
Tokyo Ghoul: Arkham

Note: NTR. This chapter contains cheating and ntr so I would advice that you start reading at chapter 2 if it makes you uncomfortable. The NTR and Cheating tag is only in the first chapter. Sorry to those who are against it. No Harem. Romance in later chapters. * A guy cheated on, beaten up and left dead finds himself at the another world similar but more dangerous to our own. How will he thrive in a world were the human society wants him dead. * My first fanfic and English is not my first language.

ArkhamAsylum · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

1: I'm Not the Only One

Chapter 1:

Note: NTR. This chapter contains cheating and ntr so I would advice that you start reading at chapter 2 if it makes you uncomfortable. This chapter is more like a prologue. Reasons why there is ntr will be explained at another note below. Please enjoy reading if you decide to continue.

A nice day. The sun was blocked with just the right amount of clouds. I could not help but wear a smile.

I walk merrily and hummed to my girlfriend's house. I'm a second-year college student. Class was over early because a professor called in sick so I decided to surprise my girlfriend.

She lives pretty close to the campus. As I arrived in front of her apartment door, I could hear loud music blasting off the walls.

As I open the door using the spare key she gave me, I hear another sound. Mixing with the loud music, I never would have noticed if it wasn't because it was her voice. It was like an acquired sixth sense. Like always knowing where she was in a crowd.

"Fuckkkkkk! hardeeeer!"

"Ah shit I'm almost there!"

"Mooore! Moore!"

I hear grunts and moans as I walk towards the living room. And what I saw was the sight of my girlfriend in the middle of an orgasm. My girlfriend with another man's dick inside of her.

I could hear my heart shatter into pieces and rage building up inside of me. Anger consuming my very thoughts as tears began falling from my eyes without me knowing.

A punch to the guy's face left him down and hit the player as he didn't know what just happened.

The room now silent, I see my girlfriend's eyes widen in shock as she just now sees me with clenched fist.

"B-babe?" she says.

Hearing her say that would always make me happy, but now I was getting angrier the longer I see her face.

Ignoring her for now. I continue pummeling the guy until his nose was broken and some teeth breaking. My fist was smudged with blood as it continues to kiss his face with brutal intensity.

The guy if I recall was a classmate of hers. I told her that I didn't want her hanging out with him. We even had a fight over this. I relented and gave her my trust because she said he was just a friend.

I hear the bitch screaming something about stopping and she keeps pulling my arm in her attempt to put an end to the guy's suffering, but my arms just wouldn't stop. They say violence wasn't the answer but it sure feels good. I feel all my inhibitions towards violence loosen then break.

I wasn't a violent person. I try to treat people with politeness. But fuck, the world just wants to see me suffer. Did I do something wrong? What did I do wrong? Was I not treating you right? We have been together for 5 years. Were you not satisfied with me anymore? I love you.

So why? Why? Why why why why?!

I stop punching the guy. As he was now unconscious, but my blood was still boiling. I turn my eyes bloodshot, screaming for bloody murder towards her. I see her flinch. I wanted to scream at her but stayed silent. My fist still clenching and shaking.

"I-it was j-just an accident..." I hear her stutter.

You accidentally fucked a classmate?

It was the dumbest thing I heard. Did she see me as an idiot? Then I start to question. Was this the first time? How many times did you betray my trust before I caught you in the act? And how stupid and blind was I before to not see the signs. How easy was it for her to go to other men?

A resounding slap could be heard. Her face now having an imprint, is filled with shock. Even when we were fighting, I never got physical. You can count the times I raised my voice to her.

"Goodbye." I said with my voice cracking.

I stood up then walked away as I left her there. I still have feelings for her. But not of love anymore, but of hate. 5 years of relationship.... I put my hands inside my pockets and walked out of the room, out of the apartment. I stayed in a park to cool down.

Was what I did overreacting? I didn't know but I certainly didn't regret it. I was not a fighter. The guy was just caught off guard.

Remembering the scene, my blood boiled again. Aside from being angry, I felt empty.


A week passed and I feel my life becoming grey. I just keep sleeping most of the time but the colors are losing their vibrance. The food that I used to enjoy losing its taste. I don't enjoy my favorite shows anymore. I now hate how the sun shines. But I hated myself most off all.

I changed my style. I cleaned myself. Shaved the stubble in my chin and got a haircut. Looking at the mirror I see myself wearing a generic smile. My well-kept appearance hiding my suicidal thoughts.

The jackets, sweaters and long-sleeves I wear to university hide my new scars. I mock myself for being emo but as the days pass more cuts are added.

I sometimes see her and we pass by each other. But I don't react. She was a stranger now. No closure for me.

Just as I was going home, I find myself being dragged in an alley. Four big guys start beating me up.

I feel a rib being broken and I tried hard just to breath because of the pain. I see a fifth person. It was the person I beat up. Even with all the bandages I could still know who he was.

"Not feeling tough, now are you?!" he said with an arrogant mocking tone.

And my answer was to spit in his face. Oh, I could see rage morph his face under the bandages.

"Keep beating him up!" he ordered his lackeys. It was over an hour now and they finally stopped.

I wanted to pass out but I think a rib either poked or punctured my lung and the pain kept me from passing out.

Here I lay in an alley floor half dead and conscious.

"Had enough? HAHAHAHAHA!" He asked and then laughed.

I raised a middle finger with my remaining unbroken hand. His face turned red and gave my head a kick.

I blacked out then and there.

*(ex-Gf POV)

My boyfriend was a very sweet guy. A gentle person. Polite to strangers, avoids fights and was never physical nor did he really raise his voice.

He had his faults like being a bit quiet and introverted. He's a guy that would choose a date inside a house instead of going out. But he was a good listener. I would rant at him and he would be there listening with apt attention. But as the years pass, I slowly felt like the spark was gone.

His attentiveness that I loved slowly became annoying to me. Always asking where I was.

It was one of my friend's night out that I met another guy. Turns out he was a classmate. He was a bad boy type of guy. Being with him was a thrill. The spark I wanted was back.

We went out a couple more times and I always went with the excuse of going out with friends when my boyfriend would ask where I was.

Making out behind my boyfriend's back was a thrill. It escalated into sex. This happened a lot of times.

It was a nice day. My boyfriend was at the University in class. I was having sex with my classmates/sex friend, when suddenly someone punched him.

There he was, my boyfriend standing there. My eyes widen in shock as he was supposed to be in class. In his eyes I saw red. It scared me. He wasn't the gentle boyfriend I knew. He was a man who caught his girlfriend with another man. And I felt fear. Horrified.


Weeks passed and I sometimes see him at school. The guy he pummeled was sent to the hospital.

He started wearing clothes with long sleeves. A polite smile on his face.

My friends knew we broke up but not the how. They probably have an idea and talk about it behind my back. He didn't tell anyone and that was just like him.

My eyes start to water when I still see the gentleness behind that fake smile. I blamed him for falling out of love to make myself feel a bit better. Playing the victim in the story.

Here in the girl's bathroom were I just threw up, I was crying. I didn't have a period for a while now and the implications of it sent me into a sobbing mess.


Note: Hello to anyone reading this. This is my very first fanfic. Please do tell if the grammar is wrong as English is not my first language.

This ff would probably be a big turn off too many readers because of the NTR that happened. The reason I did it was because for me relationships tend to either make people mature or broken. Now since the mc is going to be yeeted to the Tokyo Ghoul world, he needs to be a bit broken to survive but not too much to become a psychopath.

I feel my reason is a bit spotty but I didn't want him killing people at the very beginning. The NTR/Cheating will make him have trust issues which I for one think that would be an asset in the TG world and make him not focus on romance on early chapters while adding a bit of drama. Did the reason check out? Or do you feel it was overboard?

I decided to add a pov of the girlfriend. I hope that gave more flesh to the characters.

I read once that when you write a story, you let others see a glimpse of a world inside your head. And I'm sorry if it's a bit messed up.

Did I do good or did I mess up at the very first chapter? Leave a comment or a review in what you think about the story.


The moon told me stories of old.

Sinabi sa akin ng buwan ang mga kwentong luma.

Geignan ko sa bulan sa mga storyang karaan.