
Toby Toby

Gold Campbell who Is a princess who has been marked by a demon long before she was born . Watch how she tries to run away from the demon clutch , deal with love , friendship . It’s a must read !

Toby_5505 · 若者
24 Chs

Chapter nine

"Yes I mean the priestess"The cute little boy said .

"That's impossible,i heard they can't get married neither can they give birth ...They are meant to be holy "Hassle said ,even though he was still shaken talking to an unknown voice but he was able to get hold of himself cause he has seen worst at castle slum .

"I'm so lost here ,What priestess is the ghost talking about "Jimi said as he strained his eyes wishing he could see the little boy .

"I think have heard about the priestess but my grandma said she hasn't been seen for several years ,for her to give birth that mean she fornicated "Nadia said as she tried to place the evidence together .

"Fornicated .....Do you mean she was seeing a man "Gold asked to be sure ,She could remember Hassle teaching her that particular word but she just wanted to be extra sure .

Hassle nodded his head in agreement and gold eyes widened .

"That's impossible.....No one ever visited the palace ..I didn't see any man so it's impossible that the priestess was fornicating "Gold said as she shook her head in disagreement.

"What's your name young boy "Hassle asked the air .

"I don't have a name but you can actually give me a name "The boy said as he smiled ,he was happy he can finally talk to people .

No one ever hears him whenever he spoke but he wondered why they are hearing him and why Nadia was seeing him .

"Nadia ,should give him a name since she can see how he is "Jimi said as he smiled .

"I'll call him Seth "Nadia said after a while as she giggled a little bit and the boy smiled .

"How come Nadia can see you ?"Gold suddenly asked .

"Well ,I'm just nine years I think so I really don't know anything "Seth said .

Nadia rubbed her fingers together nervously and Hassle looked at her suspiciously .

"Nadia is there something you are keeping from us all ? Tell us ...We are your friends after all "Hassle said as his eyes bored into hers and Nadia shrouded in fear .

"I'm hiding nothing "Nadia said as she looked away ,she felt a warm but hard hands on hers .

She glanced up and she saw Jimi urging her with eyes to let it out ,she glanced at Gold and the curiosity in her eyes were out of the world .

She sighed for a while before she spoke ;

"Promise me you all won't hate me or be scared of me "Nadia said as she bit her lips nervously.

"We won't "They all chorused .

"I kinda have the power of a psychic but I'm not sure I'm kinda comfortable with it ,I see things and I feel things that are weird ....Things that no one can see"Nadia said as she sighed sadly .

"Wow "Jimi breathed out .

"I know you were coming Gold ,sometimes I see the past or what's going to happen soon and I sometimes try my best to stop it from happening "Nadia said .

"That means the day you saved the maths teacher's life ,pulling him away from the spot he was standing ....does that mean you had seen the glass falling on him "Hassle said .

"Yes ,I quickly stopped it.Gold is Lucile's reader and what I saw is very dangerous....I'm scared that's why I became her friend to try protect her from him "Nadia said with tears in her eyes.

Gold stood up from her sit as she ran into Nadia's arms .

"Thank you so much Nadia and I love you "Gold said as she got teary too .

"It's fine ...We are besties after all "Nadia said as she wiped her tears as she chuckled .

"How did you know you are the priestess son "Jimi suddenly asked .

"I'm sure cause she keeps lamenting about her son she can't find and keeps cursing Lucile ....she gave birth to a child she has never seen before and I think she was worried to death "Seth said as he sniffed in his tears

"How come you know so much at your age "Nadia said as she narrowed her eyes to look at him .

"Try being alone for several years if you won't know a lot of things ,since you can see me ....please help me ,I want to be normal again "Seth said as he cleaned his tears .

"But we don't even know if you are the priestess or Lucile's child ,I'm sorry we can't help you and I don't even know this Lucile ,Why is he after me ?what does he want?What is my crime ?"Gold said as she Ranted ,Hassle quickly ran to hug and comfort her .

"Don't worry I'm here to protect you .....stop crying Angel "Hassle said as he pat her hair with his hand.

Gold felt so relaxed in his hands that she didn't want to leave again ,she hugged him tightly.

"I think I have a brilliant idea ,if we want to know the full story about how he was born or who he is ?"Jimi said as his smile was plastered on his lips .

"How ?"Hassle asked .

"Nadia can do it "Jimi said as he smiled .

"What ?i can't do anything ...What are you talking about ?"Nadia said as she fidgeted .

"You can see things right ?We all have watched films were the seer touches the victim she sees anything she wants to know "Jimi said as he smiled .

"Do you think that will work ?"Gold said as she sniffed her tears ,As she still rest her head on her hassle's hard chest .

"Nigeria my country ,we have witches that can see your glory through the palm of their hands so anything can work ,So Nadia give it a try "Jimi said as he gave her hand a light squeeze.

Nadia stood up reluctantly as she walked toward the boy ,her hands were visibly shaking .

Her hands slowly moved towards the boy skin ,immediately her hands touched his skin she let out a gasp .

Her body shook like she was electrified ,her body shaking vigorously like she was possessed by a demon .

Her brown eyes turning to blue and a strand of her hair turning white .

"What the hell is going on ?Why is she shaking ?Help her!!"Gold said as she cried ,trying to go touch Nadia but Hassle held her back .

"What's going on ?"Hassle said as he looked scared ,

An heavy wind started blowing as it shook heavily.

Stream of blood can be seen dropping from Nadia's nose as she still shook vigorously.

Jimi summoned all the strength in him as he pulled her away aggressively,Seth falling on the floor unconscious and Nadia looking all weak with blood in her nostrils.

She was crying bitterly as she shook in fear and hassle and gold ran to hold her .

"What's wrong ?"Gold asked as she cried .

"Argh argh rash argh "Nadia muttered to herself as she shook her head in fear .

It was visibly written on her face that what she saw was the most terrifying vision she had never seen .

"The priestess .....didn't fornicate .....he is a dangerous man .....I saw....I saw....I saw...."Nadia was trying to say words but she just couldn't ,she glanced at the little boy and she could see he was unconscious.

"He is unconscious "Nadia muttered .

Hassle turned his gaze and he could visibly see a little cute boy lying on the floor with his head slightly bruised .

"I can see him ....guys look at him "Hassle screamed in excitement.

Jimi rushed towards the boy as he lifted him up in his hands ,Everyone looking shocked that they could now see the boy .

"Nadia What did you see ?"Gold said as she rubbed her hands .

Nadia tried to talk but words didn't come out of her mouth ,tears streaming down her eyes .

She has lost her voice .

"Be be be be "She made different sounds as she tried to talk .

"I think she has lost her voice "Gold said as she cried bitterly .

"What "Jimi and Hassle said with their eyes laced with tears .


They were all in the school parking lot waiting for gold's mother to arrive,Gold has given her a call earlier .

Nadia rested her body on one of the car there as she breathed heavily,She looked pale and her eyelids were darker as she looked around .

"I'm here for you alright "Jimi said as he pat her back ,He actually pities her cause she look like the opposite of what he used to see before .

Hassle held Seth hands who wouldn't stop laughing or talking at any slight opportunity he sees,he seems very excited and elated that everyone could see him .

The Queen's car halted at their front as she stepped out in a hurry .

"Are you guys alright ?"Queen Augustine asked as she walked toward them .

"Yes,we are all alright and mum I need your help "Gold said as she rubbed her hands together nervously.

They had all plan not to tell the queen anything but they just need her help concerning Seth .

"What's it baby "Queen Augustine asked .

"Hmm.....I want you to help me take care of this boy ....he is an orphan and I really want to help him "Gold said as she made a cute face .

"Huh"The Queen said as she looked at the cute little boy .


They were all seated in the room ,Nadia and Gold are roommates .

Irish and Nadia were roommates but Irish checked out so Gold feel in instead .

It took a lot for gold to be able to convince her mother but finally she had taken Seth along with her and they all thanked her .

"Wow....Your mum was a hard nut to crack "Jimi said as he laid on the bed .

"Nadia....I'm sorry all this happened,I'm sure you would finally get to talk soon "Gold said as she got teary again ,she had cried so much today .

Nadia looked at them for a while before she finally spoke;

"I....can....talk but I was just so ....scared that's why I lost my voice for a while "Nadia said in a croaked voice and everyone rushed towards her in joy .

"You can talk bestie ,I love you "Gold said as she planted several kisses on her face and Nadia was forced to giggle .

"Wow!! You gave us a fright Nadia "Hassle said as he let out a smile .

"It was more than a fright "Jimi said as he winked at Nadia who just rolled her eyes .

It took a while for them to compose themselves cause they were all so thrilled she could talk .

"So Tell us what did you see "Hassle finally said ,All of them looking curious.

"The past or the future "Nadia said as she smiled sadly .

"I think I would like to hear the past first cause I want to know everything "Gold said and the boys nodded in agreement too .

Nadia let out a sigh before beginning her tale and everyone look at her with keen interest .

"The priestess vowed to your parent to protect you and then she took you away from your parent and headed to castle slum .Then one night ,she decided to conjure a spell that was going to make Lucile not have any contact with Gold anymore but Lucile was more stronger and it didn't even work instead it gave him a glint that someone tried to keep someone away from him "

"After that incident ,She started getting nightmares,strange and horrible ones but she always shrug them off .Then one night she got a dream that she got raped and few weeks later she started getting symptoms that she was indeed pregnant "Nadia said as she stopped to catch her breath .

"What !! How is that even possible? Hassle that wasn't what you told me about how babies form "Gold said as she glared at him .

"I have never heard anything like that too Angel"Hassle said as he looked gobsmacked.

"Well ,In Nigeria anything is possible so it ain't surprising but I never knew you whites have evil spirits too "Jimi said with a little grin on his face .

"She couldn't utter any word to anyone and after few months ,She gave birth to a very cute little boy and she was so happy that she had a child .Few days after the child was born ,he started talking like a normal human being ,walking to the toilet to pee and poo by himself and the priestess was shocked .He sometimes beat the hell out of her sometimes and he was ten times stronger than a baby .The priestess got angry that day and she cast an invisibility spell on him and since them no one could ever see him neither can they hear him "Nadia said as she cleaned her tears .

"Wow.....The baby is Seth right "Hassle asked as he sighed and Nadia nodded .

"Does That means he is Lucile "Jimi asked as he stared at her .

"Nope ,he isn't but Lucile was trapped inside of the little boy .Seth is just an entity that Lucile used to come alive and when I touched him ,I released both Lucile and Seth .He is roaming freely now and he is going to want to get gold and it's all my fault "Nadia said as she cried bitterly .

"So Lucile raped the priestess in her sleep ,isn't all this so unreal ....like it's never possible "Hassle said as he shook his head .

Gold just wept ,She never knew the priestess went through all of that just to protect her from that monster .

"What does he want from me ?"Gold finally spoke after a while .

"Why do they call Gold his reader "Jimi asked

"Why is she called SILVERTONGUE "Hassle asked .

"What's her gift ?How did Lucile come about ?"Jimi asked .

They all had a lot of question going through their mind as they stared at Nadia .

"I don't know the answer to any of that cause I only saw about how Seth was born but I saw danger in the future and that's what is making me scared .I saw de..."Nadia was saying when Gold cut her off .

"I don't want to know what the future is about cause I want to leave my life without knowing what I'm going to encounter tomorrow,I don't want to live in fear Nadia "Gold said as she wept .

"Yeah ,Gold is right ....I really don't wanna know what the future holds so we could live our lives freely "Jimi said as he smiled and Hassle nodded in agreement.

"I feel it's necessary for you'll to know so you could divert it from happening cause he would be here soon and it can be anyone "Nadia said as she wept .

Gold was about to reply when a dashing young man ,with an intimidating Aura entered into the room .

"What's going here "He asked as he smiled weirdly .

"And who are you "Gold said as she wiped her tears .

"I'm Mr Gomorra and I'm the school principal "Mr Adrian said as he smiled .

"Yes Gold ,That's our principal "Hassle said as he pinched her finger .

"So what are you guys doing here ? When you are supposed to be in class "Mr Adrian added.

"We are sorry sir ...We would get going now and guys we would discuss the rest later "Hassle said as they all stood up .

"I would've punished you guys but I would let it slide ...So what are your names "Mr Adrian asked .

"Nadia "


"Hassle "

"Gold "

"Hmmm....Gold ,Well you guys go to class cause an important announcement is been said .You have a camping activity tomorrow so please move now "Mr Adrian said .

"And Nadia Thank you "He added as he smiled darkly.

"For what "Nadia said as she looked at him weirdly.

"Nothing ...go to your class please "He said as he walked out immediately.

"Let's go guys "Jimi said and the rest followed him too apart from Hassle .

He had a severe cough and he spit the content into the tissue he brought out from his pocket .

The tissue was soaked in blood ,He threw it inside his bag with the pile of ones he threw into his bag since the day started .

Ever since the day degrio attacked him ,he has been coughing out blood frequently and he wondered why .

He would probably go see the doctor when he is less busy .

"Hassle "Gold callee from outside.

"I'm coming !!!"Hassle said as he carried his bag quickly .