
Chapter 37: We Have a Crisis

Alicia sighed impatiently and lifted her wrist so she could look at her dainty watch and check the time. She cast a furtive look around, hoping that none of her neighbors were watching her stand at the bottom of her driveway. Who knows what conclusions they would come to?

She scowled as she spotted the inconspicuous black sedan come around the corner and quietly pull up right in front of her. The tinted driver's seat window slid down slightly and a large envelope poked through the opening.

The car took off the second Alicia had pulled the envelope into her hand. She rolled her eyes and scurried back up her driveway as quickly as she could in her heels; the envelope clutched tightly in her hands.

Alicia sighed in relief the second she was inside her house, away from prying eyes. She was alone for a few hours and she was going to make the most of them. Magnus had a few meetings to attend today, but he'd been breathing down her neck for weeks now.