

The Dragon, ascended to Godhood. Alone on enemy ground, no allies in sight, or so it seems. The Phoenix, reborn in glory. Confused by the actions of Gods, but grateful nonetheless. The Wolf, transcending beyond all limits. Trapped in a land hidden from all, familiar faces lurking nearby. The gates between dimensions quiver and shatter, return of a long-forgotten race. A threeway war, the massacre of deities. Days, months, years...conflict never ends. Life and Death, a sacred cycle defiled. Rebirth, the anomaly resulting from it. Old grudges, transversing worlds, galaxies even. And brotherhood, an unbreakable bond even in death. The Dragon King, his will affecting the universe itself. The King of gods, daunting everything in existence. A path of pain and misery, but at the end lies the paradise he always wished for. ________________________ Book 3 of Fayden Leywin Saga.

Erebus512 · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

Fabricated Desolation

My new godrune was truly something of awe, it was the only one which felt divine. As if I had control over everything. I can see why Arthur wanted me to have it.

I had to be careful while using it, I couldn't draw too much attention to myself, even in the shadow realm.

[Micro control is often more important than macro control.]

'This works in our favor then.'

[Hmm. How far can you control it now?]

'I can more or less confine it to a small area.'

The area being the size of half the country.

[Not enough, you should be able to confine it to the battlefield.]

'Eh, theres no one here to harm anyway.'

[Do you not plan to use this ability against the Indrath?]


[What about the other aspect?]

I sighed, 'It's always easier to destroy stuff.'

[You need to master it. It can be the difference between life and death.]

'Yeah, I know. I know.'

I dusted my clothes and went back to my training. Lets just hope this is powerful enough.




"That is him?" A muscular figure commented, sitting on his throne of blade and bone.

"He's come far since the last time I checked in." A god arose from a writhing mass of shadows, for once he was serious.

"You are familiar with him?" The one eyed god enquired.

"I am, yes. I left a part of myself in his world to watch over him."

"He looks sad." Brigid's voice echoed through the chamber, a hint of pity in it.

"Considering what he went through, I'd be surprised if he wasn't"

The chiming of numerous clocks signified the arrival of the god of time, "Interesting, Thoth did not have any information on his future."

"Probably because a certain someone is keeping it hidden." Ares snarked, looking up.

"I would be careful about badmouthing him if I were you, Ares." Odin glanced at the war god.

Ares grumbled silently.

Odin turned to face the god of ice, "Was that the sole reason you summoned us Boreas?"

"No. This boy might very well be able to defeat this Alexander, I want to know what we plan to do after that happens."

"It's simple, we destroy that universe." Erebus added, "It's a failed one anyway."

"I disagree, it can be rebuilt." Silvanus shot Erebus a nasty glare, "Destruction is not the solution for everything."

"Such a deed would weaken us for a few years." Brigid added, "That is a risk we cannot take. He warned us about a an approaching threat, we cannot be vulnerable when that happens."

Erebus wasn't bothered at all by their refusal, "I never said we would be the ones to do it."

"Who, then?"

Erebus answered by switching his gaze to the boy.




[Can you control it now?]


[Show me.]

Fayden withheld rolling his eyes, and focused his gaze at a nearby mountain. And just like that, the massive landmass disappeared, nothing to signify the use of a spell. It was as if it had been removed from existence itself.

[And the other aspect.]

Fayden brought his hands up, the handle of an eerily familiar blade came into existence.

[Ah, those swords. I thought you were over them.]

'They served me well in this life.'

Solaris and Shroud were their names, he had lost both in the war and now he shall remake them.

The two blades floated before him, pulsing with nacht. He had perfectly replicated their unique attributes. Yet when he went to touch them, the blades began crumbling.

"No, no-" Fayden frantically grabbed ahold of them, constantly remaking parts of the swords as they disintegrated.

[Fayden, stop!] Phanes yelled, [Just look.]

Fayden stopped struggling, and let the swords crumble. Except they didn't, they solely lost their original appearance, evolving into something new.

The shape of the blades had changed to resemble a parallelogram, gold accentuated the lower half of the weapon, two symbols was engraved at the base of their fuller, an α and a Ω.

[The beginning and the end.]

As Fayden curled his fingers around the two swords, they melted into his body, allowing him to summon them whenever he pleased.

[Well, now that you can control the power, shall we test its limits?]




[Interesting, this godrunes ability stretches to energy as well as matter, maybe even more.]

'We don't have much time left.'

[Yes, we made quite the ruckus. We're bound to be noticed by now.]

Fayden nodded solemnly, phasing back into the 'real' dimension.

The weather of the continent had changed drastically, any human would fall to frostbite in this temperature, but he was't a human.

Silver runes wreathed his body like chains, Shadowsoul spread nacht around the planet, making it his domain. He looked up at the overcast sky, an unexpected advantage but one he would gladly take.

A dark storm approached, a mass of writhing black clouds crackling with crimson lightning. The sound of a million beasts plagued the air. He saw them at the horizon, like an army of ants in the distance.

[Honestly, I'm a bit offended he'd send beasts after us.]

'...' Fayden didn't reply, but focused on amassing mana in both of his hands.

His form blinked away, leaving behind a black phantom as blood like lightning hit the spot he was recently on.

He glanced at the storm approaching, but his focus was on the absurd number of beasts.

"Canon fodder." He muttered apathetically, bringing his palms close together, a black lance formed between his hands, leaking out nacht at the ends.

"Lanza del Relámpago Oscuras." He whispered, tossing the lance at lightspeed, deforming the very continent of Dicathen. He wanted no time in Void Stepping over to it, blanketing the entire area in a sphere of hardened air.

With a flick of his fingers the air inside it disappeared from existence, pulling all survivors, and corpses for that matter, to its center. "This will do nicely." Fayden placed his palm on the shrinking sphere.

Nacht pulsed through the sphere, coalescing over Faydens palm as he absorbed it all. The beasts fell limp, killed in an instant.

Fayden flexed his fingers, "That was a decent meal."

Faydens eyes widened, and he turned just in time to prevent a ciritical injury as half his torso was blown off, the red projectile blowing a hole in the continent, reaching deep into the planets mantle.

Black fire covered his wounds, regenerating his lost parts as he turned around to face the storm. That was no mere lightning, there was something hidden by that storm, something powerful.

Fayden Void Stepped away, dodging another one of the railgun projectiles.

The storm opened up, a single man came out as if an angel from heaven itself. But he was far from being an angel.

The railgun fired again, and again, and again, turning the landmass of Dicathen into swiss cheese. But the planet itself couldn't take much more.

Fayden concentrated on amassing all the mana he could, creating a temporary vacuum of mana over the planet.

Solaris materialized in Faydens hands, gaining a blue hue as the heat of a million suns flowed through its blade, confined within the metal so as to not vaporize everything in their galaxy.

Alexander responded in kind, overloading Tempestarii with stasis, freezing the time around it. Nothing could block this blade.

Fayden moved swiftly, performing two perpendicular slashes in quick succession, releasing a cross shaped projectile of pure cosmic energy.

Alexander ripped a hole in space with his blade, evading the attack. But he was never the target.

The storm around typhon was vaporized as the attack neared it, and the floating castle itself never stood a chance.

"It served me well." Alexander muttered as he saw his castle disappear before his eyes.

He brought up his sword, blocking what could have been a fatal blow. But Tempestarii didn't cut through Solaris, it had never failed him before so why now?

The sheer heat radiated by Solaris was enough to weaken Alexanders stasis to a level where it no longer stopped time. He didn't know it was possible to do that.

"Who are you?" Alexander demanded, glaring into his eyes.

["◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼" ] Fayden and Phanes spoke in tandem, neither knowing why they did it.


Fayden blinked in surprise, his words made no sense, as if he was speaking an eldritch language.

Alexander dismissed the topic, as his body began undergoing a change. His skin became as pale as ash, obsidian horns grew from his forehead, arcing backwards like a rams. His sclerae darkened to a pitch black and his crimson eyes brightened.

The world contorted an convulsed around Alexander as his mere presence decayed the aether holding space together with his presence alone.

Fayden focused on the nacht in curiosity, noticing how it split apart into its basic components. Yeah, no. He forced the particles back together, back into the black nacht he was so familiar with.

"Interesting abilit-" Fayden was cut off mid sentence, literally. His hand severed from the elbow, as it began dropping.

"Rude." He commented, turning back to face Alexander, black fire recreating his hand from scratch, "You should know by now such wounds don't bother me."

[Uh, there's something you need to know buddy.]

'Yes, I noticed the poison, I'm working on expelling it. It's harder than it looks.'

"What exactly are you fighting for, Alexander? There is nothing left for you anymore, everyone you cared about has perished, some by your own hands. What will this fight accomplish?" Fayden asked, somewhat genuinely.

"Claire." He replied simply.

"Is dead. Nothing you do wil- Oh for fucks sake!" Growing tired of the tenacious poison in his body, he grabbed ahold of what remained of his other arm and ripped it off.

As soon as the resistance was gone, the poison did its job, melting that part of his hand in moments.

"That's some poison you got the-" In the few seconds it took Fayden to rip off his arm, Alexander had already prepared for a new attack.

"Ow." Fayden wheezed, noticing Alexander's hand jutting out of his chest. Normally this wouldn't have been an issue, but with decay and soul magic, it was a tad bit more dangerous than a physical hit.

Alexander yanked his arm out, and with Tempestarii, he split him in two. He looked down smugly, proving he was superior to any interloper.

"You didn't really think that would kill me did you?"

Alexander's eyes widened, he tried to turn back in time, but the sword had already impaled him, the heat burning even his stasis infused cells.

"I mean, come on, the Marchosias are the original users of soul magic, no mere vritra can match that." Fayden said, "Well, not like you would know since they apparently don't even exist here."

He breathed in deeply, sighing, "Anyways, I should probably end this now, Can't waste more time out here."

The blade pulsed blue, waves of cosmic flames ripping through Alexander's body as they spread.

"H-Hydras Resurgence."

Following his instincts, Fayden shot back, far away from his foe. Alexander's skin bubbled and was ripped to shreds as black and green scales covered his entire being. His earlier black blood gaining a green hue. A shifting aura of acid covered his body, an extra layer of protection, his bright red eyes turning to a sickly green.

"Hydra huh, lemme guess it has healing abilities and-" Fayden void stepped away, dodging the poison infused roar that headed his way., "-deadlier poison."

Alexander only bared his teeth at him