(Volume 1 completed) A world where witches and warlocks practice witchcraft, bloodshed, sacrifice, and worship underworld deities. One witch, Elvira Cain, loses her heart to her species' enemy, a wizard while working as an undercover spy. Her heart is now torn between loyalty to her kind and the man who has opened her eyes to a new world of kindness. If she chose him, would he ever accept her true nature? Even if he did, would her family let her live with that decision? War, bloodshed, and consequences will surely follow whatever choice she makes.
"Elvira." Someone shook her arm. Utter darkness washed over the blue haze of the forest and the petrifying red glow in Sebastian's reptilian eyes.
"Hey, princess, are you okay?" A familiar, soothing, masculine voice spoke. She turned around and saw Wivior's worried face.
"You're sweating. Is everything alright, my sweet?" His firm hand gently pressed onto her cheek and forehead. "I should fetch the doctor."
"No." Elvira grabbed his arm. "I am alright. Please, just stay here with me. All I need is you." She squeezed herself into his chest.
Wivior put his arms around her and brushed her ebony black locks." I am here for you. Now and always..."