
Tower to Heaven

In many religions, there is a place where the deities reside, a promised paradise for those no longer with us and, sometimes, even the polar opposite, a fiery inferno of eternal damnation. Heaven and Hell. Strangely enough, all of these religions are true to some degree. Outside the third dimension, there exists another reality, just between the 3rd and the 4th dimension. This dimension is inaccessible to the living, no material construct can exist here. It's the Land Between, the Plain of Trials, but most commonly, the Motherland of Dreams. Here, in this dimension, the lost souls of the damned travel to be judged according to their beliefs. Some face gruelling tasks, others, those who don't believe in such things, are tested in another way. It is the world's way of distinguishing those who have value from those who don't. Those that prove themselves go on to then enter their own personal heaven, an eternal paradise unique only to them. Now, Seth, much like a countless number of other people must undertake these tasks set before him by his very consciousness. Sometimes, though, he wishes he didn't like Gacha and rouge-like games so much... Dungeon Crawlers are annoying to deal with too... "At least this will be fun, gotta have some fun before eternally laying back and relaxing like an old man."

Braggski · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

[Level 2]

//This book will mostly be just a series of sex scenes coupled with some battle scenes and so on. Character development will be a second priority, so don't expect much of it as the women here are literally summoned from fucking cards.

Also, I don't have a concrete harem list as of yet, so your input is very much appreciated.//


"Okay... now to figure out how this works..."

Seth held a very peculiar card in his pale hand, a card that, from the back, looked like an old version of a Yu-Gi-Oh! card with the whole swirling dark design going on. But from the front, it told a different story. The Bunny Girl version of Erza Scarlet was a fire-attribute Persona Summon, but what made it special for Seth was the fact that this was his #1 Waifu from a show he argued could be better but was still a good read, Fairy Tail.

However, there was something that Seth was curious about before summoning her to aid him in the levels to come. And that was the ATK and DEF of the card as well as the card's rarity and levels. In the game he used to play, and ironically died playing, one could evolve a 5★ unit into a 6★ one, boosting their power considerably. This was very different from that game, but that doesn't mean it didn't share similar features.

So, Seth went to the HELP app...

>[The Level of a Persona corresponds to their combat experience, their stats don't change, however, their behaviour and overall passive abilities, outside of listed Skills, greatly improve. Your Personas can undergo a "Limiter Removal" once they reach Level 100, however, only 5★ units can do so. 6★ units have a Level cap of 200 and cannot go higher than that. A Persona's overall stats greatly increase upon "Limiter Removal", however, their level resets. Their intimacy remains unchanged. You can feed other Personas to a single Persona to strengthen them, raising their level significantly.]<

>[You can equip your Personas with equipment summoned from the Gacha, however, you can also store it in your Storage and summon it at will.]<

>[Persona's ATK stat corresponds to their raw damage output, the higher the number, the stronger they are. DEF stat corresponds to the Persona's durability before death. You can raise these stats by equipping them with various equipment unique to their class. You can equip a large shield to an Offence-oriented unit, however, doing so is not advised.]<

>[Each unit has an Elemental attribute, however, only some have Elemental-based attacks. Overall, there are six elements, two of which counter one another. Earth beats Wind, Wind beats Water, Water beats Fire, and Fire beats Earth. Light beats Darkness and vice-versa. Yes, the Elemental weaknesses make no sense, deal with it.]<

Okay, that was fairly simple in Seth's eyes. The Elemental attributes were a tad bit wacky, but that was nothing that couldn't be memorised. It was simple enough, although now he wished his 5★ Persona had a Fire-based Skill of some kind. Still, Erza Scarlet was very much a top tier Persona, if not for her stats, then for her huge titties.

>[Bunny Girl - Erza Scarlet]<

>[★★★★★ - Ultra Rare]<

>[♥ / ♥♥♥♥♥ - Strangers]<

>[Orientation: Offence]<

>[Element: FIRE]<

>[Attack: 2500 - Defence: 1000]<

>[Level 1 / Level 100]<

>[Skill 1: Assault Bunny (PASSIVE) - gains 250% ATK and SPD upon the start of the battle for 15 seconds, lasts for 30 if the opponent is a male]<

>[Skill 2: Dual Clash (5 seconds) - hits 1 target with 150% of ATK, ignores Elemental Defence. If there's only 1 target present, doubles damage to 300%]<

>[Skill 3: Crimson Seduction (20 seconds) - temporarily stun all enemies for 10 seconds]<

From what Seth gathered, levelling a character is not THAT important, it's like they have a meter on their combat experience, but their stats don't change depending on it. Instead, he would have to equip Erza with some better swords if he hoped to make her stronger without "Limiter Removal". He didn't see a stat for Erza's speed, but he guessed that it was based on logic, since Erza wielded two longswords and had practically no armour on, she would be speedy. He had to go off of guesses here.

"Well, time to say hi, I guess..."

Seth really had no idea how to even summon Erza from her card, so he took a wild guess and fucking threw the card into the air hoping Erza would just magically appear from it. ...He was wrong, and now Erza's card was lying on the ground. With a red, embarrassed face, Seth picked up the card again and this time decided to use the Help app, again.

>[You are a moron.]<


>[You can summon a Persona from its card by verbally commanding them to. The command that you use is subjective and can be whatever you wish it to be. It also doesn't have to be consistent.]<

>[Have fun acting like Sailor Moon, dear user.]<

"Oh for fuck's sake..."

With a rough exhale, Seth gripped Erza's card tightly before throwing it into the air again, this time though, he embarrassingly shouted the command for the beautiful redhead to emerge.

"Heed my call and come forth!"

Surprisingly, the card glowed a vibrant, multicoloured colour before exploding with bright light. Then, from the flash, a scantily clad beautiful redhead emerged wielding two simple longswords. It was Erza Scarlet in the flesh! Seth was surprised she could even walk in those high heels, and how in the world the black suit managed to contain her massive tits was an even bigger mystery. Although, that last part seemed to be rather questionable sometimes as with each step she took, her boobs nearly spilt out of her suit.

With her heels on, Erza was actually slightly taller than Seth himself, and so the two were left awkwardly staring at one another for a few seconds before Erza uttered a very famous, very familiar quote that Seth instantly recognised.




"...Are you my master?"