

So how many wipes... do you wipe ... you know after your clean the backup wipes?

I couldn't help but throw a thousand yard stare at him

. . . . .Three and then a baby wipe

Do you double the baby wipe ? . . . . maybe a threefold wipe?

My stare presents itself again

No, but maybe I should since my finger has been at the door a couple of times

He shows an empathetic face; it could be said he's been in dozens of wars, maybe even more

We've all been there, haven't we all have these battle scars


My left brow couldn't help but be raised.

I stand to wipe the crumbs off my shirt, batting them away like the gnats they were

Can you hurry up, man?

He's been insulted; his face tells

The food's good, but it's not so good to sit here for 30 minutes, especially when it's hot out

You just stood up . . . . It was expensive . . . I just can't believe this, not from you, at least taking away my God- given right to enjoy this damn good food

He says, after a couple of licks to the foil that it was wrapped in, Violated by a man like him

tch. . dude cmon

As my arms sway to the people around us


He crumbles the foil into a ball and shoots towards the trash. He barely makes it in, but the shot was amazing. If there was a crowd looking, they would cheer him

Hey, take the day off?

The bum says, I turn with a disgusted look on my face.

Eww, fix your face

I had hoped at least

C'mon I mean, I have two days before I leave for four years . . . It might even be the last time you see me

Marines right?

Nope Navy

And just for that, you have to take the day off as an apology to me, my soul, my heart.

*Vrrrrrrm Vrrrrmmm . . . . . .* Vrrrrrrrmmm Vrrrrrrrrmm

Uh huh, give me a bit


* Beep

Hey, you picked up the stuff, right * pant * pant

Sure did

The meat, seasonings an- * pant *pant

I got it all

* ungggh * ungggh

Listen, you're making weird noises, so see ya

- Bring your friends too - * bzzt * bzzt

Yup, I look down at my phone and a quick glance at my friend it's just a day 2 hours before work at least it won't be a no call no show

A message is good enough * scoffs,and it ain't my problem if she don't see it

All right, let's go

I say as I walk toward him.

Off day ?

Off day


But, I have to drop some stuff off at home real quick

Of course, I Hope that meat you had didn't spoil

And also, what type of friend would I Be if I didn't at least send you off properly I pat his back to assure him

You probably would have only sent a message If we didn't hang out today, right?

Course I would, He makes a disapointed face

I pat his back again, this time for comfort. " Now Get in."

*beep * beep

*Thud. . . . . . . . . . . .* Thud

*Ding.... *Dong

Don't you have keys?

I do

Then use them

I lost them, and I would have opened the door by now as well Ah right, as I look around the house to make sure no one's creeping, I then grab a stick that's softly dug into the soil and start scraping at a crevice in the wall

*scccrh scccrh *

Ain't afraid, I'll rob your house

I look him up and down

I doubt you'd be able to not with these vicious animals alive As I open the door, three little Chihuahuas bark at full power and speed

*bark * bark * bark*

I Can't even call these barks; they're just screaming or yapping

*yap * yap * yap

How you guys doing as he squats down to the ground

Hey, can you grab my charger

Sure, where at

Next to my bed

Looking around the house as I head towards the kitchen, it's a bit quiet, apart from the dog's nails hitting the floor.

Did you bring me juices she says

I look in her direction with such speed that it could make someone nauseous.

Scared ya huh, She starts scourging the bags so swiftly that you could feel the wind hitting your face.

It's not here

I left a couple of groceries in the car

As she walks toward the front door, she says

You're a man, and you couldn't bring it all at once

An insult that will definitetly make its way towards my heart later

I yell, Bring the rest too

Is this one he says holding the charger


Man, you need to clean up your room

Im not hearing this from a bum. His expression changed into one of heartbreak. If it could make a noise, you would probably hear it now

All right here

*plop *plop



Oh shit how ya doin' Cormac going to the army right

Nope, Navy haven't really been doing anything, I guess just working out.

That's it

Two words, but enough to take a shot at his self esteem, made mine waver a little too.

Well, take care

Hey, where's Noemi?


What about Maja? And then

Probably working I don't know

Well, then, where's mom?

Probably working too. Now get out of the kitchen. I got to cook.

You sure you have enough time

She nods, Now go pick up the cake

Sheesh, man, alright

I go to my friend, who is still frozen in place due to a devastating insult

I pat his back yet again. It's all right, man

I need a drink after that.

A bar it is then

*Thud * Thud

God damn man I know your sister was a little harsh, but oooooh I know she was feeling me

Yeah, just as much as that girl who asked to borrow a pencil from you

Maaaaaan, im gonna miss this. * sniff * sniff

You're going to start crying

*Sniff Yeah, I think *sniff

Tears started to come out I started to well up as well but for him his snot hit the table first

ew man *scoffs* clean it up

yeah, he said as he wipes it away with his shirt *eugh yet he wipes his face with a napkin cleanliness but at some costs

* Dring Bing * Dring Bing

Oh shit we've got to go pick up the cake

Right, just let me clean my face

* burp

Uh huh, well, I'm going to take the tab you take the next time, and uh, well try not to hurl on the rims if you know what I mean

yeah * sniff

As I walk to the waitress at the front I seem to wonder what'll be of my friend wil this be where we part? Will we still be in contact? anyways.

How much will it be?


oh, uh three

The four shots of t-


It'll be 43.27 dollars.

Here you go.

unnnnnnnnggh euuuuuuuurgggh

oh god . . . .you know it's fine Keep the change. Im so sorry

The smell is even worse the closer I get; its pungency makes the nose twitch and the eyes ready to squirt

Jesus, why'd you have to get so fucked up

His arm just passes through the table, swiping all the banana pudding like vomit. Did he even try picking it up? Just looking at it makes one gag

Im so sorry. I could only offer my condolences

Ding. . . . .

I hope she doesn't clean it up since we've seen eye to eye.

eugh. . . . . . . you didn't even wash your face. You smell maybe that's just the arm. . . . . god wow you know what just take it off there's a trash right their, I've barely let go and he's already waddling and wobbling

Man, it's hot

Did you just start to feel it? He says, Oh wow, why are you so blurry. . . . . . oh man, was I the one wobbling? I fall down, my knees hurt. . . . . .the air's getting cold, an exhaustion is starting to creep.

Holy shit dude . . . . get me up real quick

hicccup, i can't * burp

Huh what . . . . . oh right

My head hits the pavement *pant *pant *pant it's coming out I feel it in my hands my heart so fast heart attack? Im twenty-two I can't help but scratch my chest. I feel closed in, but it's so open. The air is freezing my lungs, but it was just . . . . . .so hot

All you have to do is stay calm

Calm I . . . . .*hah dying please help me up

His face is so close; his breath is bad, but why is he normal? Wasn't he just stumbling when did he come to me shouldn't he be wobbling too

Im sorry, I did what she wanted

Who's. . . . . she, oh right, the cake was me drugged mind not so clear

Now take care

Wait, please stay.

*Auuuuggghh Auggggh holy shit you have to let go

Screaming when was dark hand mushy

Please, you have to calm down

*euurrrgh eugnnnghh

A smell in the air nostalgic but so revolting Can't help but open my mouth.

*euuuurrrrghghhgh rauug angeeh

*heuh *heuh

* pant * pant

* cruuunnch * creeeeuk

Ah that's right happy birthday mom

Well this was originally supposed to be a comic but well I suck at drawing so I guess I'll be writing this novel for now please critique me as it's my first time publishing a novel.

RAWHOTDOGcreators' thoughts