
The Extraction

Justin's P.O.V

I was pretty nervous when I was about to tell her how I felt but after taking a few breaths, I calmed down and then I summoned all the courage in me from where they were hiding and told her. She also confessed some unspoken feelings she had for me and then we had a very long and intense kiss.

And I was so delighted when she finally agreed to be my girlfriend and then we exchanged rings. It was as if we were getting married; Together Forever. Guess Bob wasn't entirely wrong for treating this as a big deal.

Well, when I tried to kiss her again, she left to God knows where. I felt kind of embarrassed. Damn, what was wrong with me??

Some minutes after she left, I lost it. Everything turned red again and I felt the presence of a bullet behind my head. I stopped it and turned it a perfect hundred and eighty degrees and sent it back to whoever the hell shot it. It was such an easy kill. I would have so loved to battle with the asshole first.

I looked at my reflection in the pool… I looked really fiery because of the glowing red pupils. Then again, they changed back to a boring black.

She came back some minutes later and when I asked her where she went to, she changed the topic. Then a weird thought struck my mind. What if this was all her and John's plan? To get me up here where I could easily get shot and just leave my dead body where no one could find it, to rot.

No… it couldn't possibly be, John didn't even have the guts to tell his beloved daughter what he did to me and all the other shits he's been doing; trying to kill me, sending assassins and all. He couldn't. Plus, Anastasia couldn't be that dark-hearted… at least not to me.

It was just a mere coincidence. I assured myself for a second time.


Anastasia's P.O.V

I got home by about 10:50 pm and stormed upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed, sunk my head in the pillow and cursed life for putting me in the situation I was in— not knowing who the hell to trust.

After some minutes of thorough cursing, I heard soft knocks at my door. I wondered who'd be awake by this time… it was past 11. Mom and dad normally slept by 10, Jason slept by 9:30 and it certainly couldn't be the maids. Well, whoever it was, I didn't really care. I lay still in my bed and began thinking.

I actually couldn't believe any of them yet since there was no solid proof against them and no admittance. Everything was just so complicated. So I devised a plan.

Plan A: I'll behave as if I was so sure dad's got a hand in their deaths and maybe get him to spill the truth.

Plan B: … There's no 'plan B' yet. I only had enough energy to make a 'Plan A.'

I so hoped the plan worked even though I dreaded for any of them to be guilty. But getting myself outta this spider web will be so relieving.

The person must have been tired of knocking and got in.

"Ana!" I heard dad's hoax voice call. I pretended not to hear it. It was the first time he was coming to my room for years and he even stayed up this late just to hear the 'good news,' that Justin Cole is finally dead. But that wasn't going to happen this night.

"Ana!" He called out again, this time, louder.

"What do you want?" I snapped furiously.

"How was the party?" He asked coolly. I knew very well that wasn't what he wanted.

"It was fine. Is that all?" I asked and sat on my bed with my back resting on a pillow.

"Did you do it?" He went straight to the point.

"I can't believe you made me almost watch the only person I truly liked, die. How could you be that heartless?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

"What do you mean, 'almost'?" He asked confusedly. "Did you annihilate him or not?"

"Annihilate?" I laughed in mockery. "I did 'annihilate' someone." I could feel the intense suspense lurking in the air. "But not him… Alex!"

Daddy's face turned pale white as he slumped his ass on my bed. I had never seen him that devastated. Were they in a relationship? Lol!

He managed to get a number of words out of his mouth. "You killed Alex? How? Why?"

Which one was I supposed to answer first? "I'm the daughter of one of the world's most reputable liar and serial murderer and you expect me to tell you that?" I spat and scoffed afterwards.

If there was any color paler than white… that would be the color of his face. You should've seen it! My words surprised him so much—how I was so certain in my accusation.

He definitely didn't expect any of this. He probably expected me to tell him that all had gone well and he was dead. And then he'd tell me that I'm a good child and give me a pat on my back. Such high expectations!

"Why are you calling me names? What have I done?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Justin told me the truth," I stated calmly after some moments of silence.

"And you choose to believe him over your own father?" Here we go again…

"Don't you try using that blackmail on me again, daddy," I warned sternly. "I know the truth already and what you say isn't it."

"No, Ana…!"

"No, what?" I snapped. "I never thought that you could ever lie to me but I guess I was so damn wrong. I can't believe you turned out to be this!" I eyed him in disgust.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of all these lies and games. I never signed up for all this so please just let me sleep in peace. It's been a long day for me." I stated rudely.

"It was for your own good… I'm sorry, Ana!" Finally we were getting somewhere! He was finally going to admit. God, I'm so good at acting.

"Don't claim to be sorry when all you want is my boyfriend dead. And you're not gonna get that" I paused. "Not while I'm still alive."

He was struck by my words but I meant everything I said… unless daddy wasn't actually guilty. Hell, all I needed was for him to say that he was… just once.

"He lied to you."

"The only person that's lying here is you." I shot. "I'm going to sleep now. When you're ready to tell me the truth, wake me up." I lay down and closed my eyes. I couldn't even sleep… not in the situation I was in.

"And you can take the necklace back since I couldn't complete the mission…" I muttered sarcastically.

"No. I bought it for you only cos I love you." cos he loves me? If he did love me, he wouldn't have done any of that shit in the first place. Killing someone's parents for such a minor reason? That's unthinkable!

"—no ulterior motives." He tried fighting back but I wasn't going to budge that easily… not after I've gone this far in 'cracking the case.'

"You don't love me." I said and paused. "All you love is vengeance and it's gonna take you to your grave soon." I was going too far. If he didn't finally admit he was guilty, I'd have to write a whole notebook filled with 'I'm sorry' to him. Lol! Not doing that.

He sat, probably pondering about what I just said or wondering the monster his daughter had turned to.

"Who is Luis Baxter?" I asked after about two minutes of absolute silence.

"He's the one who killed Justin's parents."

"Is that all? Tell me everything. I'm all ears."

"He…" He started but I cut in.

"And don't you try lying cos I already know the truth. Just wanna hear it from you." My heart began beating rapidly. Hell, I couldn't stand the suspense.

"I was the one who sent him." I was freaking devastated. He paused, waiting for what he said to sink in. "I talked him into killing Davis and Michelle…" so that was her name. I'd have so loved to meet her but thanks to dad, I couldn't. "…but instead of just killing the boy, he just killed himself. I guess the guilt was too much for him to bear." He confessed.

So he believed that Luis committed suicide just because of mere guilt??? That was just a dumb way of hiding from the truth.

"You always said that you loved me, still you lied to me so you could use me to accomplish your shitty plan. What the –"

"This isn't about love, Ana. I'm only doing this to protect you."

"Yeah… you killed two innocent parents and now you want to kill the only person they left behind to protect me? How is that supposed to protect me? You only helped in endangering me, dad."

As much as I wanted him to tell me the truth, this wasn't what I wanted to hear. For some reason, I still held that goddamned belief that dad was innocent but he just broke my heart.

"And so you sent me when you'd exhausted all your options, right?" I asked. "So I'll also kill myself because of the guilt?" He kept mute. Hell, he was so dumb to believe that. I wish he could've watched Justin kill him like I did. He'd have known that Justin wasn't the kind of guy to try that shit with.

"Yes, if that's what you believe." He made it seem like I was accusing him falsely. Then he told me everything; how he promised Luis ten million dollars to murder them all but he never got the money because unfortunately he killed himself as he thought. He didn't even sound remorseful. Did he think that what he did was right? Egotistic prick!

"So you wanted to get me entangled in this shit of yours?"

"It's not like I wished to…"

"Damn. So you did all that and you're still doing this just because someone won you in a ring once?"

"Don't forget the fact that I was the reason the person even got up there."

"So what?!" I snapped without thinking. "I'm really disappointed in you, daddy. Are you even my dad? You lying…" I was so tempted to insult him.

He didn't say anything.

"I guess you should be happy now since you've finally made me like you—making me kill Alex."

"Did you actually kill him?"

"Of course I did. Did you think I was kidding?" I asked and chuckled. "Anyway, I advise that you go get his guns and his dead body from Starlight hotel before your secret gets uncovered. He's in room 736."

I was done talking to him so I lay down and covered my body with the blanket. "Kindly switch off the lights when you're leaving," I mumbled coldly.

I shut my eyes and tried hard to sleep. "Don't you dare peck me!" I warned when I felt his breath on my forehead.

"Goodnight." He said and left, closing the door behind him. It was going to take a lot for me to forgive him. It'll be really difficult for me to forget what he did. Okay, impossible. It still shocks me that he did all that and then lied to me. I'm pretty sure mom doesn't even know anything about it. She'd have divorced him by now if she did.

And all my life, I'd thought dad was a good man. Turns out, good men are really hard to find these days.

I slept off thinking about me and Justin's relationship. I knew I couldn't call it off but maybe I could keep my distance for a while. Damn, I needed a break from the world.

What what's the worst that could happen after you find out devastating news that your own father is a murderer and a pathological liar? Answer: Nothing!