
Toby Toby

Gold Campbell who Is a princess who has been marked by a demon long before she was born . Watch how she tries to run away from the demon clutch , deal with love , friendship . It’s a must read !

Toby_5505 · 若者
24 Chs

Chapter 20

"Don't tell me I just stepped on someone's eye ball"Gold said as she froze on her spot.

"Well...Technically ,You just did and it's pretty much of a juicy eyeball "Hassle said as he smiled .

"Arghhh"Gold screamed as she ran forward,leaving all of them behind .

They all laughed at her as she ran forward "Stop acting like a coward"Nadia said as she giggled .

"Ewww....But that's disgusting "Renee crumped her face together as she stared at the mashed eyeball .

"Point of correction ,Everywhere is disgusting "Sammie said as he rubbed his hands together .

"Rest in peace Mrs Margret "Hardin said as he crossed over a woman's corpse ,her tongue stuck out like a dead Goat .

"Do you know her?"Roseanne said as she glared at him .

"Yeah my landlady , bossy woman"Hardin said as he shrugged .

"Tell me you are joking ?"Jimi said as he laughed ,tears streaming down his cheeks .

"I'm not .....I was nice by telling her Rest In Peace "Hardin said as he raised his fingers up in quote .

"You are crazy "Gold said as she laughed ,she was obviously back with them .

"We are heading here guys "Degrio voice sounded way behind them .

They all turned to look at him and gave him the "You don't mean it " look .

"You must be kidding us right ?"Nadia said as she rolled her eyes ,all of them walking back to him .

"Nope....This is the way "Degrio said as he smiled charmingly .

"Why are we passing inside the forest ?What if something dangerous flies on us and chop our heads off "Gold said as she stood in front of him akimbo .

"Your imagination are so wild kiddo "Degrio said as he pat Gold's hair and she huffed him away .

"I just don't like this bushes idea ....Is this the only way "Sammie said as he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Well ,This is the only way I know "Degrio said as he smiled .

"You guys worry a lot ,We are going to be fine ...it's just some harmless forest "Hassle said as he touched some of the leaves .

"Harmless ....Look at the streets ,filled with corpses in cold blood ,What if the creatures or demon who killed them are all stocked up in this scary looking bushes "Roseanne half yelled as she clapped her hands together dramatically.

"I concur with Roseanne "Renee said as she scratched the back of her head ,her two bodyguards standing behind her .

They hadn't spoken a word since they have gotten here .

"You tend to concur with everything this days Renee,By the way .....Why are you guys afraid ?You've got muscled men guys like us in our midst ....Don't worry Jimi is here to save you all "Jimi said as he flexed his muscles.

"Man....They don't know what this babies can do "Hardin said as he pulled off his polo ,flexing his biceps and muscles .

"Well ,I'm not a man yet so technically I have nothing to flex "Sammie said as he forced a smile .

"Then you are a girl then"One of the bodyguards spoke and everyone laughed .

"What's your names ?"Gold said as she smiled warmly at them .

"I'm Daniel "Daniel said as he forced a smile ,obviously scared of the adventure.

"I'm Nathan and it's a pleasure hunting this jerk down "Nathan said as he smiled .

"You should say that to my face ....you humans "Degrio said as he shook his head like he was possessed.

"Mo ku "Jimi said as he raced into the forest, everyone screamed as they increased their pace into the bush .

"I thought they all could face him "Degrio said as he giggled before running after them .

"Hold up guys "


They have been walking in the forest for close to thirty minutes and they are obviously tired .

"Are you tired Jimi ?"Nadia said as she pant lowly .

"Nope ...men like us don't usually get tired "Jimi said as he smiled .

"Now let the lecture begins"Sammie muttered as he smiled .

"Shut your dirty gutter like mouth ,Men indeed .You were the first person who ran away when Degrio pranked us "Nadia said as she giggled loudly .

"Hassle was almost peeing in his baby boy pant "Gold said and the girls giggled .

"Why are you laughing Sammie ...Aren't you supposed to be concerned too ?"Hassle said as he fired at him .

"I didn't boast so I'm off the hook ....unlike mr pull top off "Sammie said as he mocked ,Hardin glared at him before pushing him down on the floor playfully.

He climbed on him as he tickled Sammie "Learn to shut up "

"Nathan save my baby "Renee said and everyone laughed .

Suddenly,The forest clouds got darker ...The tree shrubs began to shake vigorously.

The wind blew heavily as faint whispers and sound can be heard .

"What the hell is that ?"Hardin asked as he got off Sammie ,who dusted his clothes as he got up too .

"Don't tell me he is here ...I'm not ready to die "Daniel said as he fidgeted in fear .

"Are you even fit to be a body guard ?"Renee yelled at him as the wind blew heavily .

A stray arrow flew as it landed in front of Degrio and everyone eyes widened.

"Run guys "Degrio screamed as everyone started a relay race .

No one was running anymore ,they were nearly flying cause of the fear ,their heart thumping loudly in their ribcage.

Sammie missed a step as he fell down on the floor ,he tried getting up but his leg was stuck between a tree .

An arrow pierced his legs as he winched in pain ,his leg oozing out blood .


Renee turned back when she heard his voice ,she ran all the way back ...dogging any arrow that came her way .

"Sammie baby ...Are you alright ?"Renee said as she squatted in front of him ,her eyes getting glossy .

He just groaned ,she dragged him behind a big tree as they took cover .

After ten minutes,the arrow stopped ....Everyone stood in their hiding place for a while before stepping out .

They all rushed towards Sammie's direction as they all squatted right in front of him .

"Are you alright ?"Gold said as she touched his hands .

"I....am alright "Sammie said as he winched in pain .

"You are going to be alright sire "Nathan said as he sighed .

"You pathetic and incompetent guards ....you couldn't protect me or him "Renee said as she yelled at them .

"It's going to be fine ....We just have to stay here till you are fine "Hassle said as he smiled warmly .

"I can't slow you all down ,you have to go on without me .Stop Lucile and save everyone ...There isn't time guys "Sammie said as he forced a smile .

"He is right ,I'll stay behind ....I can combine some leaves in the forest that will heal his wound faster ,We are gonna catch up with you all "Roseanne said as she rubbed Renee's back warmly .

"But you don't even know the place "Nadia said as she raised her hands up in the air .

"Degrio ....doesn't the place have a particular name ?"Renee asked as she wiped her tears.

"It's castle slum "Degrio said as he shrugged .

"I know there ....Who would have ever believe that was his hide out ?"Roseanne said as she giggled .

"I'll stay behind with them cause this three girls are going to need protection "Hardin said dramatically and everyone laughed .

"Are you sure ,you guys will be fine ?"Jimi said as he licked his lips .

"We don't have all day .....go now "Sammie said as he waved at them .

They all hugged each other before the rest took their leave ,leaving Roseanne,Hardin ,Renee and injured Sammie .

"My love ....I'm going to pull the arrow out "Hardin said as he pouted and Sammie shook his head in disapproval.

"I'm not your love ...it's going to hurt so don't try it "Sammie said in a stern voice .

Roseanne was squeezing some leaves that she had picked together ,her grandma has taught her this medicine .

Hardin smiled at him before pulling the arrow out and Sammie screamed loudly like a girl .

"Argh....I can hear my baby wailing "Hardin said as he threw the arrow away .

"It's not funny "Sammie groaned as he closed his eyes in pain .

Roseanne applied some portion and Sammie felt relieved .

"How do you feel now ?"Renee asked as she smiled .

"Better But still hurts a little "Sammie said as he winked at her ,as he still pant in pain slowly .

"Thanks to both of you jerks "he added and everyone smiled .

The three shrubs started moving again and they all stared at alert .

"Stand up let's run !"Hardin said as he tried to pull Sammie up .

" I can't run yet ....you guys should just save yourself cause I know it's another set of arrow again "Sammie said as his eyes got red .

"We aren't leaving you "Renee said as she hugged him .

"Yeah ...we are sticking together and what's the point we aren't still going to die ?"Roseanne said as she hugged them too .

"I love you three girls "Hardin said as he joined the hug ,Sammie gave him a stern look .

A big looking athridax crawled out from the bush as it crawled towards them .

"I had always wished to die in somewhere neat....not in the belly of something that hideous "Hardin said as his eyes widened.

The athridax crawled faster towards them as they shut their eyes waiting for the worst to happen .

Squash ! Squash !

Those were the sound they heard ,They opened their eyes as they saw the athridax laying dead on the floor with a sword in the belly .

They looked beside it and saw a group of people putting on a silver armor protecting their faces and body ,They were all holding weapons .

One of them was standing on the athridax as his /her sword was pierced into the belly .

"Who are you guys ?"Hardin said as he stood up ,Renee and Roseanne raising Sammie up with them as he groaned .

The people removed their mask as they all said in unison "Hi guys "

"You all must be kidding me !!"Renee said as she saw her mum in one of the silver armour .

"Mommy danger in the building "Mrs Ayodele removed her sword from the athridax belly ,climbing down from it .

"A thank you will do .."Queen Augustine said as she adjusted her golden armour .

"I love you all "Hardin ,Roseanne,Renee and Sammie said in unison ,they ran into their hands apart from Sammie who struggled to walk .His parents went forward to meet him .


Oh gosh ,I'm so tired you guys "Gold said as she stomped her feet on the ground .

"Do you need a piggy back your highness "Nathan said as he smiled .

Gold was about to reply when hassle cut her off "Don't worry ....I like giving her piggy backs "

"Awwww"Everyone teased as they all made funny sounds .

Gold hopped on hassle's back as she wrapped her legs around his waist as they commence the journey .

"I think we should be there in the next ten minutes "Nadia said as she smiled .

"I just hope Sammie and the rest are alright "Jimi said and everyone nodded .

"We are here guys ....I present to you castle slum "Degrio said as he waved his hands towards the castle .

"I guess you were wrong ma'am when you said ten minutes "Daniel said as he shook his head in fear .

"Well ,lets go kick Lucile's butt "Nadia said and everyone smiled ,they all walked towards the door in a haste .

They stood at the front of the huge door as they all looked nervous .

"Well ,we should head in "Hassle said as he dropped Gold off his back .

"I think the boys should go in first "Nadia said and gold agreed .

"You must be kidding me ?I think the girls should go in first since you are all really excited in kicking Lucile's butt"Degrio said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well that was a slip of tongue "Nadia said as she rolled her eyes .

"As the princess of sylpites ,I command you boys to enter first "Gold said as she raised her hands up in the air .

"Well ,I'm clearly not a Citizen of this place ...so I ain't going in "Jimi said as he smiled .

"You are a coward ....and you Hassle ,prove you are man enough .....I know Degrio is a chicken but I expected more from both of you "Nadia said as he squinted her eyes together .

"Like prove you are guys ....I never knew men were weaklings "Gold added as she stood near Nadia .

"Women ....Hmmm"Hassle said as he shook his head .

"They can lead you to the point of death "Jimi said as he giggled .

"Well,I And Daniel will head in since it's our work already "Nathan said as he smiled warmly .

Daniel followed him as he shook in fear ,They pushed the door and it made a creaking sound .

"I'm so scared right now "Daniel muttered as he and Nathan stepped in.

"You see guys it's danger free ...head in "Nathan said as he smiled heartedly .

They were all about to head in when Daniel screamed loudly .

"Something is wrong with me "Daniel screamed as he was walking about .

"What's wrong ?Stop walking Daniel "Gold said as she looked scared .

"I'm moving without my own accord ,it's controlling me "Daniel said as he cried and Nathan tried moving from his spot but his leg was rooted to the ground.

His smile varnished as he began to ask for help "Help us guys "

Daniel walked towards a big table as he picked up the shiny sword on it ,shoving it into his belly as blood spilled everywhere.

"Daniel"Everyone screamed in unison as they cried .

"I don't want to die ,help me "Nathan said as his feet began to move too .

"What the hell is going on ?"Nadia asked as she wiped her tears .

"I don't even know ....it's probably Lucile "Degrio said .

"It's definitely him ....let's help Nathan "Jimi said as he looked around .

"Wait ....the protection demon ,Its Degrio ....Hassle ,it's Degrio "Gold yelled loudly as she tapped hassle's hand .

"Yeah it's him .....I still have my necklace on me "Hassle said as his eyes widened.

"Throw it for him .....Be snappy "Gold yelled and everyone urged him .

Nathan caught the necklace ,he wore it around his neck and he stopped moving .

Everyone breathed out in relief as they stared at happy Nathan .

"It worked guys "Gold said as she smiled and everyone smiled .

Suddenly,Nathan started moving ....He picked up the sword ready to stab himself .

"What's going on ?"Hassle yelled as he looked shocked .

"Isn't the necklace supposed to be working ?"Nadia said as looked at Gold and Hassle .

"It usually does ....I'm confused "Gold said as she cried .

"That stupid Lucile "Hassle yelled as he didn't know what else to do .

"You know,I'll really find it comfortable if you had said that ,right in front me "A deep and husky voice said behind them and they all turned .

They all stood in shock as they stared at him as a grin was plastered on Lucile's face .

"I saw him at the other world "Nadia muttered to herself while the others were too stunned to speak .

"You little children ,This death game ain't for you ...."He was cut off by Nathan yell as he struggled with the sword in his hands .

"Let him go ...you bastard "Hassle said as he glared at him .

"What you children don't know is ,Magic belongs to me and you are trying to use me to stop me ....The necklace can never work cause I own everything,It's funny how I've let you all be fooled by the bait of magic .....You were all intrigued in it not knowing it's going to be the cause of your death "Lucile said as he let out a chortle ,his dark aura getting strong around them .

"What the hell are you taking about ?"Nadia said as she glared at him .

"I'm sure you all know why I'm kin of killing everyone "Lucile stopped talking as he stared at them for a while .

"Yeah....For some sick revenge ,Aren't you tired ?You've killed my forefathers ,My grandpa and my dad ....Aren't you stupid devil tired ?"Gold yelled at him as she sobbed uncontrollably.

He let out a dark laughter before speaking "It ain't enough child ,They killed my family so I'm going to keep doing that .I'm glad I sold my soul to the devil so I could plan my revenge on you guys and luckily ,A reader was born "

"You are going to go hell last last....Oloshi "Degrio said as he glared at him and Lucile just ignored him .

"The devilish reading power your stupid devil gave me ?"Gold yelled at him ....Her eyes filled with fury .

"Little girl ..Only if you knew how the creator loves you ..He gave you a prophesying power but you and your family didn't even know God ,Then I knew the mark on you ....so I waited for you to be born and since everyone here in syliptes,Everyone worships katig...I was able to use you to my advantages "Lucile said as he smiled .

"So you knew she was going to be born ?Why didn't you take her when she was in castle slum alone ....Why now ?"Nadia said as she glared at him .

"I wanted her to gather you all ,I trapped myself inside Seth knowingly and allowed you to free me ,that made my power grew .You were gifted with vision by God but you didn't believe in God too ,I used you for my purposes too "Lucile said as he floated around them .

He took a glance at Nathan and immediately Nathan stopped struggling with the sword .

Everyone let out a relief sigh and Nadia finally replied "I didn't work for you ....you didn't use me for any purpose "

"Dumb seer,At a time you believed in the lord ....You saw visions about your parents accident ,teachers and friends accident and you always averted them but you backslide and I rejoiced ,I started using you since there was no Holyspirit around you anymore ....I made sure you saw all those vision about me ...cause the more you all use magic ,The more I get powerful and finally your vision has lured you all here "Lucile said as he still floated around them .

"And then we have Hassle ,you aren't any guardian cause you can't guard yourself talk less of her ,I just Made up stuff to make you all believe in Magic so you could do more ....You are going to die soon you know that ,cause I made sure I scattered the inner system "Lucile added as he smiled .

"What is he saying Hassle ?"Gold cried as she walked towards to him ,shaking his body vehemently.

"It's nothing ,He is bluffing "Hassle said as he looked away .

"Still lying lad ,I made sure Degrio injured you that night ....I'm sure you have noticed you spill out blood often ...it's going to lead to your death soon so your case is close,I just have to deal with the rest and it's going to happen now "Lucile said as his gaze locked with Nadia who smiled and he quickly looked away .

"Hassle ....Tell me he is lying ?Tell me ?"Gold cried as she held him tightly.

"I'll be fine Gold "Hassle said as he still looked away .

"Puff,Dumb little children ....I think it's high time ...you all say bye bye "Lucile said as a warm smile crept up his lips.

He raised his hands up but was stopped by the sword that was fired at him ,piercing his back and he flinched a little .

"Don't you dare lay a hand on our children !"Mrs Lockett said as she walked to the scene alongside with the others ,Renee and Hardin helping Sammie to walk .

Gold and the rest just looked in shock ,seeing their parents in battle amours .

"Touch my child....But you have to go through me first "Queen Augustine said as she held her sword up in the air ,ready for battle .

"I'm going to shred you like a shredder Lucile "Mrs hulk said as she was holding a mini shredder .

"I'm going to vacuum you ,if you are a ghost because you are a piss of shit "Mrs Rowland said as she held her vacuum cleaner .

"I'm going to murder you "Mrs Henshaw said as she stood at alert .

"I'm about to gun you down you demon "Mr Langford said as he smiled .

"I heard your name is Lucile ....Wo oju mi dada lanre ...I know you are iya Ruka' child "Mrs Ayodele was cut off by her husband.

"Aduke ....This isn't lanre "Mr Ayodele said as he frowned at her .

"Isn't lanre iya ruka's second child's name ...He just posh up his name and changed it to Lucile ,I'm sure iya ruka gave him this his white form cause she is a witch ....See lanre ,ma no sege si e Lara ...You want to kill Jimi ....Your friend of those days ...Oloshi "Mrs Ayodele said as she glared at him ,everyone staring at her like she is mad .

"I don't have your time little children ,Thanks for making my job easier cause its easy ending you all since you are here now but it ain't easy ending that one over there "Lucile said as he pointed at Jimi who just smiled .

"Well ,Lucile is time to pack your bag and go ,Say hi to the devil for me "Jimi said as he smiled ,his hands at his back .

"Give me back that thing now "Lucile said in anger and everywhere shook ,his voice rumbling like thunder .