
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Chapter 8:

On the battlefield outside the Ninth District, the battle between CCG and the Demon Eater Group was in full swing, but a sudden accident interrupted their battle. The two sides stopped the battle at the same time, looking in the same direction. Full of surprise.

In the clearing in the distance, a thin figure was standing there, with blood still on his hands, the fleshy foam on the corner of his mouth indicated that he had just eaten something, and the corpse of the canyon at his feet told everyone without a doubt. However, what he eats is the RC sac or the Kakahou of a Ghoul!

Originally, he was only planning to secretly eat the Kakahou of the A-class Ghoul's corpse and then sneak away, but the ignorant child caused an accident because of this, which caused him to become even more dangerous in the future!

Because he didn't hold back his heart's desire, he ate the Kakahou on the spot, and the Rc cells that were so large for him suddenly turned into a torrent of torrents that impacted his whole body, and he broke through his current and instantly his cell reformed and he becomes an A-level Ghoul!

The child had eaten more than a dozen Kakahou's before, and his strength was already very close to the A-level. Now that he ate the A-grade Kakahou, he became stronger on the spot of course!

But embarrassingly, after the breakthrough, the child couldn't adapt to his sudden increase in strength, and his sudden sound at the end of the fight could no longer be hidden. The sudden outbreak of noise from the Child suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and they turned their heads to look towards it. His position.

A thief is bound to be at a loss when exposed to the sun suddenly, but the child is different. He looks at everyone blankly, with innocent eyes, because he has no idea what happened.

"Cunning little kid, but I guess you'll have to die now".

The situation was tense and the atmosphere was charged with conflicting emotions. Mahami's anger towards the child was evident, and he would have taken immediate action if it weren't for the formidable opponent in front of him.

The pursuit of the child led them into the lair of the Demon Eaters, resulting in a fierce battle. Mahami's anger was understandable under such circumstances.

Shinohara, who possessed extraordinary strength, observed the changes in the child before and after the encounter. Within a span of just a few hours, the child's strength had experienced a significant leap. This confirmed Shinohara's initial assessment of the child's capabilities.

The surprising revelation came when the Demon Eater expressed surprise and disclaimed any association with the child. This statement left Shinohara and Mahami bewildered.

They had assumed the child was a member of the Demon Eater group, given the circumstances that led them to the lair. The realization that they had been mistaken added to their confusion.

The members of the CCG and the Ghouls present were equally perplexed. The CCG believed they were engaged in a battle against the Demon Eater group, but now it appeared that the child was the cause of the conflict.

The Ghouls, who were attacked by the CCG on their own territory, initially thought the confrontation was directed at them. However, they now discovered that a child had instigated the entire incident, which further infuriated them.

Shinohara, now able to piece together the clues, questioned the child about his identity. However, the child remained silent, offering no answer. Instead, he simply glanced at Shinohara and swiftly ran away, disappearing into the abandoned houses. This unexpected turn of events left everyone stunned, unsure of how to react.

Mahami, driven by his deep animosity towards children, reacted immediately and gave chase, disregarding the formidable opponent standing in his way. Shinohara, however, intervened and stopped Mahami from pursuing the child any further.

Shinohara realized that they would not be able to catch up with the child's enhanced speed and strength. Instead, he stared in the direction the child had vanished, contemplating the situation.

Expressing his frustration, Mahami shouted angrily, vowing that if he ever encountered the child again, he would personally eliminate him. Despite Mahami's outburst, Shinohara understood the futility of pursuing the child any further and urged Mahami to let it go.

The interruption caused a shift in the atmosphere on the battlefield. Both sides, exhausted and worn out, found themselves in a standoff.

The Demon Eater Group was losing ground, and the CCG was on the verge of collapse. However, this unexpected development prolonged the confrontation.

Shinohara, aware of CCG's reputation and the need to maintain their dignity, decided to take charge. He firmly gripped his sword and raised it, giving the order to continue the fight.

The investigators, despite their exhaustion, rallied their spirits, fueled by the desire to avenge their fallen comrades, and pressed on against the Demon Eater Group.

The Demon Eater, realizing that further fighting would be futile, reluctantly issued the order to retreat. While they were unwilling to concede, continuing the battle would only result in more losses.

With a flash of movement, the Demon Eater group evacuated with their injured comrades, leaving Shinohara to watch their departure in silence, his weary eyes reflecting a sense of dignity mixed with contemplation.

Some members of the CCG, including Shinohara himself, felt conflicted about letting the Demon Eater Group escape. The child's escape and the subsequent retreat of the enemy frustrated them.

They believed that if they persisted, they could have achieved victory. However, Shinohara reminded them of the disadvantages they faced.

They were in a precarious situation, outnumbered and vulnerable. Winning the immediate battle would come at the cost of losing many officers, and they couldn't expect mercy from other Ghouls who might be under the Demon Eater's control.

Shinohara's words forced them to confront the reality of their circumstances and consider the option of retreat.

The choice before them was difficult, and their deliberation reflected the complex nature of their predicament. The battle had taken a toll on both sides, leaving them with limited options. The decision to continue or retreat would determine their fate, and the stakes were high.

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