
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · 幻想
102 Chs

19 Gideon

He had made plans of buying various seeds of crops, plants, flowers, fruit trees and even make a large vineyard but he never thought of making his own electric generator. How much time had he wasted, but Mark soon calmed down and thought of the fact that he needed a really large amount of materials to make the project.

He walked around the Manor preparing breakfast and tea for him as he thought of where he should build this project. There was a river near the middle of the large backyard, also the windy desert plains could be useful and the hot volcanic area in the western part. Mark calculated the amount of items he needed to buy as well as the time he would need to make the ones he could create himself.

All in all this would make for twenty years of his time, but he then re-calculated that he needed things to be larger as there would be other beings that would stay in this backyard. He would try to slowly integrate them and introduce the ideas of industrialization as well as modern way of thinking. He could introduce them to a new way of culture which would take generations of planning.

This meant that he would need at least a hundred years to finish this with his own man-power. But there are the fact that he could gain slaves which Mark would definitely use, making the calculated time to be thirty years or twenty-five if he helped in building it. But why would he waste his time when he could train and just supervise.

Mark smiled as he now drew the plans in his mind of how he should start working so he could enjoy the gifts of modern civilization. As he was walking towards the front door as he felt he needed to inspect the captured slaves he has, a sound familiar to his ears rang notifying him of a new mission.


[Mission Issued: Acquire Electricity]

[Host wants to build modernized community in the Backyard]

[Objective #1: Build your own power generator (GeoThermal, HydroThermal, Wind or Solar) ]

[Remarks: What better ways to gain electricity other than clean energy sources!]

[Objective #2(optional): Build a secondary power generator.]

[Time Limit: 40 years]

[Failure: Host would lose access to certain products in the shop.]

[Rewards: Blueprint(Signal Tower), Blue Print(Steam Engine), Unlock majority of the Electrical Appliances in the shop.]

[Remarks: Why should host live like cavemen when there can be light!!!]

Mark stared at the mission issued and felt that the system was indeed giving mission if he could think of goals to achieve. But there were also missions that were issued in the heat of the moment like capturing the Minotaur. Mark was now dressed more extravagantly than yesterday's attire, he smiled as he looked in the mirror.

Seeing his chiseled face and sculpted build made him want to smile like an idiot. He was handsome before and was quite fit but now he looked like a stream-lined Olympian god. He now felt confident that he could almost rank around the levels of Captain America and Thor in this regard. Though not quite there yet he felt it was close, now that he might also increase in physique once he drinks the enhancement serum.

Somehow the system also helped him gain a few inches in height. Mark then looked at his junior brother and smiled as he knew that it would also improve so he felt he should hold onto the serum tightly. But Mark was still unsure how the system determines his level increased yet he didn't get any Stat points to add.

But he didn't think much of it, as Mark sauntered over to the shop to see if there was anything he should add here. He did place some of things he made. From iron jewelries to weapons and many more, Mark placed it in the Shop which magically expanded as to not make the shop crowded. Of all the mysteries he hasn't understood yet is the purpose and the existence of this shop.

Mark then went to call his horse which answered to his call immediately and then he put on the saddle he made for the horse. Mark saw the regal aura exuded by the horse which is further improved by the slight scratched here and there gained from the battle.

"Now to think of it, you still don't have a name do you?" Mark said as he always addressed the horse as anemic steed before but now it was healthy he should give it a proper name. The horse neighed like it understood what its owner just said.

"How about Ajax?" Mark said randomly but the horse neighed in annoyance.

"Okay, Buttercup?" Mark straddle the horse asking but it responded with an annoyed grunt.

"No? Then Florian?" the horse disagreed


(Still a no,)




(That's another animal)


(Confused no?)

"What? That was cool! What about Falcon?"

(Already taken)

"Oh right! Flash!"

(Still taken)




(No size for me)

"Biggie Smalls."

(Who dat?)

"For real bruh? How bout rice?"


Mark kept saying random names of characters, animals, celebrities and even items until the horse paused at the last name he just said.

"Hmm? Gideon? You like that name?" Mark was almost at the exit at the garage/shed in the backyard when he said that name. The horse neighed in a tone that could be heard as joy by Mark.

"Gideon huh? Okay, I'll call you that." Mark smiled as he remembered there was another meaning of Gideon. It could mean as the potency of will in the Hebrew but it was also associated with another nickname, it was called as "The Great Destroyer". Fitting for a horse so close to death that it willed itself to survive the odds and also show great destruction to his enemies in the battle field.

"A fitting name indeed." Mark smiled as the doors opened and he was greeted by a street full of busy people cleaning the rubble of the battle yesterday.

"Milord!" The peasants bowed deeply in reverence as they saw the now clean visage of Mark. Yesterday they only saw the blood soaked cold expression which marred the handsome features of the nobleman yesterday. Some of the surviving female peasants blushed as they saw the face of the man that saved them.

"At ease, keep doing your duties. Do not mind my presence here as we have much to do." Mark the left with a smile as he trotted away towards the eastern side of the village where the captured enemies were. As he reached the village borders he heard some form of argument which made him make the horse go faster.

As soon as he was in the clearing he saw the one handed old man in argument with a man in long robes. Mark soon arrived and he heard what they were arguing about which made him frown. His arrival was also noticed by the two groups, one was the townspeople and the other was group of a dozen men with long robes and books in their arm.

Mark felt the attire was quite familiar so he thought of various characters that matched this get-up and when he did his frown deepened. He knew there were people who go around trying to preach their god's teaching but for this to greet his morning seemed to be not a good sign. Soon the one arguing with the one handed old man stopped and looked at him with a face that seemed to think he was some sort of a big shot with his nose pointed up the sky.

"So you are the one who defea-" as the man was about to go into a monologue Mark said something that made him want to draw swards and attack.

"Who's the ugly fellow?" Mark looked to the old man who still guarded the pits with the captives yesterday. The face of the priest was red from holding his anger while the men behind him were flabbergasted. The townsfolk was not as considerate as they started giggling to themselves which was grating to the ears of the priest.

"These are worshippers of Sigmar milord, they go around the Old World to preach. The one you address sire is a priest of the cult." The old man answered with a smile as he felt he did his job guarding the pits well.

"Is that so? Anyways, have all of you had your breakfast yet? It seems like you've all been guarding the pits seriously. You should take some rest." Mark made small talk and proceeded to ignore the priest as well as his companions which further made the priest's face red in anger towards the disrespect he felt.

"You dare Ignore me?! Why are you keeping vile creatures of chaos? You collude with such foul beings? A heretic you must be and this town sha-" the priest started blabbering nonsense due to his anger but he stopped as he felt a cold sharp edge being placed in his throat.

"Quite bold of you to lay accusations randomly there, priest. It seems you are used to this kind of actions seeing it flow so naturally in your mouth. Tell me, how many innocent people have been persecuted just because you opened your stinking mouth? You even dared do that here in the lands of the Lady, really brave I must say." Mark said in a cold indifferent voice.