
Tokyo Ghoul: Rewrite

Another cliche fanfic that you can find almost everywhere. It tells the story of an ex-military field medic in a high-tech world with a society proficient in advanced science and technology. The protagonist who resides in a Sci-Fi universe transmigrated in Tokyo Ghoul Universe. With his advanced knowledge and technology at hand, he fights his way to adapt to the world and change its course. With our cliche protagonist, we will embark on this cliche adventure.

Vicarma · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Lipstick on the Strawberry Cake?

Sega island can be found on the atlantic ocean's upper equator.

Situated just below Spain and Northwest of africa. It was an island safe from any earthquake or tsunami that are mostly prevalent in the region. The best part yet is that any hurricane formations don't pass these areas.

The development of the high class resort was handled by Mrs. Mary, it was hopefully made, as a gift for her daughter, if her conditions would improved.

Due to desperation and maternal instinct on her daughter's deteriorating condition, she bartered the island in exchange for Shem's miraculous drugs. A choice that she would never regret in her lifetime as it was the reason that healed her daughter.

"What's that on your lips?"


Erina said to Shem as she notice a glistening pink substance that lies into his lips.

"...Oh. Maybe it was from the strawberry cake I ate earlier."

Shem said as he wipes his lips clean with his finger and thumb.

'This is a lipstick, Shit!'

He muttered in his thoughts. After analyzing the chemical components of the subsrance.

Along the way while searching for Erina's presence he stumbled upon a mouthwatering cake displayed on a local pastry shop. Salivating, Shem couldn't help but bought some slice and have a taste. Of course, this scene happened after she met the two women at the beach.


Bur for some reasons, Erina's feminine perspective activated and she recognized the characteristics of the color on his lips.

"Is that perhaps a lipstick Shem." She frowned. "I recognized that color and overall aesthetics, it is quite similar with the one I personally bought from Paris. If I remember correctly it was the famous pink dust lipstick."


Erina said while she cross her arms under her bulging chest. After some time, she then tapped her chin with her right index finger.

Slowly thinking, she then connected the dots on why Shem...

"Ah. So the reason you're late to the agreed time is because you spent it, to some inappropriate escapades. Huh?"

Erina narrowed her eyes and bended down her brows as she formed her conclusive thoughts towards' Shem's lateness. Seeing the warping face of Shem her theories were a bullseye!

Boom. Boom. Boom

"Umm. Well..."

Shem's words could not properly formed as the truth on why he was late could be narrowed down on his meeting with the two beauty at the beach.

His sightseeing was perfectly on the schedule but the unforseen meeting with the two plump beautiful western women, was an unexpected event that made him forgot about the agreed time of the negotiation.

Maybe he forgot it on purpose or unknowingly forgot entirely. Men are sometimes idiots.


Erina could only sigh.

"Next time Shem will you please look at your time in order to respect the other party. I know your a boy who had some disgusting uncontrollable needs, but atleast be mindful about the important matters."

Erina coldly said to Shem, making him pale white as a result. For her, time is gold and a precious commodity.

Shem's untimely arrival is a total face slap to the other party, and not to mention a waste of time for them.

But thanks to a favor, the other party did not mind the inapproriate behaviour displayed by Shem. In so doing, they've toured around the beach.

"Yes. Sorry, I will not do such inapproriate things in the future again, without minding the important matters. I guess my culture could be blame. Huu."

Smiled. Erina bent up her mouth as to acknowledge the cute apology of Shem. Her brewing anger earlier had vanish.

Shem said his side, in a tone of concession so that his hidden secrets wouldn't be read by Erina.

But the woman had a monstrous sixth sense. She clearly knows what happened to Shem as she understand the European culture.

And Shem did not know of that.


"Wipe that lips of yours properly, so that you don't end up like a clown or something. Here use some tissue, it's dirty using your fingers like that. Did you have any idea how many germs lying in waiting around us, there are trillions and some of them can even kill you."

Erina said in mindful tone.

"Sure. Sure. Do you have some wipes or tissue with you? Is this restaurant have...Hmm!?"

Shem was silenced, as the tissue suddenly arrived at his lips and it was gently brush to eliminate the small lumps of the lipstick remains on his lips. Shem was like a kid who had a food on his cheek.

"T,Thanks for the help. Hehe...that was..."

Shem relax his expression as he found out that Erina move to wipe his lips clean. He can smell the pleasant smell from the hands of Erina when she was doing the wiping.

'Sniff. Flower smell as always.'

A comment made by Shem in his mind.

The restaurant was empty and only the two of them was seen. If the other people could see, they will surely get the wrong impression.

"There, clean. Huu...Such a child."

Erina said and mumbled while she finish the job. She then proceed to put the tissue on the table.

After putting the dirty tissue on the table she turned to look at Shem.

"Hmm? What's wrong with you? Is my face dirty or something...Hmm."

Erina said as she ended her statement with a frown in regards to Shem, as she noticed that the man was gazing at her with astonishment. It was a gaze filled with admiration.

"No, it just that you look beautiful in that attire of yours."

Shem said honestly as he saw Erina's beach attire. She had her body covered by a violet colored dress covering her body. Her upper and lower extremeties were kept hidden as Erina did not have a credible experiences with beach vacations such as this.

She do not know, what to wear and much worse she despised revealing much skin for the other people to see her, in envy or salivate with her body and figure.

"T, Thanks, I do not know what to wear so, I pulled a more low-key outfit and a not so revealing one. Considering that our primary objjectives in this island was to finalize your land acquisition..."

"It's perfect."


Said Shem shortly as he could only describe what he can honestly see with Erina's beauty. She sure is a goddess in her beach dress.

Erina cut-off her words. She was taken aback by the sudden compliment coming from Shem, entirely changing the topic.

The sunny curtain close and the beach was covered by a dark blanket. Up to the sky a beautiful satellite emerged with her stunning whiteness and surely anyone would be captivated by her circular curves.

The moon at the sky had her light illuminated the island. Parties of people, young and old emerged around the place like sprouting mushrooms because of the light and cool climate. Happy shouts and delightful atmosphere filled the place, it can be heard all around the island.

Tugs! Tugs! Tugs!

Hooo! Partttyyyy! Wohoo!

More drinks here pleasee!

Drink! Drink! Drink! He chugged it all in wohoo!


In a restaurant not far away from the other buildings and the ongoing party. It was reserved in order for a tranquil agreement to occur between the two party of wealthy people.

"Mr.Shem in the flesh, I am deeply honored and thankful for your miraculous drugs...if you did not appear, our daughter would've ...~sigh."

Tears flowed.

A red haired man wearing a beach attire said as tears welled from his eyes. His only daughter was a precious treasure to him. Making sure that she survives for more years to come with the hopes that someday they will find a cure. It was an agonizing days, thinking that what's the use of all this wealth when your daughter is dying.

For now gazing from that past was not an important thing anymore. He was happy that she was ok now, thanks to the man opposite to him.

Waving his hands Shem responded to the gentle but strong man crying in front of him.

"Oh, it's all right Mr. Dasovich. Life for me held a great importance. Each child is our future and they must be protected at all cost in this harsh unfair world. Though you must forgive me with the exorbent price I requested, it is because of the shackle, I have with EU Union Drug Trust Issue and dissemination issue."


"As I said Mr. Shem we don't mind such things because they can be earned again, as for life, it will never be again taken back."

A blonde woman in her thirties said after comforting his ex-husband.


Shem relax as he then look at Erina who was painted with a happy expression knowing that she was a part of the miracle that occured. Noticing Shem's gaze and understanding it's meaning she started the negotiation.

"Mrs. Mary Burton and Mr. Albert Dasovich can you help us on buying a particular land in Ukraine. We would like to make it as warehouse for our trade route going to the Asian market."

With that statement, the negotiation started. Surprisingly Mrs. Mary Burton had a lot of connection in the business world. The conglomerate company that she owned creeps in every nation, like roots fueling each countries economy.

Her main Company is the Textile industry and then subsidize a Ship building, Mining, Real Estate, and a large food distribution company around the world.

As for Mr. Albert Dasovich his being could be describe as the same level with the president of a sovereign state. According to him...

"I am the Director General of the Eastern and southern Ghoul Hunter Association. I mainly manage the hunting operations within Russia, Turkey and the whole Asia except for the two countries, China and Japan. Mostly, this two states don't want any foreign Entities to meddle with their souring Ghoul Epidemic."
