
Tower of Dust and Redemption

In the bustling city of Astoria, a kind-hearted individual named Lucas dedicated his life to helping others in need. However, his world crumbles when he is betrayed by a trusted friend, leading to his untimely demise. But fate has other plans for Lucas. Miraculously, Lucas awakens to find himself regressed to a mere shadow of his former self. Fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge, he embraces the darkness within, determined to forge his own path and reclaim his shattered virtue.

Frozen_Wordsmith · 都市
13 Chs

Dance with madness

The Joker, whom I thought was dead, appeared again.

"Surprise! I didn't finish my story, so how could I go?" The Joker said, giggling.

"The story was incomplete, and you still want to complete it. Why don't you just die by my hands? Maybe you will go to heaven," I said.

"I prefer hell, though," the Joker smirked.

"I don't have time for your stupid story."

I drew my sword and approached him to end him. The Joker jumped from one place to another.

"You won't listen, right?" He seemed ferocious, and his eyes looked scary. I didn't notice how, but he tied me with rose thorns. Maybe it's one of his powers.

"How do you do it?" He started giggling.

"Whatever you do, I don't want to listen to your story." I was determined not to listen to his story.

"Listen, I am begging you. It's an order," he said and took an apple from the table. He grabbed my mouth to open it and fed me the apple so I couldn't say a word. I was unable to move, and my sword was on the ground. I thought maybe when he tells the story, at that time when he wasn't watching, I can do something.

"So, where was I? Oh, right! I gave you a hint that he drew the painting with his blood. But you know what? Blood can't be kept fresh for a long time. So, you got the wrong one. As you know, blood contains the presence of oxygenated hemoglobin, so it appears red. But as time goes by, the color gets darker from brown to black, even the smell fades away."

As I heard his words, I looked around with my eyes. All the paintings were good, but one painting was strange: a painting of an apple that should be red, but it was black.

"Zion, come here," I said.

"Master, I can't. I am just a tool. How can I move?" I then thought that when he gets distracted, I will slowly move. The Joker started his story.

"So, I will continue the story. The boy was very angry because of his parents' words. It was echoing in his mind. One day, he locked both his mother and father in a golden cage. They begged him to let them out, but he was so immersed in the painting that he didn't listen to them. He took a plate full of grains and water in one glass. His mother asked him to let her out, promising to listen to whatever he says, but he refused to even acknowledge her. He became emotionless. The mother and father regretted not understanding their son's situation, but they wanted to get out somehow. One day, when he was out, they called one of the servants. She told them to open the cage, but she told them that he threw the key in the well the moment they were locked in. His mother at least drank water, but his father refused to eat or drink anything. His mother asked the servant to bring something to eat. Suddenly, he came as it was time to feed his parents. As usual, he put the grains and water in front of them, took the brush, and started painting. The servant came out and used her hairpin to try to unlock the door of the golden cage. But the boy heard the sound and turned his head. He laughed insanely and said, 'Run as far as you can go.' They ran away and never turned back."

"I have a doubt," I said.

"What? You said you didn't want to listen, and now you have a doubt. Let's hear it," the Joker said.

"You said the boy painted his last painting with his blood, so didn't he die?"

He laughed loudly, "Haha, you are right."

"My doubt is, why did he let his parents run away? Did he finally become sane?"

"An insane person can't be sane after doing this. Do you think I would let them live?"

"You are really insane," I said.

The Joker said, "How did you release your mouth when I closed it?"

I took the sword and stabbed him. "Like this."

"Haha, I like it. But do you think this can kill me? I am not human," the Joker said.

I took the apple painting down and first tore it, but it got intact again. Then I tried to burn it, but it rose up from the ashes.

"It's not easy to kill me," the Joker said.

I then thought, let's do this. I cut my finger enough to drop a single drop of blood and poured it on the painting. The painting started to burn by itself.

"You are quite clever. You figured it out," the Joker disappeared.

[The level cleared.]

[Here is your reward for your contribution.]

[Here is your reward for being the first hunter to clear the first floor.]

"Whoa, I got two awards for clearing the first floor." I opened the gifts I got: around 100 tower coins and a dimensional pocket with no limit and lightweight.

"It's time to go home. I miss home."

[Tower Master said, "You can come as you wish, but you can only leave when I wish."]

"Is this a joke? I was dragged in, and I didn't come here according to my will."

[Don't you want to become powerful?]

"I do want to become powerful."

I was talking to the Tower Master when a sound interrupted us.

"Ahhhhh!" a scream came.

"A human voice!" I said, shocked.

"You didn't tell me that someone else is here," I exclaimed.

[There is only you.]

"Are you sure? I think I heard a voice," I questioned.

I gripped my sword tightly, preparing for an attack. I heard footsteps approaching.

"Looks like the person is in a hurry."

I moved out to search for where the footsteps were coming from. There was a turn, and I hid behind the wall. As soon as I heard the footsteps nearing, I attacked without seeing. But I was shocked to see the person—or should I say, the monster.

"A goblin!"

"Hey, young man, don't call me a goblin. I am the salesman of this tower," the goblin corrected me.

"I know goblins like you trick us into buying useless things," I stated.

The goblin replied, "I am not one of them."

"How can you prove that?"

"Tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you."

"Then give me something to eat."

"Just a sec." He searched his pocket and removed a big egg.

"Wow, is this for eating or keeping? Are you tricking me?" I questioned.

"No, I am not kidding. It's an ostrich egg," the goblin assured.

"How much is it?"

"80 tower coins," the goblin replied.

"You're trying to trick me. I'm not giving more than 8 tower coins," I bargained.

"Okay, just give me whatever price you like. I need to go," the goblin agreed.

He handed me the egg, and I gave him the money.

"You're not tricking me, right?" I asked cautiously.

"After getting tricked, you shouldn't ask questions like this," the goblin smirked and ran away, disappearing before I could catch him.

"I was foolish to buy this egg. Why did I even buy it?"

Suddenly, there was movement from the egg. It cracked open. I placed it down, thinking maybe I had held it too tightly. But then, a set of tiny paws emerged, followed by a head.

"Mama," said a baby from inside the egg.

"What is this thing? It doesn't look like an ostrich. I thought I could eat it, but that goblin tricked me."

[Congratulations on receiving a companion.]