
Chapter 54: Loss, Part 6

Downstairs, Anta and Quinton stood in front of the table, Anta looking down, Quinton's face like a thundercloud. Rath strode up to Anta and said, "I paid you six months' rent in advance. You can keep what you need to cover the cost of removing my father's body—" She flinched, but Rath didn't feel much satisfaction. "But you'll give me the rest back."

Her mouth tightened, but she finally gave a stiff nod. "You have to know—"

"I know," Rath cut in, not in the mood. He understood where she came from—where they all came from. But it never made it easier, never made it hurt less, when he was thrown out because of things that weren't his fault. He'd been a good tenant, and his father was dead, but out he went. She wouldn't even let him stay the night and leave in the morning.

She held out his pennies, and he tucked them into another pocket. "Thank you. Goodbye, Anta." He strode to the door and yanked it open, stepping back out into the dark, cool night.