
Toxic Emperor

*Not a Overwatch Fic* This work is just an experiment. We do not own none of the characters besides our original ones. *This Fic is set in a world where's the mix of a bunch of animes, video games and things like that. It is not set in a single anime world with elements and characters of another worlds, but rather a conglomerade of many worlds fused together.* Enjoy. We'll release more chapters depending of your support :)

Dereck_Oliveira · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Meeting Again.

Samael got surrounded by soldiers. They quickly swarmed in the room and now he was at the end of dozens of gun barrels.

The soldiers quickly gave room to a chocolate skinned woman who made her way towards him. She stopped a few meters away, staying at the perfect distance, not enough for him to reach but enough for them to stare at each other.

"You sure do love to be a pain in my ass. What do you want from me, this time?"

He asked out loud to the woman that loved to hunt him down like a dog.

Their reunion was far from pleasant, there was an incredibly high tension in the room to the point that if Samael were to move a finger, they would blow dozens of holes in his body.

"You have something that belongs to my master. Tell me where it is and I will make it so your death will be quick and painless." Zest said, much for Samael's amusement.

With both of his hands still up in the air, he laughed. They were really expecting him to cooperate, he was the one that stole their precious cargo, why would he give it back?

"Ma'am, I have a clear shot..." One of the soldiers communicated out loud as his finger hoovered over the trigger.

Zest lifted her fist up, her gesture was enough to keep them from firing. The soldiers were clearly displeased with the order, but they still complied and kept their fingers off the triggers.

"One thing that I can't put my head around is why would you risk it all just to invade an architect's house? You just raided a military convoy and you thought that it was a good idea to invade Paradise and kill a civilian officer's family?" She was fishing for information, that much was obvious, one wrong slip up and his whole operation could be compromised.

The woman in front of Samael was not stupid, one wrong word and she could find something that she shouldn't. One wrong pronoun was more than enough to reveal that Samael was not alone and with that information she could deal with Sombra.

One wrong word and she could find out which blueprint he was after. As it stands there are a lot of blueprints on the floor and she had no idea what Samael was planning. There was a lot of information that could be obtained through dialogue even if the target wasn't willing to cooperate.

"You are very chatty today, I remember you as a more quiet woman. Is it that time of the month? If you guys ask me all she needs is a little bit of a stuffing, if ya catch my drift." If Samael was stuck in that room with them, he might as well get some enjoyment out of it. It was not like he could simply walk out of the room, well he could, just not alive.

"Enough! Apprehend him, if he won't speak, then I will make him talk." Two soldiers holstered their guns and slowly closed in the distance between Samael and them.

They had gas masks on meaning they came prepared to deal with him. They were also coming from his sides, giving the soldiers in front of him perfect line of sight in case he tries anything funny.

"Before we carry on, I want to ask something. How did you find me?" Samael asked.

He was careful enough to not trigger any alarm. He disabled the security protocols inside the mansion. So how did she find him that quickly? That question was eating him alive, he knew that the mercenary wasn't connected to her. While she wanted him alive, the mercenary was shooting to silence him.

The mercenary killed the family that he was after because they held some information that he was not supposed to get his hands on, whilst the woman in front of him wants the android that he stole.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out. My master is not happy with somebody like you touching powers beyond your understanding. I will make sure that you understand that with your body." Zest was touching her stomach with one hand, using the hand from the arm she previously severed, during the entirety of the conversation.

Once she finally took her hand out Samael saw the scar that was now resting on her belly.

It was clearly a memento that she obtained from their last encounter.

'It looks like not even a mage is immune to my toxins.' The scientist inside of him wanted to test all the toxins that are currently stored in his forearm, waiting to be released through the claws on his wrists, but another part inside of him was a bit jealous.

Jealous, because a subordinate with such loyalty would be of great use to him, pawns like that were rare and expensive to raise.

The look on her face, for the brief moment in which she removed her hand from her belly presented Samael with an opportunity to change the tides of the conversation.

The woman in front of him never broke her emotionless face, even when he injected her with a toxin that would make a grown man whimper like a child.

"You can feel it, can"t you?! The fear..." It was for a brief moment, but such emotion could not escape from Samael's eyes.

He knew fear better than anybody, it was his strongest weapon.

"I am not scared of you." Zest stepped up, as her mana flowed through her body violently.

Samael kept his eyes on her, completely unafraid as her energy started to creak the wood on the floor. Fear was his weapon, he used it to make others fear him, even if death was knocking at his door he would not feel fear.

"You should be terrified." Four simple words from Samael was enough to make Zest lose her cool for a couple of seconds.

Her energy flew out and it shook the entire ground, it was for a brief second, but it was enough time for Samael to do his thing.

"Do it." He whispered as the pins on to the toxins on his jacket were removed.

In seconds, four different toxins flew through the room. The soldiers not standing nearby, fired upon him, but Samael immediately took out his pistol and shot the soldier to his left, and the soldier to his right was shot through the head by seemingly nobody. Sombra shot him whilst invisible, making it look like it was friendly fire.

The soldiers were clearly paramilitaries, they had experience. Immediately after Samael shot the soldier to his left, he felt a bullet go through him.

The pain was immeasurable, but he had to move even with a bullet stuck to his abdomen. He immediately rolled on the ground, barely able to dodge the giant stake of wood that Zest threw in his direction.

Samael then rushed to the window and jumped, breaking through the glass and falling down two floors in height. The glass shard didn't penetrate his clothing, mostly because his trench coat was reinforced with the same chemical compound used to make body armour.

The clothing didn't stop the fall though, the impact mixed with the bullet stuck in his body gave him tremendous amounts of pain.

Rolling through the grass, Samael tried to get up, only to fail to do so. He was about to try again, when he felt a hand helping him up.

"Are you okay?" He turned to his left and saw Sombra standing there, giving him her shoulder to use as support.

"I will be fine, as soon as I remove the bullet. Is everything in place?" Sombra nodded to his question, the preparations were done.

Samael looked behind him, seeing the soldiers taking positions on the windows and firing at their location. "Light it up."

As soon as he uttered those words, the first floor of the mansion exploded. Room after room, going up in flames.

They had placed explosives in the armory, with the quantity of gunpowder in there, only a small fuse was enough to start a massive fire.

The foundation of the house cracked and the entire second floor collapsed, with the soldiers soon following.

"We need to get you patched up, I am gonna call our ride." Sombra gently placed Samael down on the ground, as he moaned in pain as soon as his ass touched the ground.

She touched her portable keyboard she had on wrist a few times and the car soon enough drove towards them without any driver.

Hacking the car's navigation system and driving the car like she is playing a video game is like stealing candy from a kid to Sombra. The car stopped in front of them and the driver's door opened, however, before they could get in, the car sunk beneath the earth.

The earth around them was behaving like quicksand, the car was in the center of all and it almost got Samael, but Sombra quickly dragged him out of the area.

There was only one mage that could be responsible for such thing, Samael got up this time on his own and looked upwards only to see Zest in the air. From the look on her face, anybody could tell that she was not happy.

"That bitch fucked up my car... I don't have insurance." He looked at Sombra, with a face that couldn't really believe that she was worried about the car. "Really? That is what you are worried about?" He asked her, narrowing his eyes at Sombra's disregard for the current danger of the situation they got themselves in.

"Fine, I admit it... I stole the car... But it was still my car and that bitch ruined it."

Zest's eyes twitched as she saw that she was clearly being ignored.

She was designed to be in control of her emotions, but she never faced such shameless opponents. They were clearly flirting in front of her.

During a fit of rage, she moved her hands, making a huge humanoid golem, that looked exactly like her, rose through the ground as the earth answered her mana's call.

"Ahhhh... Do you have any plan to deal with that?" Sombra asked as she pointed at the giant golem that was at least 10 times their size.

Sanael took a quick look at the golem and there were only three words that came to his head almost instantly. "We are boned..." He whispered as the giant golem brought down his foot in their direction.

Using every ounce of strength, Samael dashed out of the way, barely managing to dodge a direct hit. The shockwave was impossible to dodge though. As soon as thay foot landed on the ground, the wind pressure sent him and Sombra flying for a couple of meters.

Sombra landed gracefully on her feet while Samael rolled around in the grass. The pain in his abdomen made it impossible for him to retain his balance. "Sombra! Find us something to get us the hell out of here... I will buy you some time." He screamed as he lifted his head from the ground.

"You can barely fucking stand. How do you expect to stall her? If I leave, you will die in seconds. Let me serve as bait, I can always turn invisible and disappear." Sombra said out loud as she fired her SMG towards the giant golem that was standing in front of them.

The bullets landed on its chest, but bounced back like they were made of rubber.

"She is after me, she will never let me out of her sight. We don't have time to have this discussion, just find a fucking car, I will stall her..." While saying that Samael got up and fired the last clip of ammo inside of his pistol.

The bullets landed perfectly on the eyes of the golem, but they were completely ineffective. They weren't meant to do any damage, they were just a way for him to take out some steam.

Sombra hesitated, but she still complied and turned invisible, but not before giving him a piece of her mind. "If you die here, I am going to spread the rumour that you wet your bed until you were 6."

Samael smiled, even when they were in a terrible situation as they currently are, she still has to have the last saying in things. "Now, where was I? Oh right, I was about to make your life miserable." He stared at the golem, whose sole focus was now on him.

The golem tried to grab him, but he quickly slipped through its finger and used his claw he climbed unto the wrist of the golem.

His plan was simple: climb unto the back of the golem and stand there until Sombra comes back with some kinda of transportation. Knowing Sombra, she will probably choose a ridiculous way to escape, but at this point he would be happy with anything.