
CH-1 torture begin

Hi I am guy with loose mind I have to be alone in my room .I love darkness more than light ,I need peace more than shout ,I like studying but in a limit it's a diary but every middle or low class guys have this problem .The upper title starts after completing middle school than your real life starts parents wants you to be on top for their better future ,you have nothing to do just struggle until you die . Your interest in dating a girl ,playing games ,visit clubs all gone in vain the dreams you have in mind you have to freeze them because the bows of responsibility are already on your back .Let's begin our suffering story ------

characters is telling his story writer didn't touched it ,I hope you like it

my name is dex I am currently 7 years old with childhood mind ,which nothing cares the whole world is total ficked up ,or the world destroyed by demons ,all mans are gone I am the only one man on this palnet with women ,I will not care because I am 7 years old yes I am a child NOTICE : DEPRESSION RATE (0%).. I am living with my grandfather ,grandmum ,and my mom and father is in city for earning capital with his brother and there is uncle family ,. Father come to visit take me with for studies I cried for hours and finally my paln failed and I have to go with him .I got admission but after one week I shifted to lower class because I. can't study well .After well in studies I got 100 in every subject and got top in class then my uncle top up the class to match standards then my rank goes down to 2 nd to 11 the position in those years and then my school change with same school as my cousin everything going well in school but what about daily life of house my cousin and cousin sisters give works of their daily chores I don't have to do but aunt says to do it happens everyday and of i don't do their they say you are a lowlife living with our small pieces .It's. all my father's fault he didn't get best education as compare. to uncle. my uncle is good guy but he was always like is becaus he was the biggest son he have responsibility too much I guess his depression rate must be (93) percent . he often drinks alchol when rate goes high , my father didn't cared about me what going on with me he just wanted me to die or just I big abig owner to company or a job with interest of thousand dollars ,fuck is this dream it real happy after seeing other child and angry after seeing own child .my mother was not with me so I don't have support but I did not care mom also don't calls me ,my whole feels like they are just using me what i do I started crying my mind goes into depression .Now it feels like nothing cares ,nothing happens ,do nothing ,I don't care heart is being sealed .... family is important for better mind and pyshical support. if their is no caring family child becomes demon that hates the world and family ,everyone looks fake to that demon ,my depression goes 100 percent I am totally eager to die I am going to jump off from a bridge do you know what happen then my mind is like child I am not matured enough I didn't finish ONE PIECE anime these thoughts come in my mind. I shouted !!! I AM SCARED God just kill me

I didnt have talent nor skills I am suffering my whole life .

Don't be scared fuck yourself make better decisions my one chapter novel is finished

thank for seeing not reading 😕