she was a Goddess, it doesn't mean she could instantly know everything, especially concerning someone like Caelum.

"Alright, but I'll come back"

"NO! I will do it myself, thank you."

Sapphire reluctantly nodded as she teleported the kidnapped girls back to their homes. Caelum snapped his fingers, sending all the thugs whose screams became music to his ears to a sub dimension using his eye ability.

His robe became distorted and changed into a black color scheme similar to Xiaochen Reform. Caelum's third eye then changed into the Otsutsuki symbol.

[Infinite Tsukuyomi!]

Everyone became in a vegetative state, living in a countless lives of torture like Diavolo from Golden Experience. This was inspired by Darksied's Omega Sanction, an infinite reincarnation that will always lead to the worst death.

Caelum made sure to use life and death energies to intensify the torture. One particular Tsukuyomi was a man being eaten alive by cannibals as every piece of flesh from his body was eaten, another one was being Gang-Raped by a group of men.

"As for you…my beautiful lover will have a better use for you."

He reached out his hand and suddenly summoned the fat pig with broken fingers that are being healed. He looked at Caelum's appearance that was beyond terrifying.

"It's a shame that I can't use a technique that erases your whole family tree from existence…. I might visit Chen Fan's world someday."

Caelum murmured to himself, ignoring the fat pig's struggle to escape. He then brought out small gun from his pocket and tried to shoot Caelum.

"The hell are you doing?"

The bullet stopped then fell down as its inertia force was removed, this made Caelum slam the pig's head to the ground with huge force that almost destroyed the space. He raised his arm looking at the unidentified face of the fat pig as it began to revert back but the pain did not.

"Be nice and be quiet…actually <Silence>.

With a simple word, the fat pig couldn't utter any noise which made him fall into even more despair and delusional thinking that everything is a dream.

Caelum teleported everyone to [Niflheim] where countless souls were screaming for help. He used this gravity manipulation to hover the new guinea pigs.

Seeing his master, Demiurge greeted his master bowing. Caelum began to explain the situation which made him smile menacingly.

"Send the half to Quinn and I'll give the other to Sally."

"As you command, my lord."

After giving him the unfortunate souls, Caelum went inside the experiment facility where human experiments and other things are conducted. It was mostly used for torturing enemies that Caelum found annoying.

Arriving to one of the rooms, he was greeted by Sally who was dissecting an old man that Caelum sent before.

"Oh, you're here, Caelum-kun!"

She then jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck while giving him a tender kiss.

"I miss you too Sally but we'll do it later. I want your help with something."

"Oh!? New guinea pigs??"

"Yeah, these trashes tried to touch my sister and almost raped her friend!"

"that's terrible but…Give me! Give me! Give me!"

Caelum's rage has subsided a bit after his love calmed him down but looking at the fat pig and the old man made his blood boil even more.

"Are you done with this old man?"

"Yeah! People in your world are really fascinating that I could not find anything even after I remove their blood vessel, internal organ or ripping their skin. None had mana."

"I see, do you think they could be given mana?"

"For now, it can't be naturally but it needs something that acts a catalyst to do it. Thankfully Caelum-kun brought new fresh bodies!"

After saying goodbye to Sally, Caelum then teleported to a sub-dimension where a minute outside equals a month inside, he put the fat pig in a bed and tied him down. He then grabbed a nearby syringe that was laced in neurotoxin made by Quinn that increases the pain receptors of any creature.

<Your soul shall feel the same pain as your body, your soul can't disperse, disintegrate or crumble until the torture is done>

[E/N: - Do note that the following torture will be happening to the kingpin like dude that tried to touch imouto-chan too but off-screen by a clone]

A warm breeze would feel like a burning sensation slowly eroding the body while multiplying it by a hundred that is how much pain that person will endure.

Caelum then used his dream manipulation and creation energy to modify it. The new one will make you feel that feeling a normal air current is the same as taking a good old sunbath on the Sun's surface. To make the matter worse he injected a compressed 1 liter worth of the toxin in every single cell of the fat pig's body.

<The poison's effect shall never stop>

After injecting the poison, the fat pig tried to scream in agony but nothing came out of his mouth showing the effect of Caelum power. He then held a scalpel and slowly peeled the skin of the fat pig.

He made sure to put death energy to intensify the pain in his soul. He spent five hours removing almost all of the skin but the wounds were being healed.

"Now that's done we shall go to next stage!"

He started cutting every muscle, removing the tendons and crushing the bones to dust.

He proceeded to pour alcohol and salt on his wounds that even worsened the sensation if not for Caelum's [Voice of Authority] then he would been dead for a long time.

Caelum held a plier then proceeded to remove every single nail he had. It has been half a day that he had did it over and over but the sensation felt like an eternity.

"Now then, you like toying with women, right?"

Caelum then created an empty tube with countless micro sharp spikes and blades inside it, he made the spikes and blades heated to the same degree as the core of the sun and laced the tube and spikes with boiling acid. After that he created a drill with the same spikes and blades as the tube.

Caelum then manipulated the body of the big to make him have an erection and then manipulated the tube to engulf the erect member of the pig, slowly the tube engulfed the whole thing while the drill went inside the urethra.

Caelum then made both the tube and the drill rotate in different directions in supersonic speed.

He then created another copy of the drill but it has the size of a baseball bat and manipulated it to drill that pig's anus.

Not satisfied with this amount of physical torture, he dipped him into boiling acid then created shadow bugs that will eat his eyes then proceed to eat his body from the inside out.

"Now then, physical torture is done let's jump to the mental one."

Caelum said with a gentle smile that would be mistaken for a Saint's if seen without hearing his words.

<What you feel in the illusion will equally affect your physical body>

[Infinite Tsukuyomi: Karmic Reincarnation of Hell]

This technique will make you live countless lifetimes depends on how many people you hurt and for every person you hurt you will live one hundred thousand lifetimes worth of agony and they all end with different type of death or torture.

For example, here, for almost Raping Mary Caelum made one of his lifetimes like this, the man lived an extremely happy and fulfilling life with a loving and caring wife and a beautiful daughter, during the time when the happy family was expecting a new member for the family, they picked the interest of the wrong people.

After the family got kidnapped by some psychopaths, the man was then fed a drug and was forced to Rape his own daughter until she died, he was then forced to watch as his wife was being assaulted by a group of men and they opened her belly like a watermelon after having their fun.

[A/N: holy shit I didn't write this but editor-kun and God that's fuxking brutal! wow for those sensitive I'm very sorry.]


After spending thirty days having his 'fun', Caelum teleported to a gigantic stone hill with countless insects and maggots moving around. He could hear their thoughts that were mostly 'Grandfather' or 'Creator' as they were the creation of Quinn with her magic.

These creatures could absorb the attributes of the one that they devour a like the chimera ants from Hunter x Hunter. He then proceeded to visit where Quinn was, she currently feeding the larva's while the recently brought humans were being eaten inside by the eggs that hatched.

These creatures are like an extension of Quinn, and can be commanded like cannon fodder.

"Father? Are you here with another gift?"

"Yes Quinn, I want you to use these two as permanent incubators."

He then grabbed something from his sub-dimension, they were the fat pig and the person that was about touch his precious little sister. The two of them were terrified looking at the countless screaming bodies as larva was bursting from the inside of their bodies.

Even though Caelum is afraid of what his family will think of him after this, but he doesn't care as these people are guilty in his eyes.

"Ah! As you command father, I'll create my torture insects then."

What is a torture insect? As the name implies, it an insect that specializes in torturing someone via the neurotoxin that was used on them before.

This insect is only the size of a dust particle that will cause pain inside the body. Quinn could create millions of these insects as they used little mana due to their short lifespan, but the pain they induce lasts forever.

"Thank you, Quinn, I'll be going to my family. Don't worry we'll have a date in the next couple of days."

Hearing his promise, Quinn was in bliss at the possibility of what it also implies in their date.

Caelum left Quinn as he teleported to the place his sister was previously in. He was trying to contain his anger as much he can but couldn't.

"5000x gravity!"

After destroying everything to oblivion, he then proceeded to use Sha Naqba Imuru and learnt everything about the leader.

He then found that his uncle was a person that has been doing illegal acts behind his public businesses.

'The scum truly has a lot of connections!'

He learnt everything about what happened to his aunt and cousins who were treated like puppets because of this bastard of an uncle. He controlled everything they did and never allowed them to be free.

"System, hack the bank accounts of the fat pig and transfer all the money to the people who had been affected by their actions. Additionally, recommend me a place to buy a building to start my business."

He wanted to do it with his own hands, and also make his uncle move in the palm of his hands as he steals everything from him.

[E/N: - Including his wife.]

"I should head back and check on mother, but first."

He then disappeared from where he was and appeared in a room where two sleeping women laid on bed. One was a blonde woman while the other was black haired one. Both were covered by the bed sheet.

Caelum slowly approached them as he caresses their faces gently. His raging aura changing into a calming one that filled the air.

"I'm sorry that your feelings were dismissed, Mary. I hope that after I show you the truth your feelings won't change."

He looked at the blonde woman and smiled as he gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

He then took out Avalon from his Gate of Babylon and fused it with her body.

Caelum then looked at the person that has always been with him.

"Liliena…I... I will accept your feeling when you're ready to tell me."

Caelum knew he was adopted but Liliena doesn't know. He did have red hair and so did his father.

He then took another Avalon and fused it with her too.


A figure popped out from his shadows kneeling.

"you called, my king."

"I want you to stay in her shadow and protect them."

"As you wish, my king."

He then disappeared inside their shadows.

After giving one final kiss to his sister, Caelum proceeded to teleport not noticing the twitching eyes of Liliena.

After he finished everything, Caelum was greeted by his mother who was standing in front of him. Before Caelum could say anything, his mother interrupted.

"Tell me everything, Caelum!"


[E/N: - Hope you enjoyed the chapter and now one down two more to go, Imma go edit the remaining two chapters after this one is uploaded so expect two more chaps unless Cure went to sleep before I send the chaps (fuck different time zones)]