
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · 幻想
102 Chs

04. Thinking things through

Mark sighed as he felt exasperated at the vagueness of the system not specifying what kind of being would come out. It wasn't wrong since the description only said Orphan, it did not say anything about human Orphan. But Mark was taken out of his thoughts as the Giant Child started crying.

"*Sob* Mama!! Papa!! *Sob*" It was kind of weird for Mark seeing a large kid taller than you cry but remembering that the System categorized him as an Orphan made Mark unsure what to do. He's a Dandy for Christ sake, he doesn't know how to comfort a kid.

"It's okay kid, your safe here with me now. Tell me what happened, how did you arrive here?" Mark asked gently as he felt pity for the kid.

"*Sniffle* Bad men!! *Sob* Th-they burn our vill-villlage d-*sob*-down!! Uwaah!!!" the Giant Child cried as he said. " Mama!! *Sob* Papa was hurt, h-he was figh-fighti-ting bad men!! Mama p-prayed and now I am here*sob*! Can y-you take me to-t…to my Mama?!" the Giant Child looked at Mark with pitiful eyes and made him realize that he should try to speak something now.

"Listen kid, I know you are sad but if you come back now it would make your Mama and Papa's work all for nothing. Maybe you could stay here and maybe your parents would find a way to look for you. Is that okay with you?" Mark was confused about something until the System beeped into his mind.

[Host need not worry, the Giant Child is Loyal to you. It is just a gradual process as getting loyalty from a sentient being is harder that wild animals.]

'System, don't do it.' Mark said in his mind.

[Host needs to clarify]

'Don't brainwash the kid, he's had enough trauma today. Besides he's a kid, not an adult scary giant.'

[That is impossible for me to follow Host as the System has protocol for such events. In cases the Host needs not find the choice of making the subject loyal to you then it is for the system to plant a seed of trust in the subjects head. It is to prevent ill will be directed to the Host should they try anything dangerous later.]

'Isn't that still Brainwashing?' Mark asked not seeing the difference.

[It is not that complicated for the system to give the subject a thought that you meant no harm and would show goodwill without the brain alteration and changing the other person as well. If the said person doesn't like you at least they would know that you mean no harm to their wellbeing.]

'Did you learn from the internet or my mind?'

[A bit of both actually, but it was mostly your surface thoughts as it is impossible for me to extract memories deeply rooted inside. If I try it might just hurt the person and turn them into brain damaged people and I would get nothing from the act. At least I still have general knowledge known to make me able to assist host better.]

Mark shook his head from the quick dialogue but he was still aware of what is happening around him. He looked at the slightly crying giant Kid sitting on the grass seemingly lost. He went besides him and patted the arm of the kid to get his attention. The Kid then looked at the small man in front of him and asked.

"Can I still see them mister?" the kid asked. Mark was still skeptical as he remembered that most Giants have been corrupted by Chaos at this point and tend to be quite violent. This kid doesn't show anything like that at all.

[Not all giants are Corrupted are corrupted by Chaos, some live in remote places but only a few places left where they are still safe. Just like how there are still Centaurs even when their kind were corrupted too and become Centrigors. They live in remote places mostly in the Mountains of Mourn they are scattered and divided.]

"Huh, is that so?" Mark said but he noticed the time and it was almost noon already and he still hasn't started training yet. "Calm down and sit things through kid, no point in worrying when we are very far from where your Home is supposed to be."

Mark then pointed his palm forward as another magic circle appeared much larger than the last three, a large creature walked out as it slowly took its surroundings until it noticed Mark. Its eye suddenly lit up as it slowly walked forward to nudge its head to Mark.

"Hey there big fella! No need for you to get too excited here. I know you'll be a bit confused but look around you. There's lots of food to eat, now if you'll excuse me I have a chore to do." Mark then started jogging as he looked at the blue screen in front of him updating his progress in real time.

"This is gonna be a piece of cake!" Mark smiled as he ran motivated.

[30 minutes later]

"H-help!! Can't wa-walk… too tired.. ughh!!" Mark laid there panting and exhausted as he looked at his progress.

[3.4km/10km ]

"WHAT!! I'm not even halfway?! Gahhh!!!" Mark screamed in pain while the giant Kid watched the man that somehow brought him here. He was curious why the man was tiring himself out for no absolute reason, even when his mother not to be trustful of stranger. He still felt it was safe here so he sat there silent while praying to the Old Gods hoping that his parents are safe.

[4 hours later]

"…ninety-six!!..nnninety-sevvven!...*Huff*" Mark paused a bit a he looked at the progress of his daily mission.


[100/100 push-ups]

[97/100 Sit-ups]

[0/100 air-squats]

As he was looking at the result, a familiar sound of the system notification was heard in his ears. Mark the shifted his focus to his main system screen and noticed the blinking light. He pressed it with his telekinesis as a pop-up appeared in from of him.

[Gained 1+ END]

[Gained 1+ AGI]

[Gained 1+DEX]

Mark stood there feeling the changes in his body, it was so warm yet gentle at the same time like it was in your mother's embrace. But the soreness is still there, just bearable at least, Mark then went to try and finish the exercise routine. It was already 8pm when he had finished doing all of it and boy did it make him realize how pathetically weak he is.

[Gained 1+STR]

[Gained 3+WIS]

[Gained 1+AGI]

[Gained 1+END]

Sure he is now un-aging but his physical prowess is still nothing to praise about. Mark laid there as the tranquility of the moment made him able to think clearly of how to proceed with his future here. He remembered Four decades from now there would be a Peasant Rebellion. Maybe he could use that opportunity to take hold of Moussilon.

Such place needs a lot of cleaning, from what he remembered from playing the game before, Moussillon is housed by the Kingdoms rejects. Undead, Skaven and Criminals roam the city during the night. Thankfully he is currently in a town quite close to the border, it was a wonder though how this place still is not affected by madness like what it said in the City Lore.

Oh right, The influence of Vampiric minions here are not that deeply rooted yet. But another problem still needs to be solved, Skavens, these Humanoid Trash Eaters are one big problem. Mark knew almost everywhere there would be tunnels and caves where Dwarven and Skaven most likely pass through.

Mark didn't realize that right now his brain is in a very active state that he unconsciously had shown how much of a genius he is in strategizing should he really put his mind into it. Just his inherent Laziness seems to stop him from taking things seriously, Mark thought of many scenarios just from the limited amount of Information he had on facing this factions as enemies in the game.

He did remember the date in which Repanse de Lyonesse would show her heroism. Other Lords not much, Alberic from Borderluex, King Leouen and the Fay Enchantress. Mark knew also of the real identity of the Lady of the Lake but exposing it would yield nothing.

Maybe he could gain something after all, but being spawned in Mousillon has its disadvantages and it is many. Being shunned by the rest of the Brettonians, because it was considered the place of the Damned. Mark felt this would be a high task to clean this place up but he would have no competition should he prove to be able to clean the Dukedom of its filth.

Teachings of his Grandfather rang in repeat in Mark's ears as he rested his sore limbs, then he was brought back to reality as he heard a loud grumble. He looked at the source and saw the embarrassed face of the Giant Child. Mark realized that he now have people to take care of and maybe starting to take things seriously would be productive. Mark then realized that he had limited funds and they would starve should they not earn anything.