
Chapter 11: Melee, Part 2

When they'd all gathered around the crier, who was standing on a barrel and holding a sheet of paper, he cleared his throat and bellowed out, "If your name is called, go to the tables to receive your token for the duels. If your name is not called, you have been eliminated. Duelists are to report here tomorrow by after-prayer bell. Anyone who does not show up on time forfeits their place in the tournament."

Rath sighed as the crier started listing off names, not sure if he wanted to hear his or not, no matter how much he needed to hear it. He gritted his teeth as his bruises and scrapes and two days of over-exertion grew increasingly difficult to ignore. He might have to surrender to it and pop over to Vix's for a powder or two to get him through the night. Hopefully, Trin would let it slide. She knew how much he hated relying on such things. A good ale and the odd swig of gin was the most adventurous he cared to get.