
Tower of Dust and Redemption

In the bustling city of Astoria, a kind-hearted individual named Lucas dedicated his life to helping others in need. However, his world crumbles when he is betrayed by a trusted friend, leading to his untimely demise. But fate has other plans for Lucas. Miraculously, Lucas awakens to find himself regressed to a mere shadow of his former self. Fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge, he embraces the darkness within, determined to forge his own path and reclaim his shattered virtue.

Frozen_Wordsmith · 都市
13 Chs

Shadows of Deception

"How can I remember something that happened a long time ago?" I pondered aloud.

"Whether you remember or not, I am still going to kill you," the woman menacingly retorted.

Her face remained shrouded in a haze, mirroring the haziness of my own weak memory.

"Master, what on earth are you doing? Have you lost your mind, conversing with yourself?" my loyal companion questioned, a mix of concern and confusion evident in his voice.

"You can't see her?" I questioned, hoping for some validation.

"You're merely engaged in self-dialogue. However, I distinctly witnessed you deftly dodging the knife," he confirmed, his words laced with disbelief.

Turning my gaze towards the woman, I summoned courage and asked, "You can't kill me, can you?"

"Haha, you've finally realized," she taunted, her laughter grating on my nerves.

"Enough with your laughter! It's maddening! You're nothing more than an illusion, a fabrication. Despite my faltering memory, I am confident that I have never endured such a nightmare," I asserted firmly, my voice brimming with conviction.

Physical weakness and mental weakness are disparate realms. Physical frailty may be visible, while mental fragility lurks in the shadows, only revealing itself when confronted. I am certain that each of us harbors some form of weakness.

"As for me, I too possess vulnerabilities. In my childhood, I endured nightmares, yet I vividly recall they were not akin to the torment plaguing me now," I expressed, my memories resurfacing with an eerie clarity.

"You deceived me from the very beginning, as I listened to your nonsensical ramblings. You were right that I often experience sleep paralysis, but that was when I was 21. It still occurs sporadically, but it pertains to my regression," she confessed, her admission punctuated with a hint of apprehension.

"I suffer from sleep paralysis stemming from the day my friend betrayed me. However, this twisted dream I am experiencing now is not of that nature. You are undoubtedly lying," I declared, determined to unmask her deceit.

"Do you assume everyone quivers in fear at the mere mention of ghosts? I, for one, relish horror movies. Your feeble tricks may work on others, but not on me," I challenged her, my words laced with defiance.

The woman remained silent, caught in her own web of deception, seemingly unsure of her next move.

"You are quite audacious," she remarked as she swiftly advanced towards me, her pace rivaling that of lightning. In a flash, the knife transformed into a gleaming sword.

"Let's settle this one-on-one," she rasped, her voice a peculiar amalgamation of masculine and feminine tones.

She closed in on me, but I reacted swiftly, blocking her assault.

"You are undeniably clever to see through my facade," she acknowledged.

"I hold no personal grudge against you. Kindly excuse me," I replied, mustering a counterattack.

I swung my blade, passing through her form, yet it yielded no harm.

"Just what are you?" I mused to myself, perplexed by her ethereal existence.

The sword passed through her once again as I continued my relentless slashes. However, the moment I dropped my guard, she seized the opportunity and struck my shoulder.

Pain surged through my shoulder, but the Syron gem I possessed promptly healed the wound.

"I see, so this is why you exude such confidence," I remarked, beginning to comprehend her true nature.

She grew more ferocious, launching a vigorous onslaught. Suddenly, she halted, her gaze fixated on a door situated opposite to me—an unnoticed second entrance.

"There was a knock on the door," she uttered, her demeanor shifting abruptly.

She ceased her assault, diverting her attention towards the unexpected visitor.

"Master, if you're finished swinging your sword in the air, shall we find out who's at the door?" Zion interjected, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

"I am battling a ghost," I responded.

"A ghost? Where is it? Why can't I see it? It seems this foolish master of mine has lost his sanity," Zion quipped.

"Can't you do something? I can't even defeat her, and to make matters worse, she shows no mercy," I pleaded with Zion.

"Stupid master, ghosts are already dead. Why do you need to kill her?" Zion retorted.

"But she keeps attacking me. If I don't defend myself... Zion, can't you do something about this ghost?" I implored.

"Don't tempt me to kill her again. The only thing I can do is end the life of a living being, you get it?" Zion clarified.

"Not that. I've noticed that the entire room is enveloped in darkness. There's not even a single ray of light or a functioning light fixture," I explained.

"So, let me get this straight, you want me to turn on the lights?" Zion exclaimed incredulously.

"You're not taking me seriously, are you?" the woman interjected, shoving me into a corner against the wall.

"Zion, do what you do best," I urged.

"You mean shine as brightly as a tubelight?" Zion retorted.

"Yes, let's see what happens," I responded, hoping for a revelation in the ensuing illumination.

But before we could take any action, the door swung open, revealing a blinding burst of light.

The intensity of the brightness was overwhelming, causing me to instinctively shield my eyes. After a few minutes, I cautiously opened them to survey my surroundings.

A voice echoed in my ears, "[Welcome to the Tower]."

"What kind of welcome is this?" I muttered, feeling a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

The Tower stretched endlessly before me, its pinnacle reaching the heavens. It was shrouded in clouds, lending an air of mystique to its grandeur.

So, this was the fabled Tower, where individuals gained enlightenment and tremendous power, becoming formidable beings.

"[You are the first hunter to be invited into the Tower]," the voice announced.

In my previous state, I was too feeble to even approach the Tower. Burdened with responsibilities for someone else, I could only dream of coming this close. This was my chance, an opportunity not to be missed.

"The Tower Master wishes to propose a game to you," the voice continued.

"What kind of game? I am already exhausted," I protested, my weariness evident in my voice.

A subtle giggle emanated from the Tower Master, stirring a sense of curiosity within me.

I wasn't joking; I truly was drained from the relentless battles. Even with superpowers, I remained human and susceptible to fatigue.

"Apologies, but you do not have time to rest," the Tower Master declared.

Confusion lingered in my mind as a monstrous creature, reminiscent of a mammoth in size, charged towards me. The ground trembled with each thunderous step, the deafening sound growing louder as it drew nearer.

My heart raced, pounding in my chest as the creature closed in. Every instinct screamed at me to run, to avoid being trampled underfoot.

Silent contemplation ensued as I questioned my survival chances. "Will I be able to withstand this?" I whispered to myself, a flicker of doubt clouding my thoughts.

I apologize for the late update; I'm feeling a bit under the weather, which is why I couldn't update at the proper time.

Frozen_Wordsmithcreators' thoughts