
Travel Plans


Ah, whatever.

"About that... I kinda sorta went to the forest again two days ago." I admitted.

"When you said you were going out for a stroll." She less confirmed and more declared.

"Yeah. I was looking for some food for Dia. I even got a couple Anchor Shards!" I exclaimed as I pulled out the two glittery pearls I dropped in my pocket earlier, having taken them from underneath the counter earlier during the cleaning.

Mom looked at the shards and sighed for the umpteenth time.

"I can't stop you from going back there again. I know for a fact that you will go there again. I just... I just want you to promise me that you will return every time you go there. Can you do that?" She requested in a gentle tone.

"Yeah, I can promise that." I answered immediately. After all, I wouldn't go after a beast I didn't think I had a decent chance of beating.

As if not convinced by my words, she turned towards Dia and said, "Dia, keep him safe, okay? And don't let him do anything reckless."

I can keep myself away from trouble, though.

"Ssss hisss." (Sure! Grandmaster!)

Before I could translate for her, mom said, "Then I can rest assured."

I was baffled. I could comprehend Dia being able to understand mum's words, but how could mum as well? She needed me earlier to translate for her, after all.

As if noticing the confusion on my face, she smiled, "I am a mother, remember?"

Yeah, right. As if that explains anything.

But I didn't press her, assuming she had just guessed Dia's response.

After taking a couple head pats from mum, Dia left the bridge of our palms and claimed her spot around my neck with her head resting on my head as her tail hung by my back.

...Yeah, I'm definitely counting this as an exercise.

"By the way, since you have already chosen Dia as your companion, there is no point in delaying your Baptism. You should go to Eristonia tomorrow." She said as she sat down at a chair and I went to carry the crate of empty vials and the bucket of potion to where mum sat.

"But why so soon?" I asked. I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in magic.

I was a boy.

I was a boy who had read fantasy novels.

Could someone like that ignore the lure of something as cool as Magic?

But nevertheless, I had more important matters to attend to, like mom. Magic could wait.

"Why not? We will be opening the eatery in about a week. You would not have any time after that."

"True..." But I don't want to leave you so soon.

I left the second part unsaid and loaded the crate of empty vials back onto the trolley, and started filling the vials with the pink liquid. Due to the seal losing its effect and the potion being left open to exposure, it had grown slightly murky.

[Tier-1; Healing potion (Mid)]

I checked the status of the stuff before me.

[It says 'Mid' but it'll degrade to 'Low' by tonight.] Codex added helpfully.

Oof, shouldn't have ignored it.

"In any case, you are leaving in two days. That's final." She decreed as she pulled her chair closer and helped me fill the vials faster.

"...Alright." I conceded.

By the time we were done, the bucket was missing more than a third of its contents.

"It's not going to last very long. Much of it would become sludge in a couple days." Mom commented.

"Yeah, though we already earned more than we should have. Anything else earned from these is just a gift." I pointed to the vials on the trolley. "It burns a bit, but the effect is very good. Honestly speaking, I didn't think the effect would be this potent. I even had to dilute it this much to even out the burning effect."

[I added a bit of mana to it, though.]

...And I'm getting to know this now, why?


No, you do not! You can't just say you are shruging! This, this is text! I thought in a shrill voice.

[I'll tell you later.]

I'll hold you to it. I nodded mentally.

Soon, I was sitting on a stool I brought and in front of me were rows of glass vials full of pinkish liquid.

It had been a few hours by now and orange was starting to dye the sky, but I had only sold 3 potions so far. Even those had been just one customer, that too at 10 Bronze a piece.

Apparently, word had gone around the merchants that a garrison of knights was stationed here and training the academy students. So, a lot of them came running with all sorts of consumables to sell. Knowing the young ones would want the quality stuff.

Since a good quality supply was available, everyone flocked there.



"Ow! What did you hit me for, aunt Nicole?"

"First, it is sister for you. Sister. If I ever hear you calling me old, the slap will be on your cheek, not the back. Second, don't you dare be sad at low revenue, you're not even a hatchling. You would earn more if you were consistent, and last time I saw you was two days ago. That was your first day. You think loyal customers grow on trees? Hmm?"

It was Nicole. She was the owner of the stall next to mine and sold different kinds of herbs, for some reason, she had taken it upon herself to educate me in the arts of 'Work Ethic' and insisted that I call her my sister.

Apparently, she had been making her stall here for quite some time and had quite a few loyal customers. She grew her produce locally in her herbery that her husband tended to.

Before I could say anything to her, she pointed behind my shoulder and went back to her stall.

I turned around to look at a tall handsome man in a golden trimmed red velvety jacket and red pants. He had shoulder length black hair that he had tied behind his head in a small ponytail.

He had one of my potion bottles in his hand.

I didn't even notice him approaching. If Nicole had not pointed him out, I would not even have known if he took one and left. I need to pay more attention.

"These things, are you the one selling them?"