

Your score and tier and abilities mean everything. “ Lexi so what happens now that she has them.” “I’m not sure Brandon, but if people find out they will soon learn our secret. She can’t use them ever, and nobody outside of us can ever know.” “Lexie how will she ever learn. Call John he will come and teach her I’m sure.” “Of course he will, Lexi he’s her father. She has more of his traits than she has from the rest of us. He would of been the person who won and gotten you we both know that. Those drugs they made her what she is genetically, but these abilities and the power we both know she holds means everything and can let her form who she can be.” “No! She is my daughter... our daughter and we have no abilities. They will come for her if anyone finds out. The government they think she’s dead if they find out otherwise we will lose our daughter all four of us lose our child. Brandon nobody can ever know what she has or can do. We have to find a way to lock it away otherwise she will be killed.” “The other elementals tried to start a revolution and take over. That doesn’t mean our daughter will or that they will come for her.” “Brandon she is made up of 4 different peoples genes 3 of which are males from all different tiers, if they don’t come for her because she’s an elemental they will come take her because of that. It means that children can be born with more than one ability and can have a higher chance of scoring a 10. They will take her away to experiment on her or to make her into a weapon. We can’t let them do that.” “That won’t happen. John is the Presidents right had man and is in charge of the military and all the police he’s the top general, remember he’s the Chief Justice now. He helps makes the laws and is in charge of making sure they are carried out. My brother is also chief surgeon at the hospital and became a highly decorated general during the last war. None of us will let anything happen to our daughter.” “But is her life really something you are willing to bet on and risk?” “Of course not Lexi!” “Exactly so we have to do what’s best for her and until we know we can truly protect what is best is to keep her abilities hidden away from the world. That way she might have a chance to be a child and get to grow up and maybe one day have a family.”

PennyBoomer · ファンタジー
71 Chs


I woke in bed, Hunter was laying on the floor but I had his arm on bed holding it. He was already awake, but wasn't moving since he didn't want to wake me up. Once he realized I was awake he spoke.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Ok I guess."

"Umm, so let us know when you want to leave for the island. We al talked last night after you slept and I filled them in on what you told me and we all think we should stick together."

"We should leave soon.." I hesitated for a moment and said "can I talk to everyone and tell them what all I know."

"Of course." Hunter said.

My arm was in a cast and I had bandages wrapped around my stomach. I was still sick and very weak, but I was fighting it. I sat up and tried to get out of bed but my legs wouldn't carry me. I started to fall but Hunter caught me. I smiled at him and allowed him to carry me out the living room. Everyone was silent, Miya wasn't there and I didn't see Tony either.

"Can you guys get everyone to come here?" I asked.

"This is everyone." Hunter said

"Where's Miya and Tony?" The room was silent for a minute before Logan spoke.

"Lea found them moving things onto the boat, they had good and other needed supplies. She killed them Miya right away because she tried to fight back and then Tony was injured. He was brought back and told use they were moving things because you had asked for them. He was hurt to badly and he died a few days afterwards."

"So that's how none of you ever found out then."

"What do you mean?" Sydney asked, they all looked confused.

"Miya was the only person who knew I was pregnant. She was helping me get stuff to leave, because I knew with Lea being around it would be dangerous for them. She was never one to accept defeat or to show kindness and I feared they would do something or cry to much and she would seek revenge and it would put them in danger. She told me she would bring Tony with us so that way I wasn't be left alone and so we could return. She also said she was going to tell Hunter unless I did, but that when you all locked me away. She never had the chance to tell any of you, but we planned to go to the island I had been staying at where I knew it was safe and I wouldn't be under as much stress and didn't have an enemies." I explained.

"If they wouldn't of stopped you that means everyone might still be alive. They were still waiting for you and it was already night by the time Lea found them. If you wouldn't of been take the three of you would of left and you would of had your children. We all would still be on this island most likely, maybe we would of came after you but everyone would be alive right now." Dustin spoke. The other looked down I knew they regretted how everything had happened and what they did but they thought they were protecting me. They had no clue that this would of been the outcome. 5 people died from the cause of getting locked away.

"Potentially yes, or you all would of come looking for us and more would of died. The universe decided how it would happen and this is its decision. There's nothing anyone can do about it now so all we can do is move forward." I said.

"I know we don't know you but I feel like you being very calm for everything that just happened yesterday. You've also calmed yourself down from yesterday as well, by the way my name is Chris." He said.

"I'm sure know I'm Megan, but I didn't want to speak to everyone for introductions."

"Why did you want everyone here to talk?" Logan asked.

"We need to leave the island and not come back." I said.

"Why?!" They all said simultaneously.

"I believe we are being hunted. Hear me out please. My uncle and John were high remembers of the government and nobody at there hideout had the virus, I got a call during the storm and they left a message saying the virus was there and spreading quickly and there was still no cure. There were people in the low-tier level who created a group and were waiting to revolt and start a civil war. To be honest I thought they were crazy or joking around but they said they had support for the Netherlands and North Sup. They claimed they were backing them and supplying them with weapons and troops. If the virus spread with the government weakened and with less elites and less to fight back a take over would be easy. There's a possibility that they are the ones who released the virus which is why it first hit the elites, to cut down the numbers with less casualties on there side. That means any documentation about where the royals and other elites that aren't already destroyed are in enemy hands most likely. Therefor I believe they are hunting all of the last of the elites down group by group since none of us can contact each other or know where each other are hiding there is no way to warn anyone. We have a decision to make though. We either go back to our country and die there from the virus or we can join whoever is left and fight a losing battle, or the option I personally prefer is leave and go somewhere new. We get new identities from the government or don't report we are there at all and buy everything through fake names and cash only or from the black market and we wait this out, it'll take a few years but watch the countries actions and see if we can find any other survivors from our home and bring them with us. We wait until there news that we can travel there again and we stay in the shadows and gain support to plan our own revulsion to take our home back. The third option is to stay here on this island until someone comes to killed us, we kill each other, or we run out of supplies. I mean personally I want to leave and wait it's the long game plan, but I think it'll be our best option. We all have to agree on something though or nothing we do will matter and we will be at risk."

"I agree with Megan on this one, I think we should leave and wait it out." Hunter said. Sydney nodded agreeing with Hunter.

"What about our families?" Logan said.

"They are probably already dead, the Queen is right. It's our best bet to be able to fight back and avenge those who have died." Chris said, Dustin agreed with him as well. We all looked at Logan.

"Stop staring at me. We already voted and we are leaving. Megan right like always, this is one of the times we need to look at the bigger picture and play the long game, because if we go back now we don't know what we are walking into and if we stay here we don't know what will be coming for us or who knows we are here." Logan said.

"Good, we take the boat see should sink one and destroy the dock to look like there was a fight and let all the animals free. First we will need to get fruits and things around and pack a small amount of stuff so it doesn't look like we ever left. We can take some chickens and maybe a cow or two and goat with us. Along with a few horses. We leave our phones here though. That way they can't be traced. We are going to start completely over, it's the only way we have a real chance. We should leave tonight that way we don't aren't risking anything." I said.

"Won't that be dangerous, we won't be able to direct to where we're going. We don't even know where that is." Hunter said.

"No I can direct us and use my abilities moving both ships that way no gas it used." I said.

"You heard her. We have some work to do. Also if anyone has any cold bring it with you that's the one thing we can trade." Logan said.

"But won't that allow them to track us since it has our symbol on it?" Brandon said.

"No, because it's pure gold. I can melt it down making it so it's just a few chunks of gold and we can trade that for things or currency wherever we end up." I said.

With that everyone left and got things together. We brought them on the ships and broke down the barriers allow the animals to roam freely. I brought Neva and Maze to the sail bought along with some chickens and other horses that had followed Neva. We had wooden cadges that we put the chickens in and bigger one that we put the cows and goats and horses in. We only took 4 of each animal 2 of which were males to allow breading potentially. We also took some of the plants with us, putting them into small planters and pots that we could carry. We turned off the barrier as well before we left. We had used are abilities when it came to breaking things down and it really looked as if there could of been a battle here.

We left the island before night fall. I used my abilities to destroy the dock and the boat throwing pieces of it on the shore. Then we were gone.

It took a lot longer for me to guid both boats with my abilities, mainly due to my injuries and my illness. I was still very weak and unable to stand on my own. It took hours to arrive at the other island, it was probably closure to the expected 3 hour journey although we still made it in about 2 hours. We moved the boats ashore and it was night and the sky was dark now.

We stayed around for the next few days until the ceremony. They had build a wooden boat and put a silk blanket over it, the babies body were underneath it and flowers weren't around it although I couldn't see the bodies I was told they were there along good and some other offerings. At dusk they sent the boat out and gave all of us something that looked like a lantern except it had a candle in it that was burning cause the lantern to float. We had to hold it so it wouldn't go into the sky. They also had floating candles they had already sent out into the water. The boat reach where the candles had float out to and was surrounded by them, as a man with a bow and a burning arrow shot and hit the silk blanket on the boat. With that it caught on fire and we all let the lanterns go as the boats fire engulf the top. "The lanterns will guide the spirits to the heavens as the fire frees them from there bodies." The chief said.

It was beautiful seeing hundreds of these lanterns going up into the sky shining brighter then stars. Every single person in the village had a lantern even the children let the lanterns go. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the full moon was out. The wind blew the lanterns cause them to truly look like there might of been a path that was formed and the ashes and smoke that rose up seemed to follow it. This was a beautiful funeral, better than any of the ones I had ever heard of. After the ceremony was over and we couldn't see the lanterns anymore and the boat had stopped biting and sunk down into the ocean, we returned to the ships. We didn't leave as I was still very weak and we decided we would wait until tomorrow that way I had more time to rest. We were all happy though as none of us really expect that to happen and to ever see a funeral that was like what we had just experienced. We all went to sleep on the boats at the beach.

We left early the next morning. We sailed for days before spotting land. We were all tired and giving up and running low on gas and energy. We were all so excited and couldn't wait to land it was everything we had hoped for, to find a place that we could call home.