

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · ファンタジー
30 Chs


"That idiot. He told me she would be an easy target if her anima was drained. Her reserves should be less than ten percent now. And yet-"

The masked man's thoughts were interrupted when a sword came swinging down at his face. He managed to dodge but fell to ground. Without an ounce of hesitation, Asuka thrusted the sword downward intending to stab his thigh but then man managed to flip out of the way.

"She must have an insane amount of control over anima if she's able to fight this well with such a small amount," another thought was interrupted with a well placed kick to the mans stomach sending him flying to a nearby tree,"And such ferocity. She's closer to a demon than human."

Asuka then stood confidently, placing her sword over her shoulder.

"Oi. What's wrong? I thought you were gonna kill me. Or was that just an empty threat?"

"Your getting cocky Asuka. Just keep doing as you are," Annie warned.

"C'mon. This is my first real fight. Let me have some fun first."

She then dashes towards the now standing man intending to slash his thighs. He managed to block the attack with his dagger. She readjusted her sword to wear it over the man's head and pressed down bringing him to his knees.

"She's strong too. Much stronger than she looks. But-"

Asuka's breathing was now heavy and beads of sweat were now falling from her face.

"I suggest you give up. Seeing as I'll need to question you later, I'd rather you still have the ability to speak later."

"Why would I give up now. Your anima is running dangerously low. Won't be too long till the exhaustion gets to ya."

The man then tilted his dagger making the sword slide to the left. He slipped behind her cutting her right leg while she was off balance and tried slice open her spine with a swift downward swing. Fortunately, Asuka was able to roll out of the way and jumped back to get some distance between her and the man.

"Asuka, your leg."

"Don't worry about. I don't think there was any poison on the blade either so I should be fine."

Asuka looked up at the man who was pulling his dagger our of the tree. After getting his dagger, the man lunged at Asuka and the two began clashing blades. Spurts of blood were flying off their body with each cut they gave each other.

"I'm not gonna last very long. I need to take him down with a single hit. Got any ideas Annie?"

Annie thought for only moment.

"Yeah. But it's risky."

As she said this, Asuka's left arm was sliced open. Luckily, she was quickly able to counter with a strong hook kick to the chin with a audible crack knocking him to the ground. She tried to tighten her grip on the sword but realized she couldn't feel her arm.

"Better say whatever plan you've got Annie."

Without even telling her, Annie poured her contra throughout Asuka's body. Asuka's body immediately felt a surge of pain rushing to every inch of of her body. Her muscles tightened and her back arched as she tried to stifle her screams of agony. The masked man only watched, confused and intrigued by what was going on.

"What's this? It's obviously something desperate and risky. But what exactly? I am roughly aware of what anima is capable of, but this is something completely out of my field of expertise."

After a few moments Asuka's body relaxed and her arm flopped.

"What the hell?! I can't sense any anima coming from her. If her reserves were really at zero, she would've died. Yet she-"

The man immediately jumped back but ended up landing on his rear. He looked down at his legs trying to get away but soon realized he couldn't move them.

"What the hell is this? Why can't I move? It's embarrassing enough that I was pushed so far by a child. But this!? How can this be?"

Then looked back up and stared at the girl who was now standing up straight. But something was different. Not just the small horn which grew on the front right side of her head. Not just the black markings covering face. Not just the change in her eyes. But the sense of absolute evil. No remorse. No empathy. Nothing but evil.

She then raised her hand and pointed a finger at the man.

"Oh. I see. So she's just like hi-"


Just like that, the man was engulfed in black flames. The sound of his screams nearly canceled out by roaring of the flames. And in just a few seconds, and he gone. Like he didn't even exist.

Asuka then put down he arm. Her horn receding into her head, the black markings disappear and eye turn back to normal. She immediately fell to the ground on her hands and knees wheezing and covered in sweat. She then rolled onto her back looking at the sky. Looking at the star in the sky, she felt some what rejuvenated, but there was something. Something that made her stomach crawl. Almost sick even.

"Hey Annie. I....I just killed someone."

"You needn't worry about that. He was an enemy who wouldn't have had any qualms killing you. So don't think too much about it."

"Yeah...your probably right. But still. It just feels wrong."

Annie closed her eyes, trying to think of what to say to soothe Asuka's feelings.

"Knowing you, it probably will never go away regardless of what I say. But it's something you'll have to keep doing."

Asuka's face cringed at the prospect of having to take more lives.

"I'm not saying you should like it. But it's best of you get used to it. Plus, it was me who was in control not you. It should be my burden to carry. Not yours."


Asuka then stood up. She looked over at the spot where the masked man had perished with a somber look.

"We should be getting home now Asuka. I think we've done enough today. Not to mention you need to rest."

".....yeah....you're right."

Taking a deep breath, Asuka began her trudge back to the town. But while she was doing that, a third party was watching with keen eyes the girl who just had peaked their interest.

"She really is a hybrid hmm. I've never tasted one before." At just the thought, they began to salivate and a malicious grin form on their face. "I can't to rip you limb from limb."