
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · テレビ
77 Chs


Two lightsabers were now in front of him.

The first was his original lightsaber which glowed a light blue color when activated and the other was a lightsaber which he recently made. It was during a one month off-planet vacation— that he did his best to get his approval from the other members of the Council— that involved accompanying his younger friends to a newly opened tourist planet called Poluvia in the Mid- Rim that was close to the boundary of the Outer-Rim.

It was only supposed to be a time of relaxation when, to his and his friends' misfortune, it changed into something that involved retrieving a vault full of artifacts—artifacts that the Council nor these low lives had the right to know about—which the Hutts and a few their lackeys decided to smuggle and auction off to the highest bidder.

Honestly, it was something that they should have overlooked. But the Force was far too insistent for Tord's tastes. As such, the silvernette had to convince his friends that he first had to deal with a few matters personally before joining them in their sightseeing. Therefore, he temporarily separated himself from the group and had the oldest, Mace, deal with handling the other.

But to Tord's utter dismay, things went downhill from there. Mace, Plo, Kit and Qui got drugged and kidnapped by some slaver group while he was busy handling the artifacts. The concern, worry and anger he felt at the moment of discovery of having those close to him endangered ended up triggering him. This then had the silvernette lose himself and succumb to his younger and crueler side.

It was like watching a holofilm as his younger and ruthless self take the reins within his mind. The Tord at that moment was not the one who grew in the Temple and had accepted the way of the Order. Instead, the one who controlled their perception was Tord Athanasia Obelia—the unforgiving Emperor of Earth and the Red Leader.

The way Red Leader handled the situation was merciless and that identity of the silvernette hardly cared that he tapped in both the Light and Darkside while decimating the planet's resident syndicates just to look for his people. Red Leader was not even against of using fire arms and underhanded tactics—as when someone was able to get away taking his original lightsaber and hold Qui as a hostage—he set fire to civilian buildings and had it lead to the slave group just to rile them up and get even the planet's government search for the bastards.

It took him a week of unrestrained carnage, Force and magical use along with hacking people with a newly built lightsaber and no rest at all to finally pin point where the bastards who took his friends were hiding. And when he found them, no one was left alive and it was in Tord's fortune that the group were in a prolonged state of being drugged since they wouldn't have to know about what the silvernette had been doing.

They wouldn't have to know about Tord's real nature. They wouldn't have to know about him being a <b>monster</b>.

And here he was now.

Staring at his newly retrieved lightsaber along with the one he used while searching for the rescue of his friends. Just a few spaces in front of him, the quartet were in Bacta tanks in a medical bay which belonged to an acquaintance of his that owed him a favor.

Putting the two similar looking yet reversed colored lightsabers on his lap, Tord rubbed his hands on his face and slumped as all the exhaustion that he felt during that one week was finally catching up to him. Nonetheless, as much as he wanted to relax and sleep with the knowledge that the group was now all safe, the silvernette found himself distracted with the other bountiful haul which he gained.

With the search for the quartet and taking down syndicates, Red Leader was able to get his hands on the vault that contained the artifacts and was surprised at what it contained. Ancient tomes, and holocrons of different kinds— Jedi, Sith and some of unrecognizable origins—filled the vault and the silvernette could feel how the Force sang in approval about him gaining the haul.

The owner of green gem-likes for a moment debated on whether he should hand over what he found. But the more selfish and cautious part of him told him not to. Which was why, when the Force gave no indication of anything negative or harmful, Tord easily enough had all of the vault's contents placed in his soul inventory. Along with the credits that piled around the safe keeping of the said syndicates.

For all its worth, it was a beneficial chase.

So, making up his mind, Tord stood up from his seat and went out to get himself some caf. The silvernette knew—that with the way how things looked like—Mace, Plo, Kit and Qui would take some time before being waking and be of full health. Therein, he might as well make use of his free time and study some of the holocrons that he has now in possession.

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