
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

13 Chs

Ch 13 primordial Chaos Thunder

After seeing all these small spells he understand something

" Prehistoric Cultivation World "

"...This world is fucking prehistoric Cultivation world Type "

If i don't have ' Little Yun ' My face will as black as charcoal

This world is type of world where most old monsters scheme all the time

You won't know when you become someone puppet ' Terrifying '

Cultivation Path of this world can not even go outside the heavenly Dao

At the evening Chu Xuan seat on chair at home lazily observing clouds in the sky and lost in thought

Brother' what are you thinking " asked Little Yun!

" Me ' Hmm I was just thinking how this year was gone for mortal's they pitfully have 85 years to live if I was on the ' Earth ' Mother and father nagging about job and marriage sigh* !

" Now i don't Mother and father it's don't fell good or Free ' as i thought of transmigrated, should be

" But lonely..." Said Chu Xuan with some sadness!

Little Yun suddenly hug Chu Xuan " Brother don't be sad I am here for you and we will become existence as you always wants then save your world and mother and father!

Chu Xuan smile little 'at How little Yun trying to cheering him ' Thanks Little Yun for cheering me ,

" In between us is there need thanks? said little Yun trying to appear angry!

" Hahaha ' Chu Xuan just laugh!

On fifth month in the deadline of two years

Chu Xuan house already turned into Small Thousand World

In the centre of this world on a planet

".Five Elements spritual energy was absorb by Chu Xuan On High ancient Immortal platform

Some time later..

Suddenly as forbidden existence awakend ' all Space-Time in the place Chu Xuan seat Start to collapsed 'and at the same time immortal platform glow with immense ,Immortal light ' and all space time stabilized !

" Hmm 3000 Qi Refining Realm ' Chu Xuan open his eyes 'deep purple lighting flash and said in deep voice!

" Interesting ..." Hmm the Talent's i gots is very interesting

Hahaha..." cough cough!

" Primordial Chaos Thunder " an Talent or power only Detached level existence can use "

Now I can be considered undefeatable under Detached-level

This Primordial Thunder is the first thunder after' The beginning of Creation '

Chu Xuan looking in his Dantian check his cultivation everything is alright

Noticed something

" Little Yun what happened why I am feeling little strange ' asked Chu Xuan with serious expression !

He strangely fell like he don't need to increase his Qi Refining Realm Cultivation more

Little Yun like fairy come out of Novel appeared in front of Chu Xuan" Hmm brother you have hit the limit of this Qi Refining-Realm ' if you still increasing the Qi Refining Realm there is no benifit other then Qi !

" I suggest you to breakthrough to high Foundation building level "

" So hit the limit Huh' Then i just breakthought " Thank you Yun Yun '

"No need to thanks between us focus on Cultivation i will be going ' after she gone in system

Chu Xuan don't say anything and start another seclusion again !

After an hour he turned all Qi into liquidation and breakthought

All types of Great Dao Anomaly appeared

But little Yun Hide them with the wave of her hand from system space and start to focus on anime again

Chu Xuan already tell little Yun to hide anything related to him at the unknown level entity's Space

So he is comfortablely cultivating He open his eyes to admire his Dao's Anomaly manifested by his unique Constitution ' Then Close his eyes meditation ' and start circulating Cultivation Three Forbidden Techniques

Months pass by one after two

On the certain day ,

The Small Thousand World " Start to shake like burst in moment and stop by unknown Transcendent power!

" Foundation building Level 3000 !

Chu Xuan stop the Forbidden cultivation he was doing and call little Yun in his mind ' Yun Yun!

Little Yun appears as she always exist in front of Chu Xuan " Yes brother!

" How much Time has passed? asked Chu Xuan he literally forget about setting up timer for how much time he have to cultivate!

In Cultivation world after achieving foundation building Level ' Cultivatior's don't have any physical problems and can cultivate thousand years seating in a same place

but they have only 250 years of life span . So they usually purchase 'timer type Magic trasure, for cultivation sessions!

" We still have 3 months ' said little Yun with smile!

' 3 months huh..."

Chu Xuan thought's" i already reached Achieve Purple Mension Stages on reaching 300 level at foundation Realm

Now just I need to understand laws.

and condense Great Dao' seed's and form ' Chaos Dao Seed !