
To The Us That We Once were

A great mystery is waiting to be solve and the curtain of uncertainty that covers the truth is unveiling. The thread of destiny is being unwoven and the beast of judgement has awoken. ps:I don't own the characters other than the oc, I also don't own the arts so all rights and credits to the artist(please don't sue me, I'll take it down just say so)

Rein_Cypher · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


"goodbye" Normal talking

'goodbye' Thinking

'goodbye' Flashback

[goodbye] Inner Voice


Unknown POV

This pass  weeks every time I close my eyes and enter the land of dreams, the dream I've been dreaming  always show the same scenery...

I saw a man sitting upon a throne in a combustion kingdom and the city in ruins. I could see countless bodies of the invaders in the ground being devoured by the destructive nature of the seemingly never-ending sea of black and blue flames leaving nothing even their ashes.

The starry night was covered by thick cloud of smoke and the cries of men, women, and children filled the night. It reeks of death and destruction that will make even the sanest and strongest men go mad and die. I looked back at the king again and saw his blood red soulless eyes that can Pierce Through my soul deprived of emotions,  the irony...

Our eyes met and he got up from his throne and slowly walk towards me with his black blade stained in red from the blood of his enemies. His long silky Onyx black hair danced through the air and under the moonlight that pierced through the dark clouds, and as he walk towards me and slowly as he gets near me the pressure gets stronger making me harder to breath. I thought I was gonna die but that was I was impossible for I am aware that this is a dream....yet I can't help but feel the overwhelming pressure of dread, death, and melancholy....

Now the man standing in front of me and the feeling of familiarity came rushing in the moment I got a better view of his face.  While I was lost in my thought the king's mouth moved and a voice came out saying...


"huh?" my mouth opened and managed to unconsciously mutter a word while staring at the king with a perplexed expression.


I suddenly heard a deafening roar up in sky where cracks began to show. I looked up at the direction of where the roar came from and there, A gigantic beast that I can only describe as horrid and unholy came bursting out of the cracks creating a massive hole in the sky. The black clouds that covered the night disappeared because of the beast's  size casting its shadow  from the night lights on to the kingdom. 

As if the beast's appearance signified the end of the world, the earth began to crack and so did the sky. And as if gravity no longer exist large chunk of the earth, rubles, houses, and living beings began to float.

The beast's ghastly eyes met ours now getting his full attention.

"Annoying..." I heard the man whisper startling me forgetting that he was there.

"This is getting annoying so please...wake up....." And before I could react the man raised his sword slashing towards my head, I could see myself falling down yet my body is still standing...

ah I got decapitated didn't I

I heard and somehow how felt my head hit the ground and hear my own blood gushing and my body falling and feel the puddle of my own blood but felt no pain. I can still see him looking right in my eyes before turning around and walking away while saying...

"....Please do o better than me and wake up....Mikami Satoru"

And everything turned pitch black.