
chapter seven★ AV time

With a yawn Alice stretched and gathered enough strength to lift herself off her bed and as if all her effort was purposeless she bounced back onto the bed with her arms spread out.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh", she let out a dramatic scream. 'Why was she so tired?'.

"Alliiiicccceeeeeeeeee", she heard Brian scream "God damnit will you shut up, I'm still trying to sleep".

Alice covered her mouth with both her hands with a chuckle before taking off her hands and rolling onto her side.

She imagined Brian turning on his side with pure irritation.

The click clack of her mothers heels had her springing up from the bed and hurrying for the door in sheer horror.

Heels at eight in the morning could only mean they were going to their grandparents place and as subtle as it was Alice thought fast of a plan to not go.

Running through the options in her head, Alice dissipated all thoughts and just abruptly locked her door and went with the key to her bed and hid under the blankets.

"Briann, wakie wakie sweetheart", she heard her mom open Brian's door.

"No mom", he whined "I didn't sleep," he went on.

"Parker can you wake Alice up?", my mom yelled.


'Alice shall not wake up', she told herself.

After a few minutes there was a faint knock applied to the door.

It grew louder until it was practically pounding.

"Alice my cereal is getting cold, get your self out of here".


"Alice!!", dad yelled but quickly gave up and walked towards the direction of Brian's room "Let's swap children".

"Alice!", Her mom knocked hard against the door and tried it straight after and after realising it was locked she huffed "You better get yourself out of that room right this instant".

Alice lowered herself on her mattress.

"I don't think she is here".

"She is!!;", Alices snake of a brother yelled "She is the reason I barely even sleep, screaming like a rabid dog so early in the morning".

Alice groaned and pulled out her phone going straight to their group chat which had changed from 'Boys and Alice' to "Piggies'.

Notifications only started entering when she entered the app and she was grateful that her phone was always on do not disturb because her playing dead whilst her brother was accusing her of being alive could have been jeopardized by just a single notification sound.

She boredly read through all the chats even though there was nothing concerning her.

The last message did bring her to alert cause apparently there was a school gathering in the school assembly hall beginning at seven pm and ending at nine.

Alice groaned, its either her grandparents house for the day or a two hour gathering.

Gathering it is she comprehended after a full on debate.

'Are we matching clothes or something', Alice typed out and Justin began to type almost immediately.

'I'm pretty sure I did not wed any of your asses but if you insist lets just wear black and silver', it read.

Dalvin immediately started typing and Alice had to hold her mouth to stop herself from dying flat out into laughter

'Viper follow instructions dont come wearing plastics by silver he means plain black and silver jewellery'

'Alice on my way to your house' a text from Viper popped in.

'For what?!', Alices text barked back at him sarcastically.

'DO NOT FLATTER YOURSELF, im only coming to give your father an envelope from my father. You were never in the picture, you honestly think I'd get out of bed at seven on a saturday morning to come and see you, I'm sorry sweetie know your limits.




'Burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn' Justin texted.

'Apply ice on burned area' Dalvin was next.

Alice simply texted a crying emoji before turning on her side to patiently wait till she heard the door close, Viper was obviously going to arrive minutes after her parents leave. He could never be punctual to save his life.

Minutes after she heard the front door close and she watched carefully from her window as the guards opened the gate for them to drive out, Alice saw Brian looking back from the backseat and had the audacity to wave at him with a smile of triumph on her face before exiting her room and heading down the hall to the studio she connected her bluetooth to the mega speakers to play certified lover boy.

As she was walking out she found a paper on the floor, curiosity got the best of her and she picked it up and flipped it.


Must be Brians sappy music she tossed it back on the floor and switched off the speaker, she was definetely not feeling music right about now so she waltzed to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

After her failed attempt at frying an egg, Alice heard the screeching of tires and almost immediately knew it was Viper.

She would never understand why they did that like honestly even if it was because of the circular parking it had become habitual and never ceased to end.

Alice sandwiched her egg with two slices of cheese then two of bread.

Viper walked in and Alice's eyes ran out of their sockets.

"Dude what are you wearing!", she screamed.

"Oh hush you said it your self it's seven a.m".

With one once over Alice agreed to herself that she would dress her whole big friend today.

"Viper you are wearing a cow boy hat a formal shirt, ripped shorts and sandals, You look like you robbed four different people of their clothing and just threw them all on".

Viper strolled to the kitchen counter and took a bite of Alice's sandwich "Your egg is burnt bitch".

"We both know I can't cook to save my life".

"Neither can you sing to save your life".

"I will throw you into the pool".

Viper smiled "Younno a swim wouldn't be that bad".

Alice reciprocated his enthusiam and nodded in agreement.

"Should we invite the others?", Alice asked.

"Nah it's AV time".
