

Asuka. A young girl with a strong will and kind heart wants to rid the world of pain and agony. But she is naive. She doesn't yet understand what it takes bring peace in this world of death and war. Will she be able to accept these struggles or will she crumble under the pressure.

thespadeking · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Eyes of what?

"How? How is she able to get so strong so fast. Just a couple weeks ago she couldn't even see my movements while I was weaker. And now-"

The thoughts of the visage were interrupted by a heavy blow to her side.

"-now she's able to overwhelm me so easily."

It had taken Asuka a hundred and six fights before she managed to awaken her nature affinity. It had taken a further twenty seven fight before she could beat the visage and a further thirteen to completely overwhelm the visage. It was only then that Ichigo unsealed a little more of her contra.

"Even if I'm still at less than even a fraction of my full strength, this level of growth is unheard of. She truly is the embodiment of a prodigy."

In that moment, the visage barely managed to dodge a downward sword slash from Asuka. But, she failed to dodge the attack coming from behind. A sharp spike was fired from the ground at blistering speeds before the visage could even realize impaling her through the stomach. The visage coughed up blood. Asuka then pointed her blade and the now somewhat visible face of the visage. Asuka took a deep breath before speaking.

"It's my win."

"Seem's so," the visage said in a defeated tone.

"C'mon don't be like that. It was a good match. I really did have to push myself."

"My ass. Your not even sweating."

"Whatever," the visage scoffed,"just leave me be. Don't you have to go eat."

"Yeah, I guess your right. It's been a couple hours. I'll be back tomorrow. See ya Annie."

The visage, now given the name Annie, groaned at the name Asuka had given her.

"How many times must I tell you not to call me that?"

"And how many times must I tell you that everyone needs a name? I can't call you something like Asuka lite. You may be apart of me, but you are your own person as well. So, it's Annie for now."

Annie just rolled her eyes at Asuka's comment.


Asuka smiled and waved bye to Annie before disappearing from the dream world and waking up in the real world leaving behind Annie who just sighed.

"I should've asked her to help me off this spike."


Awakening in the real world, Asuka began to look around her surroundings.

"Man, I was in there a while."

She got up from the ground and carefully made her way back inside trying not to wake Ichigo until she saw a note left behind by him. The note read that he and Mei would be going out. Asuka just rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Thoze two love birds can't be anymore obvious," Asuka said with a cheeky grin.

She then made her way upstairs to her room and got ready for bed. She then placed her head on her pillow and was immediately sent into the land of dreams.


When Asuka opened her eyes, she was met by the bright rays of the sun. She felt the grass tickling her skin the aroma of the clean air.

"What is this place?"

Asuka stood up to get a better sense of her surroundings. The scenery that met Asuka's eyes was nothing short of mesmerizing.

"C'mon Asuka. Let me show you around."

Asuka's head made a sharp turn toward the source of the sound. There stood a blonde girl with dark brown eyes and freckles covering her face holding out her hand as if waiting for Asuka to take it. The girl was about the same age as Asuka but her bright smile made her look like a child on their birthday.

"Who is this girl."

Asuka was about to take her hand but a figure walking through her grabbed the hand before she could. The second figure was a dark haired girl wearing the same shirt, pants and boots as Asuka. The only difference was the cloak the girl was wearing.

"Is that me? What is this vision? Why am I seeing this?"

"C'mon Asuka. You still have time. Come save me Asuka," said the blonde girl.

"Yeah, you'd better come," said the fake Asuka.

The sky the darkened and the glowing blue sky turned into a blood red and the sun turned into a crescent shaped moon.

"What he'll is going on?"

Asuka then turned back to the girls cringed at the sight that lay before her. Asuka fake had punched a whole through the girls stomach.


"C...come...s... save me Asuka. Im...begging."

Asuka stepped back in horror as the girls voice pleaded with her.

"Please. Come save me. Please hurrgghhh-"

The girls throat then was torn open by Asuka fake's own hands. Asuka fake threw the body to the ground. Asuka just watched the girl dropped to the ground. She then looked at her doppelganger and saw one of her eyes had changed into the same ones that Annie had. The doppelganger then began to speak.

"You'd better hurry. Or her blood is on your hands," it said with an uncanny grin.

Asuka then charged at her doppelganger but before she could reach her, the environment faded and the dream ended.


Asuka's body then shot up out her bed sweating and breathing heavily. Her head began throbbing and she held it in her hands trying to massage it. Then, she felt something trickling down the right side of her face. She wiped it off her then looked at her hand to see what it was.


She jumped up out of her bed but forgetting her headache fell to the ground. She got up still a bit dazed and stumbled over to the mirror. There, she saw the blood coming from her right eye. Seeing the black sclera and red crescent shaped irises Asuka rubbed her eye and it returned back to it's normal color.

"My eye. It's just like the other me in the dream."

Asuka then looked outside her window to see that it was still to early to be up and about.

"Guess I'll head back to sleep for now. And if I am able to return to that dream, get some answers."

'Finally. She has awakened the eye of misfortune. Such a cruel ability it is. To see all misfortune yet not be able to do a thing to divert away from such a fate. I wonder how she'll overcome the hardships that will plague her life. I guess there's no point in wondering. I'll find out soon enough. And I hope the reader will also stick out to see what happens next. Cause I can guarantee you, it'll be a tragedy.'

The next chapter will be the start of a new arc. New location, new characters, new enemies and most of all, POWER UPS!!! I hope you'll stick around to see the end of it. See ya in the next chapter.

thespadekingcreators' thoughts