
Towers of Babel

In the year 2030, a mysterious event shook the world as we knew it. Seven immense towers emerged from the ground in different regions of the globe, each one rising hundreds of kilometers high. These colossal structures, known as the "Towers of Babel," seemed to come from another world. As soon as the Towers of Babel appeared, courageous individuals hungry for power and adventure set out to explore them. To their great surprise, those who dared to enter inside were rewarded with extraordinary powers, abilities that defied human comprehension. Some acquired the gift of launching fireballs, others could fly or possess superhuman speed. It was as if these towers bestowed supernatural abilities upon those who dared to challenge them. The story follows the adventures of Arthur Diamond, a young man who finds himself in one of the 7 mysterious Towers of Babel, an enchanting and dangerous world. Ignorant of his true origins but determined to uncover the truth, Arthur embarks on a tumultuous journey where the trials of the tower will lead him to an uncertain destiny at the heart of this magical world.

lucasun · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Inner Darkness

The forest appeared more mysterious than ever as Arthur wandered among the majestic trees. His wounds were still painful, but he refused to stop. The truth about his origins haunted him, and he couldn't afford to remain idle. The weight of his actions, having killed the three traitors, burdened his conscience heavily. He couldn't help but wonder if he could have avoided that deadly confrontation.

As he walked, Arthur pondered a multitude of questions. Why had he been hidden and raised far from his true family? What secret could possibly surround the Diamond family to justify such deception? And why on earth would they want him dead simply because he was a bastard of this powerful family?

Thoughts swirled in his head, fueling his anxiety and stress. He questioned whether he was ready to accept the truth, no matter what it might be. Perhaps uncovering his origins would upend his entire life, and he wasn't sure if he was prepared for that.

In the distance, Arthur heard a menacing growl. Too lost in his thoughts, he had neglected to pay attention to the dangers lurking in the forest. He prepared for a fight, struggling to gather his strength despite his injuries.

Suddenly, a huge and wild wolf emerged from the darkness, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. The wolf was undoubtedly drawn by the scent of blood, sensing Arthur's weakness. The ensuing battle was fierce and exhausting.

Arthur did his best to parry the wolf's attacks, but his movements were slow and clumsy due to his injuries. The wolf, more agile and swift, managed to evade his blows and retaliate with ferocity. The wolf's claws dug into Arthur's flesh, each wound eliciting a cry of pain.

He could taste the blood in his mouth, his body trembling with fatigue and adrenaline. Nevertheless, he couldn't give up. This battle was a reflection of his own inner struggle. He couldn't afford to be defeated, neither by the wolf nor by the enigmas of his past.

Every moment felt like an eternity, and he felt his strength diminishing. Despite this, Arthur kept fighting, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. He didn't want to die here, in the midst of this dark forest, without having discovered the truth about himself.

The wolf inflicted a final, deeply painful attack. Arthur staggered, his strength depleted. But he also saw an opening. With a desperate push, he used what little strength remained to deliver a fatal blow to the wolf.

Silence fell as the wolf collapsed. Arthur was on his knees, panting and exhausted, his own body covered in wounds. Victory was his, but at what cost?

The forest seemed to close in around him, much like the darkness in his mind. Doubts and questions overwhelmed him once more. He felt alone and lost, uncertain of whom to turn to for answers.

However, despite the pain and distress, Arthur was determined to continue. He had survived the betrayal and the fight with the wolf, and it had proven his inner strength. He stood up, leaning on his sword, and set out again, seeking the light in this dark and mysterious tower.

The night was far from over, and the trials wouldn't dissipate easily. But Arthur understood that the key to his survival lay in his determination to move forward, despite the physical and emotional wounds.

Guided by a burning desire to discover the truth about himself and his family, he continued his journey. Perhaps he would find answers to the mysteries that surrounded him, or perhaps it would raise even more questions. But he was ready to face every challenge, because deep in his heart, he knew it was the only way to find his place in this enigmatic tower and seize his destiny with strength and resolution.

"To survive, I'll have to become stronger," declared Arthur in a determined voice.

Arthur concentrated for a few seconds to bring up his stats.

Name: Ethan Bronze (Arthur Diamond)

Age: 24

Strength: 7

Body: 8

Intelligence: 10

Talent: 9

Mana: 3

Mana Resistance: 2

Mental Resistance: 6

Power - Soul Transfer LVL 1: Allows the user to transfer their soul into another body.

Usage Condition: The body must have been dead for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Usage Cooldown: Once every 24 hours.

Strength Estimation LVL 1: Allows the user to estimate an enemy's strength by looking at the essence of their mana.

-If the mana around the target is blue, then the user is stronger.

-If the mana is orange, then the target and the user are of equivalent strength.

-If the mana is red, the target is stronger than the user.

Usage Condition: Cost of 1 mana for 5 seconds.

"What is happening to me?" Arthur murmured, trying to understand the sudden changes.

The displayed stats in front of him were different from what he remembered. Some of his stats had significantly increased, while others had decreased.

But his senses seemed sharper.

Arthur couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was relieved that his new body was stronger and more resilient, which could potentially help him survive the challenges that lay ahead. On the other hand, he felt a profound disconnect with himself, wondering who he truly was in this new form.

"Am I Arthur Diamond or Ethan Bronze?" Arthur wondered aloud.

His identity seemed fractured, as if he were now a blend of two intertwined souls in one body. The weight of his actions became even heavier, knowing that he had taken someone else's life and identity.

He took a deep breath, seeking to center himself amidst this turmoil. The mysteries of the tower were far from being solved, and he knew he had to keep moving forward. But now, with this new power and altered identity, he also realized that he had to confront the darkness residing within him.

With a mix of fear and determination, Arthur advanced, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, both external and internal. The journey to discover his true identity and the secrets of the Tower of Babel had taken a new turn, and he was prepared to face whatever awaited him, one step at a time.