
Welcome to ELITES ACADEMY!!!

"Wow, this school is massive. I'm just a level 8 mage, I hope I'm up for it,"

I was scanning the campus and Suddenly, I heard the statement and began searching for its source, only to find an innocent-looking girl nearby. My concern grew as I exclaimed, "Huh!?" with a faint smile

With confidence, I assessed the situation and concluded that I am indeed a decade older than the young woman before me.

"Hello, I am Alice, it's a pleasure to meet you" She greeted me

Disregarding her friendly greeting, I couldn't hide my surprise as I blurted out, "You? A level 8 mage?" My disbelief was evident, and I felt somewhat foolish.

I thought to myself, "If only I had known, I wouldn't have gotten involved," as she began her lectures.

"Here in the Clovia Kingdom, Mages are ranked according to the level of their magical power. I'm a level 8 mage," and then she gestured towards the guy I had nearly bumped into earlier, "and my brother over there is a level 6 mage."

In response, I simply said, "Ooh!" with a rather foolish look on my face, unaware that I had a bit of a runny nose.

She continued, "Mages ranked from level 1 to 5 are the ones who are sent to Aranmar (the hidden abyss)....."

I observed the excitement on her face as she continued explaining, fully aware that this information was considered basic knowledge for anyone living in Clovia.

"Yh, I know" I couldn't help but interrupt since this might not have an end.

"Is that so? Then what level mage are you?" She felt embarrassed and inquired.

"Level 16," I replied somewhat absentmindedly, not fully aware of the significance of my response.

She burst into laughter and remarked, "You genuinely appear quite fragile," and only at that point did I realize I messed up.