
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

13 Chs

Ch 12 Cultivation Cheat code

Chu Xuan with Indifferent eyes look ' as Chen Jingzhai take his Earth element Technique and gone with his best friend

Chu Xuan ' don't do anything to him right now 'not because he did not have strength to kill this ant ' or the cultivation sect he join blame him to kill fellow student ' He can just erase the existence of the sect that think of blaming him

Chu Xuan have some other plans with playfull smile think " I was bored so should I play with chosen one's ' This game is the most exciting ' and little time consuming to kill son of heaven in This big Heavenly Dao stage.

" Chen Jingzhai, Oh Chen Jingzhai!Now you made the worst enemy you have every think of ' Originally I only will take your Opportunity ' and give you a small fortune ' but now endless regrets wait for you "... hahaha ,

From Chen Jingzhai ( point of view)

After coming back Chen Jingzhai suddenly felling endless chill " have i catch cold ?He was confusine .then forget ,

He was happily looking at the cultivation Technique, suddenly There was a prickling pain in his head as something flashed past in his mind.

Even though the sensation only lasted for a second, Chen Jingzhai could feel his heart throbbing violently.

When he regained his senses again, something looked different to him.

[Technique: The Rock Technique]

[Advantage: The cultivators, who succeed in cultivating this technique, will develop a strong foundation as well as pure and rich spiritual power.]

[Disadvantage: Sensing earth essence power is very hard. The level of difficulty for cultivating this technique is high. It is difficult for cultivators to get started on it.]

[Flaw: To get a head start in cultivating this technique, bury yourself under the roots of an old tree.]

Stunned, Chen Jingzhai saw the white writings that faintly appeared on the book of the Rock Technique.

"System?" he called out ina low voice.

No response.

After trying calling system in various ways getting no response other than this window

" Sigh* This is not a system but a cheat is cheat ' after looking at Flaw section with happy joy and thought " people have talent but I have special cultivation cheat ' i will definitely become immortal ! said with endless determination!

Chu Xuan who already returned his own place " hmm He should have started his cheat, thought !

Then Chu Xuan with evil smile " enjoy kid the more happy you are the more fun I have taking your fortune ! Hahaha Cough cough..."

Chu Xuan seat cross leg and start Meditation the time he reached the Qi Refining Realm - 12 he don't need to consume Food He can survive with spritual energy so he start his long seclusion again !

At first he got bored of this long cultivation seclusion without mobile phone or Tv and anime novel's etc 'but after somedays he got to used to it Cultivate regularly ,after all he don't have anything to do other than increasing his strength

Sometime he got very bored and got outside the house to take a looking at the evening scenery.

At the first day he thought of looking at for books at the Academy Technique building or library.

All he found is garbage of some stupid idiot name Hermit Guangm** or whatever ' who only saw some low level beast's as terrifying as' Demon Ansector , himself decent into mortal world '

I won't be able to read past fifteen chapters of his diary ' He is to tell you the truth is most unfortunate guy i ever read about who the heck accounter desert blood ents at the start of the journey and letter got biteen by Spirit sand snake in the only ten chapters.

Forget about this unfortunate idiot ' I have paid special attention to Cultivation spells on this library they are very outdated or no new spells found they are fucking crude and garbage spell even i can create spells 100 time better than these in hour

These spells look like Cultivatior's of this realm Maybe stills in starting stages '