

Early in the morning I received a call from unknown but he pretended to have known me so I started interrogating him to know who he was .

As we were on call he said to me I love you but I still want to destroy you; my phone fell down on the floor immediately I heard those words because I was scared and trembling.

Few minutes later I called my man who I was in a relationship with him to tell him what happened but unfortunately he didn't pick call, later he called back that he was busy and was unable to answer me .

I explained to him how my day went and he ensure me to be calm and believe that nothing will happened to me' ,sometimes it's good to have a good person that give you courage; I said this within myself.

Immediately after the Call with my man I saw my senior brother back home from work I was eager to serve him food so I could tell him about the unknown and strange call I got earlier in the day.

Immediately he finished eating I started narrating the whole thing to him but he was not in any surprise and that got me angry because I was expecting him to be concerned about how the unknown person threatened my life.

As I continue to express my level of bothernes over and over he started speaking in parable "" Who doesn't know you can't kill you unless he is contracted by who known you "" I quickly asked him what the parable was what about and he told me in my face that the man I'm in a relationship with may be the one responsible for the evil threat, out of shock and surprise I fell down and fainted.

The following day I waked up in the hospital and my man was the first to visit the hospital to check on me but unfortunately I refused to talk to him and explain what was the cause because my brother make me believe he was the one responsible for the unknown threat.



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Kyereve_Richardcreators' thoughts