
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

True Peace

"Where's the boy?" Torifu asked as he walked away from Kagami and Hanako's body.

"I do not know, but he couldn't have got far. We will send out a search party tomorrow. Although, some wild animals may get to him before we do." The masked Nara confidently stated.

"That wouldn't be too bad. They would have done the job for us!"

"Torifu, keep on going ahead. I just need to sit and have a drink."

As Torifu advanced a couple of steps ahead, he stopped, "Actually, I'll wait. I wouldn't mind having a drink."

Upon turning around, he was met with shock. His stomach felt as if it were making its way up into his throat. He saw Kagami's sword protruding from the masked Nara's stomach. Torifu couldn't conjure any words. Language had completely left his mind. As he looked into the masked Nara's eyes, he saw Kagami reveal himself from behind the Nara's head.

Kagami twisted the sword ninety degrees, withdrawing it from the Nara's body by cleaving the left side of his abdomen. Kagami then grabbed the left side of his face, moving him to the right as if drawing curtains. The Nara's body fell to the ground, and Kagami made his way toward Torifu.

Torifu aimed his bow, firing an arrow into Kagami's chest. Continuing to walk, Kagami looked down and pulled the arrow from within him. He kept ahold of it in his left hand, and his chest was absent of any blood or mark.

"How is that possible?!" Torifu howled.

Once within range, out of panic, Torifu launched his right hand at Kagami. Kagami slipped to his left, simultaneously slicing Torifu's thigh with the sword in his right hand and shoving the arrow in his left through Torifu's calf.

As Torifu fell on one knee, Kagami picked him up by the throat, "You don't get to go down so easily." Kagami whispered into his ear, eyes overflowing with vengeance.

Kagami released his grasp, kicking Torifu a couple of metres back into a tree.

"You want to betray me?! Your friend?! Your status has made you overly confident... my friend."

As Kagami began to approach Torifu, he screamed in pain. He clasped one of his eyes with both hands, shouting in agony. Looking on in shock, Torifu noticed blood seeping through Kagami's fingers.

Kagami removed his hands from his face, wiping them on his leg. He then used his forearms to wipe the blood from his eye.

"No... not already." Kagami said to himself.

Having noticed this may be his only chance to defeat Kagami, Torifu raised his bow again, deciding to make the most of Kagami being distracted. Before he could release the arrow, Danzo swept in and snatched Kagami.

Once out of sight, Danzo placed Kagami down.

"Kagami, are you okay? What's happening?"

"My eye. I can't see."

"You're blind?"

"Yeah, in this eye. Danzo... I can sense two others near us."

"Don't worry about that, I'm here with you."

"Wait... they're getting closer. Danzo, I won't be much help. I dare say my chakra is very drained. You must hide me and use my eye."


Kagami reached to his other eye and took the Sharingan from its socket. He held his arm out with a smile.

"It's fine, Danzo. Use it to get us out of here. I believe in you."

Astonished, Danzo reach out and took it from Kagami's hand. Alerted by a noise, Kagami turned his head in the direction from which he heard it come from.

"Danzo, we must--"

Before Kagami could finish his sentence, Danzo stabbed him in the stomach. He held the back of Kagami's head, gently pulling him towards himself, sliding Kagami's body further down the blade.

"I'm sorry, Kagami. I never lied when I said I considered you my true friend. But... your loyalty to Lord Second and his philosophy is too dangerous to have around." After whispering into Kagami's ear, he forced the sword out from within him.

"No, Danzo!" Cried a voice.

Stunned, Danzo backed away from Kagami's body. From within the trees came Hiruzen and Torifu.

"What have you done?!" Hiruzen shouted, anger pulsating through his voice. He crouched beside Kagami, holding him in his arms.

"Torifu... take Kagami back for treatment. I'm going to end this right now."

Hiruzen stood up, staring into Danzo's soul.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Hiruzen. I have Kagami's eye at my disposal." Danzo bragged.

"You explicitly went against my orders and dragged Torifu into this. I can't let this go any further, Danzo."

"Hiruzen..." muttered Kagami.

Hiruzen stepped back and knelt beside him.

"What is it?" Hiruzen asked.

"Not now, Hiruzen. Not like this. As long as I am alive... I will make sure neither of you die. That's what--"

"-- Lord Second wanted... I know." Calmly interrupted Hiruzen.

"It's time for you to leave, Danzo." Commanded Torifu.

"My objective is complete anyway." Danzo responded before leaving.

"Kagami, we need to get you back." Hiruzen instructed.

"My time is done..." Kagami stated after a sigh.

"Come on, this is no place to die."

"Hiruzen... it's not too bad. I can't see it anyway." Joked Kagami. Hiruzen and Torifu began to chuckle, despite their eyes beginning to well with tears.

Torifu limped forwards, "Kagami... I will take my life and die beside you."

"Don't be foolish. This isn't your fault. Danzo is very good with words. It was my fault for letting him get the chance to deceive you."

"But you're my friend... Kagami. What I have done is unforgivable." Mumbled Torifu, tears falling down his cheek.

"We all make mistakes, Torifu." Kagami responded.

"Kagami... I, too, am sorry. It wasn't my idea to have Lord Second killed. Although I may indeed have differed in theory with how the village was managed... it took a lot of convincing by Danzo before I agreed."

"Hiruzen... let me die here. Just let me bleed out. Let me die with honour the way Lord Second did."

"If that is what you want... then I will stay with you till the end."

"As will I." Torifu proclaimed.

"Listen... Danzo has become very dangerous having acquired my eye. In fact... I would say it was a good thing you didn't fight him, Hiruzen. Especially without knowing what it can do."

"What can it do?" Asked Hiruzen.

"It will allow him to know what area of his body will be subject to attack."


"Hiruzen... you must not let him use it for his personal gain. You need to take it from him and destroy it. I don't want anyone to have it, it's too dangerous to be left around."

"Alright, Kagami."

"Hiruzen... Torifu... I need your word."

"I give you my word, Kagami." Responded Hiruzen.

"So do I." Followed Torifu.

"Guys... I do feel tired." Stated Kagami.

"Same. A nap wouldn't be such a bad idea." Remarked Hiruzen.

"What about you, Torifu? Are you tired?"

"Yeah... although I could just convert my calories into energy." Torifu jokingly responded.

Too tired to laugh, Kagami smirked.

"Are you in pain?" Hiruzen asked.

"True pain comes through living, and the pain of this life is coming to an end. I am finally about to experience true peace."