
Training my classmate to kill me!!

This book is about the reincarnation of the great demon belphegor, this is about him trying to be human while hiding the fact he wants to die. He will discover human heart with emotions exploring the world he seeked to destroy once with friends, family a shounen settings of a novel.

underwearloafer · ファンタジー
8 Chs

chapter 18: Dominus et academia

The head 'dominus' of the academy, ms. Isabella, whom despite being weak than a normal mana user, won through sheer battle of brains against this mana dominated battle. It is heard that she made people cry during duels, her understanding of mana is way out of this world.

Rumours even say that she was a head of the biggest mafia years ago, but rumours are rumours, aren't they? She is also recognized as the 'Omniscient of the black lantern.

She slides the door to the descendant's classroom. The silent fades, the door goes smoothly to the side, a slim and lengthy fingers griping the side of the entrance, the dusts flutters away from the window, as if it doesn't even wants to be around ms. Isabella. The heels forward.

The hearts of the students blaze upon the thought of getting an education from the Smartest person from the planet, the tremble upon the air.

Ms.Isabella enters.

Her elegant stiff body walking slowly but with confidence silently as if she is an assassin, her square glasses that compliment her heart shaped face and her slim fitted body with a perfect waist to hip ratio despite being over 30 years old.

Ms.Isabella places her bag on the teacher's desk.

She shakes her hand. The book that bel threw suddenly appears.

She looks as if she just had a bad day after a full shift at work where everyone yells at you.

'So, is someone going to tell me?'

Everyone side eyed bel but he is beyond surprised, as if he saw an elephant in the zoo like a child filled with surprise and fear.

Humans have a primal fear of things bigger than them or something unknown.

Bel, living for thousands of years had never seen such as that, that human is something else.

Her Walking is seen noble and elegant as she comes and goes.

Bel looks around hurriedly but none of them have reacted.

'I am looking right through the human but her presence is not here. This is abnormal.'

'What is she? Why isn't there any mana fluctuations while she walks?'

Even when we walk or sleep, there is a wave of fluctuations to the mana, wherever we are, wherever we go even though it takes years to study to realize that. I know that, because I am Belphégor.

But in my all those years of living, I've never seen something like this.

Mana are almost found everywhere in the earth, but she is completely ignoring the mana around her, even the mana aren't realizing that she is there, her skin is repelling those mana in such a level, that she can blend with the air itself if she wants.

'This kid is staring at me for a whole ass 5 minutes, is my makeup off ?' Ms.Isabella thought as it was already late to fix it.

'Hey, kid. Something wrong?' ms. Isabella asked me.

Bel tries his hard not to notice or give any signs that could eventually lead him into meaningless troubles.

Nothing wrong here, ma'am.

'Is there a reason why you threw a book at my head?'

Bel has never apologized in his lifetime. How will he make up to that?

Bel cannot process such an act, he cannot bring himself to apologize afterall his mistakes were all burdened by his minions and now it his own burden to shoulder.

Bel suddenly turns back with a blank face, he takes his first step and another and another awkwardly step to the back of the exit.

Everybody on the classroom and the people on the hallway are side eyeing Bel, Ms.Isabella genuinely asks out of curiosity as she puts her thin hands oh her waist and tilts her head, 'Bel silver, why did you-'

Bel lifts his leg, spins his hands and runs away doing a

'Toon toon doon toon doon

and phewwww!'

Everybody is so done with this and him, it's always bel silver.

Michael covers his mouth and snickers as it reminds him of looney toon.

Meanwhile, there is mexican stand off going on. Cat is daydreaming about Bel while completely ignoring the situations.

Now, in her vision, Bel with a rose on his mouth, takes her to the gym and they are doing 100 sets of every workout if that is even humanly possible.

But something is on her dream,


Hisa appears. In the point of view for cat, Bel and hisa talks a lot, so she is considered a threat.

It's the opposite for hisa, She's staring down yuna.

All the time, Bel talks about is yuna, even though she went all the way to kiss him.

For yuna,

Both of them are a threat, she went all the way to secure him through the examination and the seat placing by cheating.

It was all planned. Yuna stares them down as they have a low friendship rate and chances of talking to bel.

As the classroom watched bel ran away, they are settling down to take the classroom from legend herself but bel comes back!

The door slides and BAM!

Everybody stares at him with a annoyed frustrated face, so much that they would beat the shit out of him for real.

Bel walks down a bit and straight face to ms.Isabella. Bel clenches his fist, closes his eyes.

His face red as a tomato ketchup even upto the ears, he takes a deep breath and even though his mouth is trembling.

He screams turning his body in 45 degree angle, "Can you meet me after school?"