
Acquistion of Knowledge

The birds started chirping, and the night was slowly fading into a new morning.

Spark swung his sword through the air in precise and efficient moves. It almost looked like he drew fierce pictures with it.

After a night of Cultivating the Cloud Circulation Art, he practiced his sword until dawn broke.

A fervent desire to become stronger ignited inside him, and he felt his swings turn more ferocious, more efficient... more deadly.

He attributed this change to his heartfelt desire for strength, but then remembered [Adored By Fate], an effect of [The Favored Prospect], which increased his providence, allowing him to innovate and earn Skills far easier than a normal Awakened could.

It could be a side-effect of the effect itself. When Spark thought about it, it made sense.


Happy with his progress, he peeked through the window, and entered the house without making a noise.

Taking a couple of books from the bundle, Spark began to skim through their contents until he found what he searched for:

When awakening, there is a slight chance of receiving Dual Elements, or even Triple Elements, depending on the person's providence, talent and nature.

Dual Elements are a rarity, with only 1 in 5.000 having the luck to be bestowed two Elements at once.

Triple Elements are even more uncommon, with roughly 1 in 100.000 possessing three Elements at once.

Quadruple Elements are 1 in 10.000.000, only possessed by famous legends, and great contributors, standing apart from their entire species.


'They do not even say anything about Quintuple Elements...'

'Aren't I such a case?'

Spark was speechless... His condition was seemingly more than just rare, as there are no known Awakened being able to boast about having it.

This was a presupposition for glory!

Truly divine!

Spark fell into deep thought. Perhaps... it would be better to hide his condition first. Hell, he might not even tell people he had four or even three!

Being lowkey would surely be best!

But that depended on how and what blessings he would receive when the right time came.


He skipped through another book until he found the passage he wanted to learn about:

'Skills are techniques bestowed by the Grand Dao on special occasion. The special occasions include amonst others: '

'Slaying a Possessor of Skills,

Creating a Skill on one's own by;

Saturation of Understanding - which is the

Acquisition of an existing Skill, or by

Innovation of Knowledge, Circumstance, Mutation,

then there is the rare instance of Inheritance of a Skill ,and the Gift of a Skill, gifted personally by the Grand Dao.'

'The Ranks of Skills and their characteristics are as following:'

Lesser Rank: Non-lethal, Miniscule Mana Consumption and can be learned by anybody, even if one does not possess the inherent Element.

Normal Rank: A skillful Creation in the boundary of the ordinary, It is difficult for Non-Elementals to learn, but not impossible for the talented.

Rare Rank: A clever concept combining intricate steps and careful Energy utilisation. Almost unheard of to be used by a Non-Elemental.

Harmonic Rank: A harmonic, ingenious application of the Element. Only exceptionally perspicacious beings are able to skillfully execute them properly. Harmonic Skills are only privy to Cultivators who share a deep affinity with their Element.

Mystical Rank: A truly mythical ability, dwarfing subordinate skills overwhelmingly with terrific strength or utility. It's the breakpoint from the Realm of the Possible into the Stage of Legendary Sagas.

Sovereign Rank: Powers and Plays of Forces that make you eligible to rule with tyrannical sovereignty. An immutable proof of irresistible authority. It's the Ruler-Class of Elemental Skills and their possibilties.

Supreme Rank: A heavenly Creation, eclipising even the most wondrous Skills with ease. A practical result of incalculable comprehension and insightful implementation of one or more Elements. An inexplicable usage of an Element, resembling a natural phenomenon more than a man-made action. It's exclusively achievable by unutterably ancient and gifted Beings.

Immeasurable Rank: A concept beyond measure, detached from limitations. Not seen in a myriad of years.


"So the aquisition of Skills can be differentiated into: Saturation, Innovation, Inheritance and Gift.

And they can be 'stolen' by the act of slaying."

Nodding at the requirements of bestowment, Spark was utterly flabbergasted when he read through the existing Ranks of Skills.

It was because he didn't find the Clandestine Rank...

Both Foreign Being, and now even The Favored Prospect were of the Clandestine Rank, even jutting above the Immeasurable Rank.

Albeit having obtained such unspeakable favor, Spark somehow felt a bit disparate... Even the Supreme Rank had such an awe-inspiring description, with the Immeasurable Rank succinctly presenting the uncalculability of its might.

And the Clandestine Rank, didn't show any of that power... but on second thought, Spark vaguely understood.

Perhaps, because it was an unprecedented case, and something that should never be spoken about, it had received that Rank.

Foreign Being had reincarnated him in another body, and The Favored Prospect lifted his talents and luck, giving him an unfair advantage over other Awakened, as well as a surefire method to earn Skills and Soul Bounds...

And not to forget the Divine Awakening!

When Spark thought about it more deeply, these Skills really had vital and unbelievable utility, bestowed personally by the Grand Dao.

... Suddenly he didn't feel wronged anymore.

It was worth mentioning that let alone the Clandestine and Immeasurable Rank, the Mystical, Sovereign and Supreme Rank Skills were far and few between. They were rarely seen, and if someone managed to acquire or contrive such a Skill , they would be hailed as a Lord or peerless Genius.


Without losing any more time he opened the last book and leafed through it:

'The classification of Beasts, termed by the Grand Dao, projects the danger and might of the beast. The classification of a Beast is differentiated by the amount of cores it possesses.'

'The rank of the Beast is determined by its Cultivation Level, starting at the Budding Realm to the Awakened Realm to the Depravity Realm which is comparable to the Element Simulation or Spirit Bond Realm, into the Forbidden Realm which is the equivalent of the Realmwalker Stage for human Cultivators.'

1.Fiend = Minimal danger, can mostly be incapacitated alone, if at the same realm.

2.Deuce = Appropriate danger, should not be faced alone, advised to fight with a group people of the same realm for a risk-free execution, unless you are a seasoned fighter with an offensive Element.

3.Hazard = Should never be fought alone, a Hazard level creature can only be conquered strategically with a cohort of adept and experienced fighters.

4.Behemoth = Should be shunned on sight, needs the help of at least 1 or more higher-staged Cultivators. They are demons of gloom, nurtured by murk and darkness, and without exception very lethal opponents

5. Horror = Terrifying overlord of its realm, baring its fangs into the next realm, and ripping through boundaries with ease. Bringer of doom and death without to Cultivators of the same ilk and above. An abhorrent atrocity that should never be faced without excessive forces, artifice and higher-staged Cultivators.

'Beasts possess Core Fragments, the amount depending on its classification. They can evolve by creating more Core Fragments when their inital Core Fragments are saturated, but that is dependant on their inherent limitation. Bloodline, fierceness, character and disposition play a big part in that process.'

'Beasts grow stronger through devouring other Beings, or by depending on their Bloodline. If they saturated all their cores and can't generate another one, they are eligible for the slight chance of ascension.'

'A beast that ascends, will not promote from an Awakened Horror to a Depraved Fiend. As a Horror, it is already unimaginably much stronger than a Depraved Fiend. It would directly jump to at least deuce or Hazard level, depending on its bloodline and character.'

'An awakened deuce can promote into a depraved fiend when it meets all the requirements and saturates its core to the fullest. The chance of success is unbelievably low, but not impossible. Still, it can never promote directly above a depraved deuce.'


Spark read the lines carefully and finally understood Joey's worry and extreme reaction the other day.

The description of horrors and behemoths were truly eye-opening and bone-shuddering. Spark reinforced his resolve to not carelessly engage in a fight with such insidious creatures if he could just shun them instead.

In addition, he had learned something new about the evolution and ascension of these creatures, and was quite happy to have expanded his knowledge.

By now, morning was in full bloom and the residents of the house slowly began to wake up.


Spark stretched his arms with a smile and planned the day.

They were lots and lots of things to do, as always.

And he didn't even feel tired after not sleeping the entire night.

After all, he had just woken up from a nice three-day slumber!