
Towards A New Goal

A reincarnation of the personification of The Beginning itself appears in the world where magic reigns over everything. The Monsters invades, the Demons destroys, and the Angels that are suppose to help the mortals are turning their backs on them. In a world full of chaos and fellow mortals stricken with terror, Genesis sets himself a goal to finally put an end to this ordeal.

Indomitable_Spirit · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Reincarnation

Destructive lightning ran amok in the dark and gloomy space, weaving an intricate dance of chaotic energy. An oppressive atmosphere hung heavily, devoid of any positive energy to counterbalance the malevolence.

In this universe where chaos held its throne, a flickering white ball lingered in an inconspicuous corner of a chaotic desolate world. Time seemed to stand still for this enigmatic entity, patiently biding its time. As if sensing an imminent shift in space, the white ball suddenly flared, radiating a mixture of anxiety and excitement.


A crack suddenly appeared in the void, an occurrence that the white ball has been exactly waiting for! Not wasting any more time, the white ball hurriedly rushes into the crack of the void as if it's escaping from something terrifying.


Suddenly, a lightning struck the white ball, catching it off guard. It flickered in pain. 

"HAHAHA!" Laughter thundered through the cosmos, a mocking chorus echoing in the aftermath of Genesis' momentary vulnerability.

"You are finally tired of hiding, Genesis!" An unknown entity revealed itself, its form materializing amidst the cosmic chaos. Sensing something, it looked to the void. Through its prying eyes, it saw the crack that Genesis was trying to reach into. Realizing the intention of the white ball, it sneered as it chanted, "You want to escape? Not a chance!" 

A colossal magical formation materialized, a celestial cage seeking to imprison Genesis in its ethereal clutches.

Refusing to succumb to captivity, the white ball unleashed a powerful incantation through a special technique known only to itself. Terrifying energy fluctuations spread throughout the magical formation with the white ball as the center. Then, within a split of a second, it engulfed the large magical formation, effectively making it useless. The white ball wasted no chance and rushes into the void again.

Enraged that his proud magical entrapping formation was rendered useless so easily, the unknown entity chased after the white ball. He chanted as he chased, muttering a destructive technique known in the pre-chaotic universe. A destructive amalgamation of raging ball of fire and flickering lightnings appeared on his right hand, threatening to annihilate everything in its wake.

"Die!" The unknown entity hurled destruction towards the while ball.

As if the white ball had already anticipated this move, without turning back, it once again uses the powerful incantation that neutralized the threatening destruction. Yet, victory came at a cost—the white ball is now drained of cosmic energy, but still managed a triumphant escape into the void.

The unknown entity could only watch in rage as the white ball escaped. It wanted to follow the white ball into the void, but the crack of the void has already closed.

After a long silence, the unknown entity spoke, a devilish grin appeared on its formless visage.

"Wherever you are, I shall follow 'til you are destroyed, Genesis."

Meanwhile, in the void, the white ball, Genesis, navigated the mysterious crack that had granted its escape. The energy depletion weighed heavily, but determination burned within Genesis. As it traversed the void, the essence of chaos surrounding it began to wane. Genesis looked around, his vision filled with numerous cracks of the endless void. However, despite the myriad cracks, he sensed something that seems to be especially calling upon him. With a whoosh, he entered a crack. Genesis still wanted to hold on, but his depleted energy deprived him of his will. 

With a strong resolve, Genesis made his final incantation at the price of the destruction of the primordial ball containing his soul.

"I shall... come back... once... more..." the ball shattered into smithereens.


Agnimitra Empire, Fajra City.

Within the opulent confines of the Mason family manor, a gathering of elders patiently occupied the luxurious benches. They exuded an air of seasoned composure, their expressions showing neither impatience nor anxiousness. In stark contrast, Gabriel paced restlessly, his unease palpable. The anguished cries of his wife in labor echoed through the halls, adding an undercurrent of tension.

Abruptly, a white-robed elder reached his limit. Rising from his seat, he delivered a resounding slap to the back of Gabriel's head.


"Ah! What's that for, Father?" Gabriel winced, his hand instinctively rubbing the offended spot. He shot an aggrieved look at his father.

"Can't you sit still, you restless cur?!" Elder Pier, Gabriel's father, the patriarch of the Mason family, bellowed. He continued, "Your behavior is akin to a headless fly! Utterly unbecoming. Aren't you ashamed?!"

Suddenly, an elder known as Rock interjected, stroking his long, white beard with a pretentious air. "Calm down, Patriarch Pier. You're still as hot-tempered as ever. Gabriel is merely restless as his dear wife welcomes their firstborn into the world." Elder Rock chuckled, "We've all been there, haven't we? Hahahahaha!"

The other elders nodded in agreement, sharing amused glances.

"Greetings, esteemed elders! Mistress Iris has successfully given birth! It's a boy!" A servant burst out of the delivery room, excitement evident in every word.

The news echoed through the manor, momentarily diverting the attention from the earlier scene to one of a joyous occasion within the Mason family. Gabriel's restlessness gave way to a mix of relief and elation as he processed the announcement.

The elders, with measured composure, rose from their seats and approached Gabriel. The atmosphere shifted from the anxiousness of Grabriel to one of congratulatory camaraderie. Even the hot-tempered Patriarch Pier has lightened up. Patriarch Pier clapped Gabriel on the shoulder.

"Well done, my boy! A new heir to the Mason legacy," Patriarch Pier exclaimed with genuine pride. It was as though the furious patriarch from earlier was just a mere illusion.

The other elders offered their congratulations, and even the previously restless Gabriel couldn't suppress a smile. The birth of his son had brought an unexpected reprieve from the turmoil that had unfolded just moments ago.

The Mason family manor buzzed with activity. Servants prepared a feast, and joyous laughter filled the air. The news of the birth spread through the entire manor, spreading like wildfire.

Little did they know, however, that the universal conflict between Genesis and the unknown entity was far from over. The threads of destiny had woven a complex tapestry, entwining the fate of the newborn child, the reincarnation of Genesis, with the enigmatic entity that lurked in the previous universe.

The unknown entity in the previous universe seethed with frustration. The crack in the void had closed, and Genesis had eluded its grasp. Determination burned in the formless entity as it contemplated its next move.

The unknown entity whispered a vow into the cosmic winds.

"Genesis, your escape is but a temporary respite. I will find you, and the echoes of our conflict will reverberate through the cosmos until one of us meets our end!"

The dance of cosmic winds followed suit, interweaving the destinies of the new world and the previous universe, setting the stage for a tale that spanned the two universes.

It's my first novel. May I have the pleasure to know your thoughts about my novel?

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